Who was the analogous version of Trump back in Rome?
Who was the analogous version of Trump back in Rome?
See: Hadrian's Wall
Crassus is the better fit, though.
Get to britain, rule the celts. Look over the scotch hills, see Picts, build wall. FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL.
The Gracchi, no? They were populists killed by the elite.
Outsider, not a member of nobility, rose thru the military ranks and became the Emperor after the Year of the 4 emperors when the throne was in crisis.
Left Jerusalem, marched on Rome and had very minimal fucks to give.
Also people loved him, he drained Nero's lake and build the Flavian Amphitheater (the Coliseum) for the people to behold the spectacle of entertainment.
Trump is Vespasian
Crassus was definitely the Jeb! Bush of ancient Rome
Also had 2 very powerful sons that also became Emperors. Titus and Domitian
(Eric and Don Jr)
Alexander the Great
>walls keep shitskins out
Things haven't really changed in 2000 years, have they?
Trump isn't a faggot.
Trump is Crassus, Sulla is Mattis.
If Scotland leaves we're going to reconstruct that.
Gaius Marius. Consul of Rome for 7 terms (The holy kek digit and Donald's 7's) He helped consolidate power of the consul leading to the rise of the Empire.
The aim remains the same for both sides, but always one side must meddle.
Crassus, 100%
>Business man in a world of landed politicians
>Got insanely rich via shady real estate business
>Bought his way into politics
>Wasn't afraid of associating with outsiders
>Got rekt when he underestimated the other local superpower
You just wait
Who of them is Barron?
The Gracchi brother wanted to redistribute wealth and tax the rich so no.
Trump has to be Julius Caesar for Barron to be Octavian.
>No one they helped would provide them shelter as they fled
The people deserve nothing.
The highest either of the Gracchi brothers reached was Tribune of the Plebs IIRC.
Caesar, and Brutus is Ted
Jeb! would be Lepidus, useless and low energy
Sleepio Africanus
Du b s confirm that there is a chance.
>populist reformer
>built walls to win wars
>fucked all the womyn
>alpha as fuck
>a literal buttfucking faggot
Child fucker, faggot and murderer
Fucking degenerate
Digits confirm
you do know caesar fucked some king right?
his legion routinely made fun of him for it
Trump --> Tiberius: pedo, sexual pervert, paranoid egomaniac
Baaron _--> Caligula, Young boots, loved by all when he is a lad, wew!
kekus maximus .jpg
That was a rumor started by the optimates and they made fun of him for it
"Queen of Bythnia"
Caesar also fucked most of their wives so either
>it really happened
>butthurt senators made up a lie to slander his name
The latter seems more likely
Nigga's crazy.
history points: 10/10
>"defender of the republic"
>killed 5 men without trial
>forced them to jump to their deaths one by one
Optimatecucks should be gassed
Kek. Only history fags will get how subtle those bants are.
Gaius Marius more like it
Who was Pence?
Thats Mattis
>>forced them to jump to their deaths one by one
Roman shitposting
Then Trump has to be Julius Caesar, Barron is Octavian.. Who is Sulla though?
So I reckon pic related might be a good mashup of Claudius and Marcus Aurelius, but who is the American Augustus?
Constantine the Great
Sulla was a pedophile and murderer so Bill Clinton?
Sleepius Africanus
Muh proper inflections
Still kekworthy though
I think that completes the line up!
Tiberius Gracchus
My opinion might not be a popular one, but I'd say Claudius. He was mocked as a fool, but repaired the damage done by Caligula. Claudius was also a great historian and tactician which enabled him to conquer Britain despite not having a miltiary background, and he had hand-picked chosen on merit and ability.
>During his reign, Justinian sought to revive the empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the historical Roman Empire.
>Justinian's rule constitutes a distinct epoch in the history of the Later Roman empire, and his reign is marked by the ambitious but only partly realized renovatio imperii, or "restoration of the Empire".
Cicero was more like the Trey Gowdy of his day, I'd say...
There is no noteworthy Roman politician who is analogous to Trump because they were all military leaders and aristocrats. The business activities of senatorial families were heavily restricted by law because it was immediately recognised that not doing so would be an open invite to corruption and conflicts of interest.
A lowborn businessman like Trump would never have made consul in a million years, especially without any kind of military career. He's a demagogue, which is something that any respectable ancient rhetorician would have despised about him.
You guys are so fucking clueless about what makes good leadership, it's a joke.
Also Justinian married a low born whore and Trump married a low born model.
Cicero was Trump and Catlina is Hillary
Trajan probably idk
Cato the younger
Yeah Justinian was a badass. His general Belisarius was god-tier.
I relate Trump to Julian 'MakeRomeGreatAgain' the Apostate. Julian saw the empire was failing and blamed it on its dying culture, its hodgepodge of peoples and religions that just wouldn't mesh. He hated Christians and wanted Rome to return to its roots lest it fade away. He was unpopular due to his extremist views. Fun Fact: He came after Constantine.
>He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order
>catalina runs against cicero
>runs again
>loses and doesnt have enough money to run for a 3rd time due to using too much money for bribing votes and pay to play
>tries to recount
>cicero imprisons catlina
>caesar accuses cicero of being authoritarian for trying to execute catlina's conspirators who had a plan to takeover government
>draining the swamp is authoritarian
>cato helps getting the execution motion passed
Why does Lepidus get such a bad rep? He was a great guy, very loyal and competent.
Jeb! would undoubtedly be Varus.
>I relate Trump to Julian 'MakeRomeGreatAgain' the Apostate. Julian saw the empire was failing and blamed it on its dying culture, its hodgepodge of peoples and religions that just wouldn't mesh. He hated Christians and wanted Rome to return to its roots lest it fade away. He was unpopular due to his extremist views. Fun Fact: He came after Constantine.
Literally third wheel during the second triumvirate.
No, he'd be Elagabals. Because Jeb! Is a mess, a big fat mess.
First emperor(Augustus) of course, when Rome turned from a republic to empire!
A third wheel that saved the populists asses multiple times.
i always thought hadrians wall was funny. something about the way the caledonians,painted in blue, just stood on hills, staring at their settlements. It really creeped the romans out so they built that wall.
No, Trump is Sulla
>Sulla instituted a series of proscriptions (a program of executing those whom he perceived as enemies of the state). Plutarch states in his "Life" of Sulla (XXXI): "Sulla now began to make blood flow, and he filled the city with deaths without number or limit", further alleging that many of the murdered victims had nothing to do with Sulla, though Sulla killed them to "please his adherents".
How can Trump be Sulla when we already had our civil war that was reunited by a strongman?
>all this Roman shitposting
these threads are the best.
Sulla all day, PRESCRIPTIONS await!! cleanse the republic of the communists filth.
Trump Savior of the Republic
>we had our civil war
Rome had more than one. The US will too.
Ceasar also killed off 10% of his own men to remind them who was boss
Literally every Roman fucked men.
>No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full
Trump to a tee
This man was definitely huffing the anesthesia on the campaign trail
This. So much this
>Trump to a tee
Lannisters. You;re thinking Lannisters.
Trump never even pays his contractors
>literally thousands of lawsuits against him
>Crassus! is the wealthiest man in Rome
>lengthy political experience
>becomes part of the triumvirate and is well on his way to rule Rome
>populist politician beans Caesar returns from an expedition to a hero's welcome and everyone
>"Haha I'll show him!"
>spends a fortune financing one of the strongest armies in the history of the Republic
>marchest East to declare war with Persia
>Persians absolutely wipe the floor with his army and almost everyone is killed
>gets molten gold poured down his throat and loses the Roman standards
>Caesar takes power shortly after
Gee, what politician in American history raised an ungodly amount of money for a campaign only to fall flat on his face and become a political laughing stock?
named Caesar*
Fuck you serb
Maximus Thrax
His background was, in any case, that of a provincial of low birth, and was seen by the Senate as a barbarian
The accession of Maximinus is commonly seen as the beginning of the Crisis of the Third Century
Maximinus hated the nobility and was ruthless towards those he suspected of plotting against him.[13]