What misery does Kek have in store for this faggot?

What misery does Kek have in store for this faggot?

raped by a frog.
Kek Wills.

Eternal suffering in the shadow realm


The government needs to take immediate action, re: SAG-AFTRA.

They are clearly disloyal, and un-American. They are also an illegal monopoly, and should be broken up.

It's time to get rid of (((SAG-AFTRA))).

eh he doesn't seem that bad senpai

he's just finally got exposure and doesnt want to fuck it up by being full Gibson

Is this the guy from Epic Meal Time? Or else...?

Gets killed off in S2 of Stranger Things

Just an Reagan investigated commies in hollywood in his early days, so too must we find a willing steed ready to remove the degenerate scum of liberal commiefornia.

> David Harbour is an American actor who has performed in film, television, and the theater. ... His paternal grandparents were from Russian Jewish families that immigrated to Massachusetts

Huh, really makes you think

Hearings when? Let's scare these filthy commies underground just like we did in the 50s.

what? he just said to punch people who disagree with him.

We need Senator Joe McCarthy back again, to bust up (((SAG-AFTRA)))

His next movie will bomb

This. If they want to play politics, then they need to learn their place.

It sucks, because I enjoyed Stranger Things. Hopefully he will descend into drug use and die of an overdose within the next year. I am so sick of leftists. I'm ready for the civil war.

"please love me hollyjew!"

Dies via truck of peace


fucking hell, america.


Rollin 4 AIDS


>epic memes

For a devoted Anti-Fascist he sure does like appropriating Alt-Right terminology.

His punishment will forever being known as "that guy who was in that other film. No, the other guy who is in everything."

Look at his IMDB page. The guy's a cut-rate character actor whose presence has zero bearing on the success of films. Nobody even knew this faggot's name before Stranger Things.

Death by choking on imported gorilla dick.

He will get AIDS from George Takei and be dead within 6 months


colon cancer

Death of course.

kek wills it

#s confirm

Nothing. Just waiting and letting him fall into obscurity, unappreciated and forgotten.

Thoth commands ot!

We shall chase him deep into the night and unto morning

His dreams shall forever be memes

I liked his character in Stranger Things. I really never would have expected him to be such a liberal faggot. It's a damn shame the ST kids were up on stage too applauding the speech. While they don't really grasp anything now, they're just going to grow up and be the same fucking liberal shit as the rest of Hollywood.

It's a shame.

Kek wills it. Let this son of a bitch enjoy his colostomy bag.

Is this guy just Alec Baldwin from Team America?


Cap it


You're kiked and mudslimed out to the max when you're supposed to be the homeland

That's their plan. Take these kids, give them a taste of fame, then radicalize them and teach them never to question leftist orthodoxy. Thankfully, they never got to /ourguy/ Mike Seaver.

>heart attack while in mid shoot

It will be good for their careers.

For another ten years or so until China takes over completely.

>The Winona memes are epic


>Winona memes

sentenced to eternal suffering through memes

assrape by 50 niggers

mccarthy was right. these faggots are full blown unamerican commies.

Things that make you go hmm...

still would.

Literally who and what did he do?

Wtf I hate Stranger Things now

anti trump
condones punching nazis
copies stephen king
then calls it stranger things
