Meme's aside, what jobs does this major qualify you for? What is the point of this?
Meme's aside, what jobs does this major qualify you for? What is the point of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bitching about wage gap
Proffesional privilege checker
Feminist studies professor
If you're going for a university position or a place where you intend to publish papers (i.e. feminist theoretical analysis or culture critique) a feminist studies major is a perfect signal that you'll be saying what (((they))) want you to say.
In shitty hyper lib cities (Jew York, San Fran, Seattle) you could maybe cheese your way into some bullshit "diversity" supervisor position. Anywhere else it's a guaranteed job as a StarBuck's barista.
>cutting edge research
Fuck I hate when meme-tier majors sound like they actually contribute something to society. Developing a new type of prosthetic or finding new ways to maximize efficiency in agriculture is research. Looking at a bunch of cosmo mags and coming to the """conclusion""" that women are objectified isn't research
>Cutting edge
How the fuck can they have the gal to say that?
Get shekels from stupid people. Easy to teach, minimal overheads.
It's easy money for a university, the margins on such courses must be incredible.
Victim Complex Denial Specialists
>Cutting edge research
Holy shit someone ship these whores to the middle east they need a good beating
Most learn the degrees are worthless and go to beauty school to cut hair after they graduate.
It is easy to pay these people to protest, or get them involved in low level (dis)information campaigns, because they don't really have prospects. They can be lured with the idea that after being in X organization, they can work for Y party or cause. When they are not immediately useful, they are warehoused in make work jobs until they are called on again (either directly, or because their work is not fulfilling due to being mostly fake).
My understanding is that companies in california need people to run the safe space room.
I love those old french uniforms
>what jobs does this major qualify you for?
Single mom on welfare
This and professional activist. It is literally a field that exists for the sole purpose of self-perpetuation.
Barista or a profesional hurt feelings blogger
Professor, "writer", "journalist" (a-la (((HuffPo))) )
Get a job as a female campaign manager/contributor. Hillary is hiring for 2020.
In terms of occupation it's only good for getting a job as a teacher. A liberal education isn't supposed to earn you money
Hillary was already too old and her body was falling apart in this past election, what makes you think she will manage through 2020?
>Most learn the degrees are worthless and go to beauty school to cut hair after they graduate.
>knowing anything about beauty
top lel mate
Basically you qualify to teach Feminist Studies. That or become a professional (((((activist)))))
>pussywillow in the picture
I am not liberal scum.
Wasn't this Elliot Rodgers school?
It's for people that want to become NEETs but think being several thousant dollars in debt would be fun too
Actually, it provides really decent opportunities in middle management and HR. It's a good place to go if you want to A) participate in the service economy B) make any money at it.
Professional child brainwasher (elementary school teacher)