Asian Masterrace

How are white people the master race? Look at everything Asians have invented like paper and gunpowder. Look at our average IQ's. We destroy white people in that. White people can't even compete next to Asians. Asians are the real masterrace.

Yes, before you ask I am an Asian-American.

Because the British.

"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." - Adolf Hitler

East Asian. You guys are completely awesome honestly, but how many computers did your build? Where is your Nikola Tesla? Where is your Issac Newton? You're still awesome, but until your culture supports your geniuses, they will never see the light of day.

I'm assuming from context that this infographic map of China is referring to avg. IQ.




Their brightest only too. They also cheat like crazy.

Don't mind me

>Asians have invented like paper and gunpowder

Because you come to live in our country more often than we go to live in yours.

>tfw have a standard deviation on the best and brightest cheaters in China

>own country is shithole
>flee to the west
>live off everything white people have build
>w-we wuz masterrace



We Wuz Changs.

How exactly are Asians the master race if all of their physical attributes haven't stopped them from being our favourite punching bags for the past 500 years? You say all of this stuff but there's no real world evidence to back it up, and at the end of the day it's meant jack shit in the past and it means jack shit for the foreseeable future too

Does China even flush their toilet paper, or do you throw it in the trash like the Koreans?

have you heard of the bamboo ceiling? yeah, how many asian ceos can you name? asians are good at copying good ideas and making them cheaper (ie: shittier). cars, computers, etc. we give you a good idea, and you "gook it up".




Chinese would destroy America in a war

The fuck is this?

Asian girls are better than white girls. Asian girls liking white men is a myth too.

then why do asian girls try to look white? checkmate chink.

>How are white people the master race?
They aren't. Sup Forums is nothing but a bunch of unaccomplished basement dwelling neets who want to be a special little snowflake for belonging to a race that wuz romanz n inventorz n shiet.
I take the redpill, I accept my inferiority and I bow down to you, my superior asian overlord.

t. future expat English teacher

Some good your gunpowder did against literally any relevant country of the 19th century.

>chinese would destroy america in a war

You got anything to back that up?

no he doesn't because china is corrupt as shit and the whole rotten structure would come falling down as soon as america kicked in the door

there's a reason why asians want to live in white societies and use white inventions and not the other way around. that said, you guys are a good race overall

>Yes, before you ask I am an Asian-American.
Youre a rootless mongrel slant.
No true asian ethnic actually identifies himself asian.

Youre either a japanese american, chinese american, or korean american.

Youre a fucking black haired gweilo/gaijin/wehgugin

High Asian IQ is literally WEWUZ tier shit, it's indeed a bunch of glass beads.

You know what they say --- Trip dub -- this is legit


This. You can't do anything government-related unless the CPC likes you.

Ok chinkster. Asians are fucking robots.

this desu


>Post picture of China

Nice try Comrade Chang

>Japan then teleports behind him

Perfect, we should send all the lovely refugees to China so they can learn from your magnificence.
