Why are black people so emotional?

Why are black people so emotional?

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High test women.

looks like whitey is losing their shit too.

Because no one loves them.


Poor childhood, bad parenting.
Umchecked inbreeding, unchecked retardation.

Reptile brain. Overclocked fight or flight.

50+ years without a stable family unit, being raised by insane, over-emotional women.


This. If you look back in history, whites used to be emotional too. Culture determines how people express or suppress emotions. More expressive cultures tend to be more violent too.

Because they know their skin colour is a curse from God. Niggers are the descendants of Cain. The black skin is the mark of Cain and they all have a subconscious knowledge of this.

Mental illness

It's genetic

Gorillas run into the glass at the zoo

Just cause

It's in the genes

It's not genetic, Mike. It's more like an interaction between genes and culture. Sometimes the right answer is not the one you want to hear.

Low IQ, inability to delay gratification, and preference for short term thinking leaves basically just raw emotional instinct like an animal. Probably why they remind me so much of chimps or gorillas

I also have a personal theory, for which I have evidence, that MBTI personality types have drastically different ratios within the races. I'd bet blacks are mostly extroverted, which makes them louder in general and more emotional. I think whites and Asians are more introverted.

*For which I have NO evidence*

Why don't Indians have the same problems when they have low iqs also?

Less intelligent, lower higher brain functionality, leads to poor impulse control as well.

Blacks are a baser race more animalistic more primitive more this more emotional

>Why are black people so emotional?
Lack of discipline.

Maybe they're more introverted, causing them to be quiet while having a low IQ

Thin neocortices.

monkey see monkey do


Single mother society.

Poor impulse control and underdeveloped prefrontal cortices.

Because [spoiler]you're autistic and not used to seeing normal levels of emotion so you turn it into a racial thing to make yourself feel better[/spoil]