Donald Trump's first US military raid 'kills 30 civilians, including 10 women and children'
Great start. Let's keep this streak going.
wtf, we're at war in Yemen? This is the first time I've seen the media cover anything that happened there.
Sup Forums is now a neocon war mongering board.
We've been bombing Al'Queda in the Arabic Peninsula for decade+ now.
the raid was already planned by obama before
>Around 30 people, including 10 women and children, are THOUGHT to have beenkilled by American military
Fake news, real jews. disregarded
back to plebbit u go
fuck americna education
pls someone post the drone chart
70% of all drone strikes are killing civilians
you can thank your saudi overlords for that
i hate obama because noone talks about the bomb that killed doctors without borders
The media was conspicuously silent about Yemen during Obama's entire presidency. Funny that they're throwing a fit about Yemen a week after Trump gets in office. It's almost as though they don't really care about the issues as long as it's something that could hurt Trump.
Liberals still haven't accepted that people die in war. Especially when a military base is built next door to your house. Oh well.
If you're a liberal, your immediate answer is "send in the SEALS!11" or some retarded shit because they have no idea how war works. Bombing the fuck out of them is the best way to handle it. If you think civilians aren't supposed to die, I really hope your city gets invaded some day so you can see that death tolls in wars are at 10% non-military civilians just going about their lives.
You would know.
Children or "children".
>helping saudi invade yemen shithole
trump should'nt give help to the saudis, he should let the houthis fuck em up out of yemen.
This is exactly what Trump said he would do.
We are killing all of the roaches.
you're like 2 years late
stop embarrassing us
August 15, 2016
BARCELONA/NEW YORK, AUGUST 15, 2016 — A hospital supported by the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in northwestern Yemen was hit by an airstrike today, killing at least 11 people and injuring at least 19.
I thought your boy Daddy Trump was the peace candidate.
I remember Sup Forums saying he would have a "Ron Paul style" foreign policy of non-interventionism.
Now you are defending Israel and Saudi Arabia.
>trump should'nt give help to the saudis,
>Daddy Trump
You've mixed up your talking points, CTR. Paste the Sup Forums talking points, not the Reddit ones.
Cute, didn't know it's still October 2016.
Oh, sorry. What does David call you now?
I'm not defending anyone. I'm not even a Trump voter. I'm just saying I am sick of people acting all surprised when people die in war. Fucking sheltered wastes of air.
>Oh, sorry. What does David call you now?
idk why don't you ask him, faggot.
Don't wield my flag if you need to use pre-made pictures to talk for you. FAKE NEWS.
Plz try harder shill earn them shekels
I don't have his email address, nerd virgin.
1/Anonymous hacked by Russian intelligence
2/Trump elected as Russian puppet president
Now compare that to how many Obama killed.
Only 30? Even Obama did better than that, Trump better step that shit up.
>~7 leaders
>~dozen fighters
>~their families
Muslims always surround themselves with their wives and kids.
If you want to kill the leaders, you're going to have to kill the families.
War is only bad when the politicians with the (R) after their name on C-SPAN do it, user.
You see Anons? Trump's already doing gods work.
saudi kang has jewish blood, and a supporter of Israel believe me.
and iran can't do shit to US, they ain't the bad guys.
>Obama been drone striking for 8 years
>Killing women and children willy-nilly
>I can think of, maybe, one time when, upon blowing up a wedding, that the media reported it
They're all the bad guys.
Anyone that says otherwise is a filthy shitskin from one side.
>Obogoo does the hundreds of times
>Trump does it once
this shit.
Fuck the media.. fuck em up against a wall and put crazy glue on their mouth.
How does it feel jumping off the cock carousel onto the barrel of a gun?
Nothing of value was lost. Also:
So now we're counting men and boys above fighting age as civilians again?
Because in the Obama era they were "enemy combatants" regardless of their actual status.
Same with the "Muslim ban."
Obama compiled the list of countries, placed visa restrictions on them. A year later, Trump temporarily bans them. Then Obongo gas the nerve to say Trump's ban was" religiously motivated."
I couldn't even imagine the outrage from the media if Trump was in charge when we blew up that Afghan hospital and then said "don't worry, we'll investigate ourselves." Or when Obama decided to kill those two American citizens.
>Trump's first military raid
It wasn't though
Literally has been in planning by the Obama administration for months
trump should stop stirring shit in the middle east like obama then, he must focus on america, interfering in arab shit wont make america better, let them arabs settle their shit.
>americna education
>Implying any of you cucks learn fuckall about us in school
Hang yourself hanz
It's OK if civilian men die but when it's women and children they've gone too far.
Doctors without borders are hippie cunts and traitors to their homelands
They deserve it
>The president who took office immediately after the expansion of the drone program
>had 15x more drone strikes
>killed more people with drones
What a surprise! Also, that graph looks horrible for Bush.Even with 1/15th the number of drone strikes, he nearly killed as many civilians as Obama.
good meme
Obama planned this for months
Trump had literally nothing to do with it past playing it when it finally got to a desk
>A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau.
Yeah nah, they were fucking terrorists and this is fake news.
>I thought your boy Daddy Trump was the peace candidate.
Compared to hillary Clinton, he's got a long way to go before he's even remotely close to being a warmonger