Sweden Took 162k Refugees Last Year, 494 Got Jobs
Read more: dailycaller.com
Sweden Took 162k Refugees Last Year, 494 Got Jobs
Read more: dailycaller.com
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lmfao, they are so fucked
whats the percentage
Is it surprising?
We all got this fucking cunt to thank, he's still saying they're important for the economy. Worse than Merkler, thank fuck he pussied out when his party lost in 2014
What's even worse is that they're blaming the Arbetsförmedligen for it, and linking this article: svt.se
Thank fuck most people except for the ones in the media have woken up
0.3 something?
Love that the MSM here are focusing more on the Mosque shooter and that he "LOVED DONALD TRUMP"
Mass deportation and removing the media will fix most problems they caused
>he's still saying they're important for the economy
How do these fuckers not get locked up in loony bins?
You don't really think 162000 jobs are even available in Sweden do you?
That's a question that's actually circling around non-brainwashed people here, the fuck even got a job at SVT a few months back. First interview he got roasted by a dane and just sat there smiling
He wants to see Sweden burn, and he's the cause main cause of The Cuckening of Sweden.
Did they mention how it went from 3 shooters screaming allahu akbar to 1 Trump supporter?
>Daily Caller
Come on, at least post something from a legitimate source.
I think this picture explains a lot
They literally didn't even want to mention that they yelled "Allahu akbar" so they wouldn't offend people, but now when it's a "Trump supporter" it's fully ok
I am a québécois. I swear on my fucking head that one of the Muslims who prayed came to tv yesterday on LCN (new channel) and said he saw 2 shooters. For some reason the 2nd one who is Muslim suddenly did nothing and was released this afternoon.
>Muh doctors and engineers
To replace the white man which won't accept glorified slavery once the jews completely automate the whole tertiary industry.
Same situation in germany. If you call them out on that they a) don't want to integrate or barely want to speak the language b) hate western civilization and just create their own muslim enclaves in germany/sweden, aren't capable of working and are just bleeding germany and swedens finances dry, they will just switch to "you a racist and xenophobe".
The inevitable situation is that either they bankrupt germany or sweden financially aswell as culturally, or they get deported. This is exactly why there should be zero welfare for any migrant especially illegal migrants or refugees, for the first let's say 10-15 years.
If that became a western wide policy, this "migration flow" would stop within 3 weeks/as soon as they heard the news.
To ensure world peace and an equitable distribution of wealth.
1,6% of the population of the country is just new "refugees". that's fucking crazy (and without counting those that are there "without documents"). sweden is becoming a white-minority country in 20 years or even faster
>To ensure world peace and an equitable distribution of wealth.
How is that going to work?
So they can become CEO's and employ even more people of course.
Stop being a retard. Mass immigration started in 1968, not 2006
I just hate these naive idealists who couldnt be satisfied with a perfect country, they had to do this bullshit.
If these places want a higher standard of living, they should have less kids, and then try to improve their basic infrastructure and create their own businesses that serve that infrastructure etc. this is precisely why they are born into poverty.
Sweden saw a record 163,000 applications for asylum last year as a result of the migrant crisis and many Swedes were assured that the new arrivals would contribute to the economy; but new research from Sweden’s state-owned SVT reveals that fewer than 500 migrants have found work.
Using data from the Swedish employment agency and the Swedish migration authority, Migrationsverket, the network claims that only 494 asylum seekers are contributing to the economy, The Local reports..
I don't know... but probably better than "RWDS"
The real question is, where are they? I travel a lot because of my job and I've been to all major cities like Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg and it looks the same to me, sure if you enter the real slums you can spot them pretty easily but otherwise Sweden is a pretty utopia as always. These news sounds like the cities are drowning in immigrants, maybe they're at asylum homes somewhere in the middle of nowhere?
It's not even real jobs, it's fake jobs payed by the state in most cases. They have a new program where they will send refugees out in the woods on #FakeJobs to hide the statistics, literally just bus them out in the woods and have them sit around a fire and eat sauage while they get payed.
If you want to improve / diminish world poverty then ask these fucks to stay in their countries and get them to work, that's actually the best solution. So no, you're objectively wrong.
Immigration increases global poverty, it doesn't diminish it, the biggest factor in world poverty is high childbirth in already empoverished nations aswell as lack of self reliance in those nations.
I've been to all three cities and they are so many muslims that you wouldn't even notice if 160K extra arrived. Especially in Rosengård in cucked Malmö.
> Germany announced reforms to its labor laws in May to make it easier for migrants to enter the job market. Migrants are exempt from minimum wage regulations and thousands of “one-euro jobs” — in which refugees can work for low wages of between $1.13 and $2.80 per hour — have been created. (RELATED: Germany To Strip Job Protection From Citizens To Make Room For Refugees)
It's the globalists (Soros and his ilk) again. How to force people to work for lower wages? Import a bunch of shitskins and have those work for a dollar an hour. They are non-citizens, but they have work permits, while they """""wait""""" for their asylum process to finish. Yeah I bet it will finish real quick, when someone is making a buck off them.
why not make them build something or wash windows?
Starbucks can hire 10k of them.
Come on. Memes will do the work.
Why not make the 10% unemployed already in the country do that?
That's fucking smart and great for their economy
Damn man, almost free slaves
Wow Sweden, almost a full third of a percent of them maybe aren't a complete drain on your economy.
theres no sources, so im not going to take this as true
Nice shilling, I went to Helsingborg the other day, saw around 80% muslims and brownies in the entire city midday, absolutely crawling with them. Theres at least one refugee center in every town in Sweden, literally every town, it's insanity, they are everywhere and multiplying.
Even my white town is now affected, criminals everywhere and I haven't seen a swedish woman out alone in the past half year, they used to be everywhere walking and jogging. It's all gone, it's all dead.
>why not make them build something or wash windows?
Have you seen their home countries?
Sorry, I can't really trust another country talking about Sweden when it comes to immigration. It's a kinda "you have to be here"-experience if you know what I mean.
Get out of sweden achmed.
Have you tried rinkeby? Google the population count
Fucking insane.
They need them so they have people to march holding 'refugees welcome' signs.
Why should I care? Swedes are racist against Finns but love sandniggers. Let them enjoy their hell.
Because they actually ruin everything they touch, it's hard to imagine but they truly are subhuman, it's not a meme, to even suggest we are the same subspecies is a great insult to my name.
It would cost more to maintain what they "fix" than just send them out in the woods to do nothing whilst keeping them busy so they don't rape and sell drugs.
I like this.
Sweden already has high unemployment rate amongst youths
Dont be an Islamophobe user, it only makes them more aggressive.
We're better than those racists at Sup Forums.
Does not matter, rest of them fuck their womans, and so they hope to rise the population level.
0.003% of Refugees actually got jobs after moving to Sweden.
Even Mexican Illegal Immigrants aren't that bad.
I wouldn't trust them to put together a child's puzzle, let alone BUILD something.
Give the jobs to the natives. Make us build gas chambers and ovens. That has to create some jobs and ways to dispose of the shit. Might even be a new source of power.
>oy vey möh swedes bringing civilization we was mudhut dwellers n sheit
This my fellow romebro.
It will give the Western Countries the much needed population booms, after all, when those old racist farts are dead, who's going to work ?
A finnish girl (or swedish minority as she put it) said that finland was literally a hunter and gatherer population right up until the Swedes had come. She said this was around 1200s.
If this is true, then it's hard to believe.
But they are not your slaves. They are not the slaves of the average german. They are slaves of the capital owners.
Hunting and gathering is actually superior to the first forms of agriculture a civilization will experience. Agriculture only become superior to hunting and gathering after generations of having already done it so it's not surprising that a group that has a plenty full Environment would remain a hunting and gathering society.
>Statistics aren't a legitimate source
The shills are relentless
What do these refugees actually do all day? Just sit in their free housing watching free TV and eat free food?
>applied for asylum
thats not the same thing
hopefully they will all be denied
Yep the same thing niggers in America do
Their bigest mistake was thinking that these subhumans would actually be able to perform simple tasks required for such jobs, but they can't, they really can't. So now Germany and Sweden are stuck with people that will never be able to work in a modern society, whilst having kids that are unable to manage school in a modern society, eventually creating such a surplus of citizens that rely on welfare that the state collapses, it's inevitable.
>494 Got Jobs
490 of them are going to slip and fall and sue their employers for bigger gibs.
Sup Forums needs to start a meme of proud, self-sufficient negros and spread it like wildfire
anyway there isn't really much they can do since they don't have any way to learn swedish and they probably don't know english either.
we shouldn't be letting them in but there is nothing we can do, the united nations tells us everyone has the right to seek asylum
These are the brown people who will continue to keep the Jews in power and will continue to expand the government. They knew exactly what they were doing.
The only solution is to start killing refugees.
Yes, and the rest of the migrants sit at bars and coffe shops all day. If you head out at 1400 in any larger Swedish town you will think you were in the middle east somewhere, none of them work almost. Less than 30% of migrants that came since the 90s has any form of a job after 15 years in Sweden.
there is no way that small country took in 162 refugees in a year
>right to seek asylum
this is insane. We need to close the borders totally and indefinitely.
because liberal are retarded
why do yuro countries let "refugees" walk in.... then they apply for asylum?
they should be let in once they are granted asylum
yuros are retarded
we didn't take them in. they applied for asylum and the according to the united nations we have to process their application and have them stay here while they do that
as you probably realize its hard for a country with 10 million population to process 162k applications
hopefully most of them will be denied though since we tightened up our immigration policies quite a lot last year
Edit it to Starcucks
new leadership is on the way
because we have to
How is this even possible? That's almost 2% of the whole country population, 1 in 50 people are new refugees now?
Holy fuck what kind of damage does a sudden influx like that have on a country's welfare system/taxpayer?
you let them in though... it is very hard to deport people
the US is 100% fucked, but europe may survive with new leadership
181,000 migrants entered Germany in October 2015 alone. It's like the barbarian invasion of Rome all over again.
Sweden is literally at the brink of economical collapse.
Only thing keeping Sweden afloat is massive loans due to our AAA bank-credit rating.
ehm no
It was actually more than 162k, our own migration minister confirmed that only upwards 70-80% actually applied for asylum, the rest are here illegally still, resorting to crime. So more like 200k in a year. In the worst period, some 15k entered per week in the south, mainly via Malmö and the bridge from Denmark.
It's not, she was probably retarded because of inbreeding.
you dont
you can tell the UN to fuck off, you choose not to
breitbart is fake news.
oh boy you should have seen 2015
Do you have any source, it's hard to believe. I had no idea the refugee crisis is on that level.
they took in over 1M in a year
either way it was crazy
they let anyone and everyone walk in
the artice clearly says 2015
are you retarded?
More problems for the coming decades if you ask me. Look how the multicultural dream from the 60's failed. Many muslims got radicalised even if they were born in Western countries, then they went to Syria. Don't get me started on the tens of thousands who have "gone missing" either.
Here you go bud.
Sad to crush your hopes fellow Swede, but no one is getting deported, it's basically impossible since no one wants them back. They are here to stay apart from the odd 10-20 that gets deported each month at most. That's a lifetime of deportations if you want to get rid of high enough numbers to matter.
Maybe they are too downtrodden to get jobs, too defeated, too tired of war, racism, walking from Syria to Europe. Maybe they aren't eager to go out and work but just live.
Also why would you hire a refugee who will leave the country soon to go back home when you can hire a Swede who lives there?
Yeah thank god my country is at least based in that regard; you now Cant declare refugee status while already on Australian soil
pekkas are honorary swedes