Can someone give me the rundown on this guy? Besides heading Breitbart, I don't know much about him and why the left vehemently hates him so much.
Is He qualified for the position Trump has given him?
Can someone give me the rundown on this guy? Besides heading Breitbart, I don't know much about him and why the left vehemently hates him so much.
Is He qualified for the position Trump has given him?
Other urls found in this thread:
He takes orders from the Bogdanoffs, legend has it he first discovered the bogpill
This meme is so forced, I even saw it on /fit/ the other day
He's a literal nazi
He's the right's version of John Podesta
He's the Right's Aulinsky.
>Is He qualified for the position Trump has given him?
not really. he served in the navy as an officer and as an advisor to some general or something, but he hasn't been involved with any military/national security issues since the 70s.
he does have a degree in "national security studies" (i think, cbf to check), but i wonder how relevant a degree like that is in 2017.
He's basically the man who'll save western civilization and annihilate the people who are trying to destroy it.
I keep hearing about this /fit/ board, anybody care to give me a rundown?
Harvard Law , naval officer, Goldman sachs executive, some hollywood producing
Hates bankers
forced jew meme
Apparently he considers himself a Leninist. The left says he's pure Nazi though.
Does the truth even matter at this point? The left are dead-set in their opinion that they are purely good and the right is purely evil. The truth is a lost cause.
He's the real president. Without him Trump would be invading Iran to defeat ISIS within the year.
He's cancer
Zero qualifications for what he does, is the serpent whispering in Trump's ear
Even Sup Forums should hate him, he worked for Goldman Sachs, and funded Milo and other """"alt-right"""" leaders who are also cancer
I really don't care, Bannon is /ourguy/ and I'd like his input to be taken into account on a broad spectrum of issues. He is the one the establishment is afraid of, even moreso than Trump.
he's a big fan of cuckold porn
..worked for goldman sachs
He is extremely qualified, backed by billionaires, and has been on the frontline of America First's (the idea of) fight against the liberal elite.
Imagine a board dedicated to
>tfw no gf
except everyones gay
>not Qualified
Any sources of his qualifications would be nice.
Also two masters and one of them is a degree with honors from Harvard Business school
You guys realize that not everyone who works for Goldman is some sort of semitic conspiracist right?
It's literally the most prestigious job in the world, most of the entry level IB guys are asian anyway.
Also one of the most difficult and draining jobs in the world
yes, he's obviously not a moron, but i really do not trust him him. his principles, if he has any, are vague, and i can't find any clear motive behind any of his actions besides profit.
Nice flag, just for that I'll link some sources about him
It's in every board I'm starting to hate it more than jews
He was an original investor in the Seinfeld series. He gets reciprocal royalties every time a fragile liberal snowflake faggot watches it.
Bannon is an economic nationalists, he's the closest guy in the white house to pol ideology.
Tell us, whom do you trust? Be specific
i don't really trust anyone
His real name is Grima
Is the @RoguePOTUSStaff account real...
you need to chill bro
Rumor is he has many skeletons in the closet.. many sexual assaults that will be revealed soon.
He hates Jews. He knows that they run the world. He pretty much tells trump to beware of the jews.
Why do you think the EPA and USDA was silenced? Bannon red pilled the fuck out of Trump. Told him a lot of the sciences are manipulated for cash.
A quick rundown on him:
>Strong ties to President Trump, evidence to suggest that he influences his every move, pushing for policies meant to establish an Alt Right State
>Belongs to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with royalty and untold power
>Evidence which suggests that the Rothschilds are operating under his supervision
>Owns DNA editing research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities and is said to have an IQ upwards of 250
>Largely believed to be in contact with alien life
>Keeps the electric car down so he can get his car based on string theory on the market
>Reptilians fear him
>Is supervising several secret military projects
zionist whipping boy
probable jew ex wife
sent his kids to kike schools
dude loves jews