Sup Forums btfo

>be Nazi roleplayer
>get punched

Other urls found in this thread:

>hate fascists
>punch people for having different opinions
>lack self-awareness

Are you scared, nazi scum?

> actor punching another actor

> drawing of a guy being punched

> real incident of a fascist punching somebody for having a different political view

Got it.

>beating up mental gymnastic meme fucks who bastardize free speech to end free speech
>somehow this is wrong

be commie roleplayer

get shot

I knew that libtards were insane before this but I thought they were at least regular enough people to not advocate violence (outside of antifa anyway).

But it's unironically extremely concerning how many of them are actually CELEBRATING or advocating violence against someone just because they have a different opinion. Especially because he's not even a "neo-nazi", they just labeled him whatever suited their narrative and then went with it to the point of violence. Societies fall apart because of crap like this.

>be jew
>get gassed

Unlike pussy Spencer, I'm not afraid to punch back.

>bastardize free speech
What does that even mean?

>Fistfight an armed assailant

>Fistfight an armed assailant

>Suckerpunch an unarmed distracted man


Would totally accept this if nazis could retaliate without consequences as well.

>assaulting people for saying words

Clearly the mentally-stable man's act

Sup Forums isn't quite what you think it is.

>literally pushing for the mass importation of third worlders with a different culture that refuse to adapt to the host country's culture
>literally pushing for the destruction of the American culture and values
>literally advocating for violence for having a different opinion
And he DARES to say what's "American" and who are the "fascists"

>be a leaf
>get raked

Isn't fighting commies also as american as apple pie? Maybe you should bring it back, too

>wah why are twitter deleting my white supremacist and jew hate accounts?
>wah twitter hates free speech wah Sup Forums pls help me complain to the white house
cmon dumbfuck.

Great thread OP, here let me shake your hand.

>voted for a fucking commie like Sanders


>still pushing liberals are commies meme
its 2017. Either come back home and get punched or stay there and get beheaded.

be muslim roleplayer
get shot

It's antifa we're talking about, you dumb fuck. Antifa is a marxist group


>movies and comics are the same as assault
I see...

>>literally pushing for the mass importation of third worlders with a different culture that refuse to adapt to the host country's culture
>>literally pushing for the destruction of the American culture and values

Nobody wants this, lay off Sup Forums kid.

It's part of the "No Tolerance for Intolerance" dogma of the left. You cease to be human if you're a racist and need to be genocided to protect the future well-being of global citizens.

What cracks me up is how these same idiots are completely silent when you bring up the modern day nigger slavery that Muslims practice or the overt racism of the East Asians.

They don't even bother to rationalize, they'll just pretend as if you said nothing and go back to crying about Nazis who don't even fucking exist in the modern era.

as jewish as all (((american))) media

you stupid malaysian fuck, free speech is free speech. You should be able to say whatever you want

>implying antifa 'fash-bashers' are liberal

you should shut the fuck up about topics you don't know anything about

A literal shit-eater punching an autistic larper is the hero of the left.

Apple pie is French.

not in his shithole

Reminder that most Americans wanted to stay out of WWII and we had no right to fight Germoney.

>people protesting a ban on the importation of people who abide by a religion incompatible with secularism
>not a destruction of American values
Lay off the centrist meme, kid.

>it's okay to punch nazis
>if you disagree about me on any matter you're a nazi :^)

Fascism here we come

>((((Stephen Speilberg))) film
>((((Stan Lee)))) comic
>((((Gerry Duggan)))) telling non-jewish white people what ""american"" values are

All nazi pantshitters must be punched. And by Nazis, I also mean Republicans.

We, the people, are DONE playing games.

Muslims, brown people, and most of all NASTY women are declaring open season on far right pantshitters. Any symbol of far right pantshitterism or comment in support of Donald Dumbfuck in public is immediate grounds for broken nose.

No laws apply when the President is an illegitimate RAPIST Islamophobe Pussygrabber.

>no get
Kek's calling you on your shitpost.


2 are wearing a swastika band, one isnt.

White skin the equivalence of a swastika according to liberals.

>most of all NASTY women
what did he mean by this?

Fighting Nazis is only considered American because of Jewish influence.

fug :DDD


>be Canadian
>get raked

>be quiet, apathetic person
>never share my opinions
>troll half the country every 4 years
>suffer no consequences
Sup Forums recovered

Who is he "he"?

Disgusting cuckolded faggots should be embarrassed to call yourself american.

Your ancestors and army fought against these scum and you faggots fetishize them, disgusting.

that's not Sup Forums that's re.ddit larping as Sup Forums

>the people

I'm just saying, if you're using nigger tactics don't try and call yourself a hero.

Even the niggers know that.

NASTY women vote.

NASTY women scare far right pantshitters.

NASTY women shield our Muslim brothers and sisters.

NASTY women block streets, highways, and airports when President Pussygrabber issues his decrees.

NASTY women march, scream, and break eardrums and will continue to do so until the Pussygrabber is impeached.

NASTY women refuse to service Donald Dumbfuckers in any business capacity.

NASTY women literally are your wives, daughters, girlfriends, and mothers, and we fucking hate you if you're a nazi GOP "he's just a lesser evil" piece of shit.

NASTY women adore Islam, immigrants, and believe BLACK LIVES MATTER.

NASTY women are going to kick you in your little white balls so fucking hard they break.

And NASTY women will keep doing it long after Dumbfuck is just a bad memory.

NASTY women refuse to go back.

NASTY women will give up their very lives to stop neonazi pantshitterism before it turns America into a machine for literal evil.

liberals can't separate fantasy from reality.

>Ignoring all the ethnic enclaves that clearly aren't assimilating

You're a shill that doesn't even see how ridiculous it is to completely ban people from select countries. The vast majority of Muslims that are in the US have no problem with secularism, and vetting can take care of anyone that would present a problem.

Goes both ways, Commies.

I hate this expression because it doesnt make a whole let of sense

Our ancestors were manipulated by the Jews and made a mistake in fighting the Nazis.

>Your ancestors and army fought against these scum
They made a mistake.

quiet, syrup fucker

post your NASTY tits

Are you?
This style of lashing out is the sign of a desperate, dying group.

>nazis watch out

kek confirms

Their ancestors also set up right wing death squads to kill communists.

...and genocided people of color.

...and discriminated against Jews.

...and maintained white supremacist immigration policies.

...and practiced slavery.

So what's your point?

Leftists are mostly skinny dudes and fat chicks (don't ask me why).

They glorify the few random acts of violence they occasionnally do because it makes them feel powerful. But it they want to get physical with nationalists on a regular basis it's going to turn nasty for them pretty quickly though.

The thing is, it's not really in our interest to do that. It's more important to focus on political power at the moment. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun and all that, but at the moment most police and armed forces support our side anyway.

Just make sure you defend yourself if you get attacked. They generally attack from behind so make sure you have a friend to watch your back.

Spencer is not a neonazi

>NASTY women will give up their very lives


Do you realize we're the ones with nothing to lose?

>NASTY women shield Muslims


Makes sense.


So do liberals
why are you reporting them for wanting to punch your anti semite, bigoted, genocidal face?

>ohai (((MIKE)))


NASTY woman should be forewarned, once you come to Sup Forums you can never leave.

Americans only liked punching nazis because they were foreigners


Americucks have always been the slaves of their jew overlords

Don't forget to buy your Nasty Woman™ pin from and Nasty Woman™ pink hat from founded by Jayna Zweiman.

by another muslim roleplayer

So now I'm allowed to punch liberals with no consequences.
Feels good to know.

>Jayna Zweiman

That's one hell of a nose.

I have a problem with the "hurr muh Antifa are fascists" meme.

Why on Earth is Sup Forums and other fonts of the right pandering to the presupposed moral construct that racial awareness and anti-democratic systems government are bad?

PS. Most of these people saying they're going to punch Nazis are just as much LARPers who think supporting Trump and Brexit makes a Nazi. As it goes, the vast majority tend to become awfully shy when their "I'm going to punch a nazi" train of thought is rebutted with "Ok, give it your best shot."

>a leaf

Nasty is right, all you dumb broads look like fat gay guys who drink too much

I live in the 3rd most dangerous city in America. I deal with hardcore blacks all day everyday. It's fucking hilarious how some pasty white antifa faggot expects me to be scared of his scrawny ass.

I'd struggle too if I had to lift 100lbs of grease just to move around.

What a racist monster!


Wasn't there one guy who went full Jojo on Shia's cam while in full Kek priest gear? He should be on there.

>not realizing what immigration proponents really want

You must be new here

>Made a Mistake fighting the Nazis

go and fucking sacrifice yourself for a worthless cause leaf-cuck, I'll come over and piss on your grave when all of this idiocy is over

Great, then you're onboard with Trump's policy of keeping this as a temporary detention until they can plan and execute better vetting policies?

Vetting can take care of the problem, but in its current state it can't rule out which people are sympathetic to Wahhabi Islam or the Islamic State

faggot, my American grandfather got a medical exemption and my other grandfather was in the Wermacht.

I got more naz cred than your poutine filled ass.

>mfw people actually believe that the Nazis liked the USA and would've left them alone

Night night Sup Forums

It's not just a joke, liberals really can't tell the difference. Just look at all the protest signs with people comparing the President to Voldemort



Most of our ancestors had no idea why they were in Europe at all while deployed, and a lot got a long with the Germans despite being adversaries.

>everyone I disagree with is a nazi

as idiotic as one can be