Is super bowl Sunday the most cucked day of the year? Literally millions of unathletic, uncoordinated wite "men" cheering for the sexual gods that are black men
Is super bowl Sunday the most cucked day of the year? Literally millions of unathletic...
Fuck off faggot sage
remember when an old white man btfo a young black nigger in last years super bowl?
Is this how fags watching sport?
But the Patriots are white
Patriots helped get Trump elected.
Patriots are the whitest team in the NFL. Brady and Belichick like Trump.
top kekes
I don't know, I don't watch football.
learn 2 spell retarded nigger
Baseball is superior, you're right.
>Implying Tom Brady isn't the second greatest living American
True racists enjoy football because it represents selective breeding by slave owners.
Why do people watch sports instead of Playing themselves?
Quite the cuck mentality.
Culturally it's the most unifying non-holiday event of the year so of course it's a shitfest. Anything cultural in the US that is local/regional is typically good, anything national is utter garbage.
And the Patriots are usually the whitest team. White coaches, QB, more white offensive lineman and skill players than not. Defense is just nigger cannon fodder.
A bunch of niggers lead by white men. Both QBs and coaches are white.
>bradyfags support a guy who won't even endorse trump just says he's a personal friend
It's actually completely true.
Any White man that is still watching this fucking unbelievably cucked league gets no respect whatsoever from me.
hahaha niggers r dumb amirite guys????
>Watch niggers kick ball for 5 minutes
>20 minute commercial breaks in between
>Half time performance is always a female pop star
How fucking gay can you be? Falcons are playing and I don't even give af.
Very relevant.
>goat bill and brady voted for trump and support him
>brady has known trump for 16 years
> team is literally called NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS
>they'll be the first team to visit trump
you can't make this shit up.
8/11 of their offensive starters are white. Defense is just low iq cannon fodder and is an overrated meme. You don't win in the NFL without an offense.
because they cant play at the high level lol, or get equipment and shit
Thank god the team with the most white fan base is probably going to win the super bowl. Also Trump is buds the owner of the patriots along with the coach and qb
Maybe they should do something that they can instead of watching and cheering other grown men chasing balls
I've never understood the appeal of the NFL. it's like rugby was too complicated so they removed most of the rules and added black people.
Atlanta is pretty BLACKED
>being so autistic you can't sit down and watch a football game without sperging out about how black the other team is
And how many coaches and owners in the NFL are black? I dunno, but watching teams of niggers that are owned by white men, taking orders from white men, and smashing into each other, giving themselves concussions for our amusement seems pretty red-pilled to me.
Coaches, GMs, owners, and quarterbacks are white. QB is by far the most important position and all the good ones are white.
Sports are pretty gay to watch to begin with unless we're talking about womens volleyball
I've played both sports and American football is more complex rules wise.
We can all root for Bradey and his white receivers.
Dare I day, the Patriots are our team?
based Brady will shit all over their show
>"Tom, you've won your 5th Superb Owl. Is there anything else left to say?"
>"I just want to thank Mr. President. I did this for him and for the United States."
If digits Lady Gaga makes anti-Trump political statement during halftime show pissing off millions of burgers
Reminder that there is literally about 15 minutes of action in a football game. The rest of the 2 or so hours is just niggers chimping out or standing on a field. Then there's like an hour of commercials telling you to be good goys and consume the latest products.
It's the most cucked shit in existence.
Can you imagine the meltdown the media would have?
>he can't appreciate the time and energy that goes into those formations and game playing.
>he's to low IQ to understand the complexities of this beautiful sport
Go play kick ball shitskin this is the thinking mans sport.
You don't need digits because that's a given
How come Black qbs are a meme? I've watched 2 years and they seem to be - mechanical. White QBs do well when shit hits the fan.
The fun thing is that nignogs have evolved for 60 minute chicken chases in easy-mode Africa. This translates very well to low frequency high intensity sports like American Football where the nog has to run/block for quick bursts.
Those fast twitch muscle fibers are allot less useful in close combat battle pulses or modern day shoot outs that last up to four hours. Their muscles literally tire within the hour. That's why you never see a nog hit it hard at the gym.
I wonder if coalburners understand this fact, given that their big black boyfriends all risk death during the upcomming race war. They proclaim to be attracted to blacks because they are more 'warrior' like. While in reality they are nothing of the kind. Literally not evolved to be one.
>Reminder that there is literally about 15 minutes of action in a football game
football fans wish it was 15 lel
Not memeing but my guess is their lower average working memory causes them to simply be less efficient at reading defenses.
Also a lot of them just like to run with the ball and get themselves hurt midway though the season
wew checked looks like you do
The SuperBowl will be a glorious white man, Tom Brady, embarrassing niggers left & right while throwing to a mostly white set of players.
>QB running the ball
That's disrespectful as fuck. It shows that you don't rely on your WRs or defence at all. It breaks morale.
It's the same shit every game.
Is it? Dunno, I'm pretty ignorant about the intricacies of it desu but I've had a look at it, and the bit of it I got was it does take some clever, well executed plays to actually get a touchdown. The thing that put me right off was the damn constant ad breaks.I don't understand how you put up with it.
>blog post incoming
Used to not give a shit.
Made friends with roommate who loved it.
Got really into it, fantasy leagues, watching at least 4 games a week, kept up on stats for about 3 years.
Last year, just stopped caring.
Bread and circuses. I only care so I can talk to other people about it.
Ya and it's just not usually productive. It's wayyyy more efficient to sit in the pocket and throw the ball to your teammates for chunks of yard then run around risking yourself for like 5 yards usually
It's risk vs reward and as usual whites are better at deferring gratification and relying on their teammates not going it alone.
Is it going to be the last Superbowl, like in Oblivion?
All owners are white or jewish. Same string-pullers as elsewhere.
Ya it is more complex during a play (like what you can grab and where, where everyone has to line up before the play, the routes and blocking schemes that coaches come up with) there's way more going on then you think. That's why you have like 4-5 refs.
Rugby is more fluid for sure. That's why it's simpler. (But it's still very complex, especially scrums and line outs)
Don't u mean drumpf?
black players might display more raw athleticism, but white players are better because they play smarter. they're more able to understand the entire playbook and can outsmart and outplan physically better teams. a black skill player like a wr or hb is more likely to play more aggressively and show less loyalty to the team in the long term and short term. how many franchise players that stay 10+ years on a team are black?
Figured whites would be stronger and better at football, specially on defense.
Social cohesion is one of the key important things in team sports. Having a same ehtnicity as your teammates creates mutual trust between others.
This is why Patriots is one of the best teams. It's very simplistic but it's true.
>90% it's a black player doing stupid shit
Whites seems to get flagged over some 5 yard penalties like false start or offside.
> You don't win in the NFL without an offense.
a Solid defense is much more important than a solid offense.
NFL only has like 10 Jewish owners compared to the NBA which is ran, owned, and operated by Jews. The kikes have their claws all over it.
>Watch few NBA games
>Coach is always white
What's is up with that?
Black headcoaches are usually always awful. Only two black coaches have ever won a superbowl, and only four have ever won an NBA title.
fuck off retard
This is the type of wholesome entertainment the Super Bowl halftime show used to feature:
Now we get a pseudo tranny in a meat dress.
Only 10. How many were there a decade ago? Jews have discovered professional sport teams can demand taxpayer money or threaten to leave town. Jews are on free money like flies on shit.
>black players might display more raw athleticism, but white players are better because they play smarter.
Offense requires more intelligence, which is why QB and OL are by far the highest IQ positions. Defense is more reactionary and requires more athleticism to make up for not knowing what the offense will run.
Also, if you don't like American football, you are likely a foreigner or a beta cuck. The NFL is alpha chess at it's finest. The NBA on the other hand...
The thing with professional sports is that its a huge gamble. There are only X amount of top teams in the country and each team only allows for 50+- players (in Europe it's even less). Even division 1 college football has about 5000 spots for an entire country of men. Being accepted to one of those teams means you have to be the absolute best. This takes an obsessive amount of time investment.
It's the same reason there are allot of Asian professional gamers. Those chinks play 10 hours a day in game 'houses' just to be able to compete. Nignogs equally devote allot of time playing ball, they got nothing to lose after all.
Being white means you have tons of options if you work hard enough. Whites are also less inclined to put all their eggs in the 'become a pro football player' basket. For if it doesn't work out their life will be a failure. For blacks it's either all or nothing.
Despite that I do admit that niggers are better at running and explosive sports. They just suck balls at having stamina. Only coal burners believe that nogs are somehow the epitome of male masculinity. For obvious ego-centric reasons.
I want to watch the game with some bbq chicken wings and beer every now and again.
Why u guys gotta ruin everything with your politics?
Ohhh god, this hillbilly fuck thinks whites are good at sports that actually requires athletism and not equipment
Name a good all black rugby team
Now that's what I call wholesome.
Why do you care so much about what other people enjoy? Eat a dick.
>sexual gods
fo sho ma nigga
pic related