This is exactly what the Tea Party said Obama would do.
That's because the right always projects their actions and failings as human beings on others or tries to create false equivalencies when not dodging facts, logic and reason for lies, fear and hate. Also, we know Trump is in league with Neo-Nazi's, wants to build a wall and start banning people from entering the USA. How long until that turns into keeping people from leaving the USA? How long until you're asked to "show your papers" on the streets?
I think this article is fucking terrifying that Trump is indeed a fascist and is looking to dissolve Government asap because he wants the sort of power that Putin has.
Prolly a false flag but the first thing you said is entirely correct. The new meme is fake news, which Sup Forums makes all the time, while overwhelmingly condemning left wing outlets for the same.
Someone on here was actually admitting to creating fake news because "I'll do anything to stop them"
But then again you can't trust anything on Sup Forums
Jesus Christ when is that leaf ban coming? It can't come soon enough
Oh my god he PURGED the government? Jesus give me this, make america a fascist dictator-state, let me have this. Sweden is just a puppy emulating everything the US does, please make this happen.
Man, Putin sure has a nice feminine ass.
CTR is back under a different name
Will Trump finally make the genocide of the black ape real?
Kek shall decide
Please, Trump, declare the day of the rope. Allow the inner Saxon to run free, we want to kill the leftists. Just give the word, and it shall be done. Shadilay!
I hope so. We worship a god of chaos after all.
> Leftists execute a coup on Trump
> Army and National Guard crack down on protests
> Trump declares martial law
> Dictator for life
> Caesar 2.0
> Chinese and Mexicans arm resistance fighters
> Civil war
> Nuclear holocaust
> Tfw I will finally know peace from this world
Praise Kek!
Purging of sacred cows is fine.
Consolidating power to 4 dudes - Nope.
>a fucking leaf
lets do this
I fucking hope he is. I would love that, and be totally on board for a New-America.
I'd 100% support a Trump coup, and I honestly hope we invade Canada in order to make them subjugated second class citizens under the authority of the United States.
It'll even be good for them in the long run since we'll kick out all the illegals, and stop the Chinks from destroying the housing market.
Please god yes.
It's really a shame how corrupt the media is. This whole thing has been blown out of proportion in a massive way.
Things could be so much more calm right now if they weren't taking a deliberately fear-mongering approach to everything they report.
Medium is literally operated by the DNC as per Wikileaks emails
The content is created and posted by DNC staffers
Alright that one got me.
>Graham and McCain stab him the back
>Civil war 2.0
The MSM has reached a point where they would make propaganda masters of the past beam with pride.
Fear-mongering, literal white-washing of anything critical of leftist agenda, dogpiling on anything that would put conservatives in a bad light, you name it.
Feel bad for burgers who are just trying to eke out a living getting bombarded all the time by a group that had 8 years to fine-tune their agenda and are doing their damnedest to remain relevant.
Sad, really.
Why don't you just start screaming "FAKE NEWS" like the Orwellian puppet drone you are you dribbling spasmo fucktard.
The 4th estate took control of society, but social media allowed the rise of the 5th estate and is now challenging their power. Ironically, the "fake news" meme the 4th estate created was immediately re-purposed against it.
The fake news meme was started by Washington Post and CNN. People saw how retarded it was and made a conscious, concentrated effort to throw it back at them. How new are you?
And it backfired so tremendously that WaPo actually said to "retire" the labeling of fake news.
FAKE NEWS is a meme created by right wing autIsmos who can't counter argument something and basically shove their heads up their assholes and scream "LALALALALALA" thinking that the echo is the sound of other people agreeing with them like the maximum pathetic asswipes you know you are!!!FACT!!!
At least try.
Your own personal fact.
wrong. that's you guys, the democrats. many examples throughout history to illustrate. and of course, you're attempting it right now.
Defending fake news with fake facts.
Why do liberals call Trump fascist?
I looked on reddit for some answers and the only thing I saw were le witty one-liners and made-up correlations about him being racist.
Need a throat lozenge for all that screeching?
Everyone who doesn't agree with them is a fascist.
Using Fascist as an insult loses is value in being able to illicit a knee jerk reaction once you learn what Fascism actually is.
I think the left is just honestly afraid of whites uniting. They're absolutely terrified that Trump will be our axe head.
He is literally shaking.
1.Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - "Make America Great Again!"
2.Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Donald's open sanctioning of torture
3.Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - Muslims or Mexicans take your pick.
4.Supremacy of the Military - N/A
5.Rampant Sexism - Donald's sexism is a matter of public record
6.Controlled Mass Media - Donald is advocating being able to sue any media outlet that writes something bad about him.
7.Obsession with National Security - Donald has played the terrorism card over and over again.
8.Religion and Government are Intertwined - Donald frequently questions the faith of his opponents and has even had a fight with the Pope over faith.
9.Corporate Power is Protected - One look at Donald's economic plans will show you that.
10.Labor Power is Suppressed - Donald favors taking down the unions.
11.Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - In fairness Donald shows a lot of disdain these are just among them
12.Obsession with Crime and Punishment - A major part of his campaign
13.Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - N/A
14.Fraudulent Elections - Donald hasn't directly been involved but his party is frequently responsible for fraudulent elections and stealing voter's rights.
You were saying FAKE NEWS Cuckservative?
They can never actually answer what Fascism is.
The best they'll give in the 1% chance they do answer is some vague run off of the "merger of state and corporate power" Mussolini quote. And they can't even explain that.
Utter buffoons.
I like real discussion but you a legit fucking retard. no different from the tea party nut cases after Obama was elected.
Racism is anything leftists don't like. Rights are anything leftists want. Fascists are racists who deny leftists rights.
No. This article is full of shit.
keep gobbling dicks bro
>That's because the right always projects their actions and failings as human beings on others or tries to create false equivalencies when not dodging facts, logic and reason for lies, fear and hate.
Fuck - your projection borders on self awareness, but doesn't quite get there.
Piss off leafy
here's a (You), leaf, now fuck off back to whatever hole you came crawling out of
They didn't even fucking attempt to stay true to Umberto Eco's words. This is a gross misrepresentation at best. Sadly I've seen many shitlibs share it around.
>is trump setting the stage for a coup?
> Everything I don't like must be banned
> A liberal idea
But Republicans don't like Muslims entering the US.
I would be so chuffed if this actually happened. Never will though unfortunately
What kind of answer you looking for, Dalai Lama?
The cynical marxist or the naive idealist?
Wait, nevermind, this is the naive idealist answer.
I wasn't aware muslims were everything. Nor did I realize everything else I dislike daily bombs and beheads people.
Otherwise we should probably get Dr Peppers under control.
>Libtards think they can stir up a revolution and that somehow they'll "win"
God, you cunts really are dim faggots, aren't you?
Sometimes, Republicans can't ban something directly, so instead they ban something else. Republicans hated blacks and anti-war protesters so they made marijuana illegal.
I hate you, you Canadian faggot. Every fucking day
Please. I want to serve the Trump empire.
Tin foil hat article - alternate explanation is he is merely doing everything he said he would do in the campaign. Very transparently
Pic related- that pic is basically the article.