BLM is finally calling for killing people!!

>During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took to the megaphone to voice her support for, among other things, “killing people,” and “killing the White House.”
>“Fuck white supremacy, fuck the U.S. empire, fuck your imperialist ass lives. That shit gotta go.”

>At 1:50 in the video clip, she goes, “And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.”

>While she said that, another protester can be heard saying, “Burn it!”

>She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”

>“Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, its your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change,” she said.

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Ship every nigger back to Africa.

MLK spinnin rn

Does that mean Sean King has to commit suicide?:^)

Take no shit from anyone cause white race rules We fight the communists, cause communists are fools Try to take our nation, and give it to the marx We'll take it anymore, we're gonna take our nation back and we'll say Nigger, nigger, get on the boat Nigger, nigger, row Nigger, nigger, get out of here Nigger, nigger, go, go, go... On are nation streets, they're burning down our land But the goofs in government put money in their hands Give them money, give them jobs, and all the white mans rights We'll take it anymore and taken without a fight and we''ll say Nigger, nigger, get on the boat Nigger, nigger, row Nigger, nigger, get out of here Nigger, nigger, go, go, go... Nigger, nigger out, out x4 Nigger, nigger out, out x4 We've got to love this land of ours, and fight to keep it white Never going to give it up, cause we know we're in the right And if they try to take it we will fight them to the death And in the end, the White man wins, cause there won't be no rest cause we''ll say Nigger, nigger, get on the boat Nigger, nigger, row Nigger, nigger, get out of here Nigger, nigger, go, go, go... Nigger, nigger, get on the boat Nigger, nigger, start to row Nigger, nigger, get out of here Nigger, nigger, go, go, go... Nigger, nigger out, out x4 on the boat..

Washington MAIDAN. Is the only way.

You cant talk with nazis . YOU must kill them.


Fucking dindus. Got nothing better to do than rip on the people keeping you alive. I wish Trump would sign an order forcing all welfare recipients to got to Africa and never come back.

Ya but a white guy just shot up a mosque in Quebec city. Maybe she's right, maybe white people are cancer..

Would you call chemotherapy that tries to remove the thing that is slowly killing you cancer?

There's a reason they lose federally and at so many state levels. The Republican's opposition party is basically a flaming pile of garbage at this point. Feel bad for good Dems but jesus christ you've lost the plot.

wut? i thot it was 2 mudlismes????

>White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all
ok it's time for the military to step in and kill these niggers

>shot up a mosque

Sounds to me like a white guy found a cure for cancer...

Come and get it nigger

Deport those that threaten Trump.

Shouldn't even be controversial. Western countries would put you in military jail, non-Western countries would just murder you for threatening the head of state.

I fucking hate you, hat

Who is that woman?

Fake news.

hel da yoo ess yyyy done give em trillions of dollars in aid and programs for decades now. decades!!!! but more do these niggers want????


inb4 free speech

If I point a gun at you and demand money, that's not free speech, it's speech used to commit a crime - fire in a theater etc

retards still dont understand that the World Trade Organization and the World Bank that these people apparently love so much, isn't america, and is the cause of "American" imperialism, and its not even american

Spread it. Most effective propaganda ever.

Good luck

t black man

Don't you get lonely? I mean living on an island with just one man on it must be boring.

>Fake news
Okay buddy thanks for telling me what's happening in my province is fake from the United states

Please god, if you exist, make BLM niggers start killing whites.

They would get mowed down so fast it would solve more things than trump alone could solve.

>we need to start killing people
you heard the bonobo everyone. help them out.

>a fucking leaf

I'm not a lawyer, but hypothetically, lets say this gets out, and BLM starts killing people. If they were to be labeled a terrorist group, could Soros face charges for funding them?

That would complete my life.

I've dreamed of this moment.

>niggers demand gibs

What a shock.

theres too many niggers. you are going to need a bigger boat!!!




Picture the female power dynamic, dude. I don't even have to do anything and they tear each other apart to get at my dick

Sex has become a social chore


If you haven't got this trending yet, it means you're not trying hard enough.

>yfw BLM to be declared domestic terrorist organization soon

And the truth comes out. BLM is just a ruse to get more free sheeeit from whitey. EVERYTHING niggers do, every cause they champion, is just a ruse to get more free shit from whitey

Never a more relevant screen cap. 1917 was now exactly 100 years ago and the Bolsheviks (social democrats) are on the rise again.

I own a sam7sf that says otherwise about taking my money, home, and land.

For one, I doubt he's stupid enough to fund them directly; one holding company to the next probably.

And two, groups of BLM 'protesters' have already attacked and killed police

> her
> she

That's a man baby, yeeaaahhhhh

>>She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”
>>“Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, its your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change,” she said.

literally "gibsmedats"

memes are real

Soros is at it again it seems. This time in Washington State.


Literally says hes going to radicalize his preschool children. Surprised he cant lose his job for that

>gibs me dat or I violence
Nothing new desu

13% vs 87% of the population? I think we just found the night solution in America, let the war happen.

That's a woman? wtf

HWNDU put me back to normal on race quite a bit but shit like this makes it really hard for me to not fucking hate these niggers.

Nice third leg you got there.

You gotta take out liberals and other lefty fags like antifa out of those 87 percent + a lot of whites who think that "killing black people is wrong!".

To be fair, we'd say it right back except niggers don't have money, houses and property.



They need to stop talking shit and just fucking do it already. I've been waiting for 2 years now for these assholes to create justifiable cause for your true American to fuck them up. They aren't scary, they are bunch of fucking punks.


>kill the white house

that ain't how it works

As a black guy, do what you must to defend yourselves. I dont align with BLM and think they're ignorant.

This is what america gets for importing farm equipment.

Well niggers have a very poor grasp of housing that isn't a Corbusian nightmare project. They may think the small ones are large animals like the elephants that hunt them in the homeland.

these people are terrorists

can we please doxx this bitch

or at least report her to the FBI

Stay frosty, Sup Forums

my body is eternally ready


how the fuck did /that/ do /that/

Remember when three people Heiling Trump made the entire event a FROTHING WHITE SUPREMACIST NEONAZI RALLY OF HATE?

That logic is thrown out for this.

You Uhh... You go to work wearing that? To the mall? Mowing the grass?

>BLM is finally calling for killing people!!
>Well not really all of BLM
>Well, just some retard with a bull horn
>And 1 guy in the crowd
Yep, that's the official policy position for the entire Black Lives Matter movement.


no but its in my truck at all times

>2 X's

>chaim pls

What a sad day, less than 10 years ago they would have tear gassed these niggers but then a PC chief had to be put in to castrate the police force.


ah im a retard yes

You're wrong.

Hold them to their own standards.

you are a jew for posting dox on some irrelevant sheboon

Are any of you faggots actually scared of this???? If these nigs or libs actually try something or do a "revolution" they'll actually be btfo'd so hard that they'll just cease to be nothing more than just a shit stain in our country you niggers are just fear mongering


kek wills it ill shut up


I'm half memeing but seriously, they will hang themselves with this shit


It's going to be something close. Rumor has it that he's going to start drug testing government assistance recipients. We could end this BLM bullshit by going after Soros. With out the money and the buses this shit would collapse within a week.

that person sounds like a South-Asian tranny

they definitely arent helping their group

do these people even know what theyre doing? of course not, nigs cant see consequences

One problem though, where the fuck could Soros be at? Bastard travels around making it hard to find him.

>scared of loud-mouthed insane people who are violent
It's like you don't realize they are trapped here with us.

and niggers wonder why people hate them.

Ug I live among these cucks... not many blacks up here but so many mexicans, lgbt, and asians. for some reason all our women are just bipolar feminists. Wa does have many white supremacist groups but they are on the fringes.

It's 2017 and we get:
>Our guy Trump is president
>One step away from a Race War
This is incredible. It's everything Sup Forums has ever wanted. Once this is all over we will be living in Mad Max / Fallout in real life, or who knows. But it'll be incredible.

Blood God needs to sustain his power level somehow. It wont let it go without trying.

They've been calling for this and delivering on it since back in 2014 when those 2 cops were targeted in NYC, then the shootouts in Dallas and Baton Rouge last summer.

Do it!
Violence from these elements will solidify support for the Trump regime among normies and provide justification for the actions needed to Make America Great Again.

>an activist
I need a name.


I've been saying this for years and have been begging uppity social media nigras to attempt a violent insurrection for as long


Even the "right wing" media won't give names of their enemies to the public

as a certified card carrying member of the right wing death squads i approve this message

A name will surface once a parent of a child this lunatic has access to sees the video. Takes time.

Fapping time!

kek is with you