New Race Categories

Lets settle this once and for all Sup Forums.

Jews are not white, Arabs are not white, Hispanics are not white.Why do these groups still are allowed to claim they are white? They need their own categories.

Knowing this what new race categories should we have?

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Most Hispanics identify as white, we could use their assistance in the upcoming race war.

Human race.

white= European. Why the fuck are they allowed to identify as white?

Are not all wars human race wars. That seems pretty pointless to say lol.


so Mexicans are white?

Because it could be 70% vs 30% rather than 60% vs 40% (not taking into account the leftist cucks)

There is no such thing as race. It's a 14th Century pseudoscience, no different than the humor theory or alchemy. In practice, races are just teams, like Team Edward and Team Jacob.

> races are teams
very important teams like the family.If people identify with one group of people and not another, that is important as it affect socialization, culture, language, looks and other aspects. Jews look white but they don't identify as white, so they are not white.

>Race is just something people choose to identify as, I agree, good sir.

I didn't agree with you kek

>Jews look white but they don't identify as white, so they are not white.

It is asking a lot of a race theorist to actually believe the things they say, I know.

Only Germanics are white. This includes anglos and sadly krauts.

Celts and latins are not white neither are slavs

>Only Germanics are white!
>Germans, too, I guess, jeez, if we have to.

middle east
east asia
southwest asia
north africa
sub sarahan africa
native american
pacific islander
south east asian

Some of them. Most are just beaners.

Why isn't there a category "Sandnigger"?

>all other types of animals have breeds with different attributes
>except humans

lol, wut?

ew why so many asians?

>there's no such thing as race, so calling hispanics white to falsely reassure actual white people that their numbers aren't dwindeling is fair game
>I mean, white people don't even exist ugh
>white people pls gib money u aint real

Straight to the dog breed strawman, nice. Tell me of the other arguments you internalized as a child that you never bothered to reexamine as an adult.

2010 US Census ?!?!

Niggro watch this , 2015 US Census !!!!

You are LE 60% White

but most "white" American are qardroon

examine your navel some more pls, but not outside where you might actually have to interact with darkies

>My only argument is hate
>So no ur dumb!

They don't claim they're white here. You went full retard with the "george zimmerman is white"-narrative.


what are the race categories in Switzerland user?

>Amos Muzyad Yakhoob Kairouz (January 6, 1912 – February 6, 1991), known professionally by his stage name Danny Thomas, was an American nightclub comedian, singer, actor, and producer, whose career spanned five decades. The Danny Thomas Show (known as Make Room for Daddy during the first three seasons) is an American sitcom which ran from 1953 to 1957 on ABC and from 1957 to 1964 on CBS. A revival series known as Make Room for Granddaddy aired on ABC from 1970 to 1971.

what is the point of this you fuck?

No mexicans are mongrols spaniards dosen't even resemble.

Pic related, first pic when you search on spanish people.

Mexicans are not spanish.

No one said George Zimmerman was white. It was the media that shifted the white balance in every picture to spin that narrative.

What do you call the spectrum leading from Identifying with close family members to Identifying as part of humanity. Is that the racist spectrum or did I get something wrong?

In this case one could picture all the races as kind of a intertwined web, which makes it really hard to discern, since it's all connected in some way

I ask because in this case, atleast for me, it raises the question which part of the spectrum should be prioritized in my daily decisions. Should one sacrifice humanity for close family or should family be sacrificed in humanities interest?

Why would we need them. If all whites rise we would easily win on our own. Even if the race traitors helped the other races.

>oil nigger

Make one for poo in loos and muslims.
I'm tired of being compare when these two are super liberal pieces of shit.
Even if it small, divide the Asians into three groups at the least, because each of these small group have done more for this world than any fuckin' nig nog.

FUCK yankees

What country do you think would launch a war to stop "another Hitler" ?

Basically the US has been the reason why multiculturalism
has been forced down Europe's throat

These mother fucker make law such as Immigration Act of 1965

and pressure on british empire and many great white country

I Hope next time nigger worship faggot will be president elect

so every single white american wallet get raped

>Should one sacrifice humanity for close family or should family be sacrificed in humanities interest?
False dichotomy. No sacrifice is necessary. What is good for your family is good for humanity.

There's no right or wrong answer to that question, but individualism means that your life matters, collectivism means your life only matters if the group(s) you happen to belong to think your life matters. PROTIP: They won't think your life matters unless you are a net gain to their well-being.

why are you upset about Europeans when you are a fucking gook?

gook immigration to canada

not america , you nigger worship faggot

even gook want to live white country

only nigger worship faggot like you want live with shit-skin

>southwest asia
wtf, i would say that is the same as middle eastern
> north africa
middle eastern aka sandnigger
> you forgot poo in loo/south asian

I hope you get bombed by arabs disgusting ricenigger

arabs/middle eastern

nigger president obongo destroy Libya

so North Africa nigger and arab can gangraped europe

I hope leftwing american become robin hood and take your All of the money

dumb fuck 80% World population have black hair and darker skin

but stupid america white women think get rid of blond hair and blue eyes is good idea

soon "white" American women become 1/16th nigger with a ton of makeup


Geographical race
A distinct population that is isolated in a particular area from other populations of a species, and consistently distinguishable from the others, e.g. morphology (or even only genetically). Geographic races are allopatric.

Blacks: Lives in africa, have geographically adapted to their location. Skin color, iq, length, strength, stamina.

White: Lives in Europe, have geographically adapted to it's location.
Skin color, iq, length, strength, stamina.

Physiological race
A group of individuals that do not necessarily differ in morphology from other members of the species, but have identifiably different physiology or behaviour.[10] A physiological race may be an ecotype, part of a species that is adapted to a different local habitat, defined even by a specific food source.[11] Parasitic species, often tied to no geographic location, frequently have races that are adapted to different hosts,[10][12] but difficult to distinguish chromosomally.[13]

Whites and blacks live in two seprate minds in two seprate worlds. Black and whites dosen't understand each other. We are genetically diffrent, geographically adapted to our location. We have a diffrent mind/tribe mentality, whites has alwayes been more in grouped and cared for our own more like neandertals. Blacks have a completly diffrent behaviour and are more indvidual and concered for their own and with a more short minded thinking. Whites and blacks are visually diffrent.

Race isen't a lie.

Also jews are like the paresites described. Hard to differentiate but defently not white or any other race their a race on their own.

Onigger was a fucking mistake. fuck that communist

53% of white women voted Trump so there's hope

other European

>Indigenous peoples of Europe (bounded by the Straits of Gibraltar, the Arctic ocean around Iceland, the Gulf of Tunis, the Urals, the Zagros mountains, and the Sea of Marmara)

>Indigenous peoples of North Africa (from Western Sahara and northwest Mauretania to Sinai), the Middle East (from Anatolia to Arabia, from Palestine to western Pakistan), and parts of Central Asia (esp. Tajikistan and parts of the Tarim Basin)

>Indigenous peoples of sub-Saharan Africa outside the Kalahari and north of the Cape

Khoisan or Bushman
>Indigenous peoples of the Kalahari

African Pygmy
>Indigenous pygmy peoples of the Congo basin in Africa

South Asian or Indian
>Indigenous peoples of the Indian subcontinent and parts of the southern Himalayas, from western Pakistan to eastern Burma and from Nepal to Sri Lanka)

Southeast Asian
>Indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia from Burma and southeast China to the Philippines and the Moluccas

Central Asian
>Indigenous peoples of steppe Central Asia from southern Russia to Turkmenistan, and from Kazakhstan to parts of the Tarim Basin

East Asian
>Indigenous peoples of eastern Asia, from Japan to Tibet and from Mongolia and Manchuria to northern Vietnam

>Indigenous peoples of the Arctic Rim in Siberia, eastern Russia, Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland

Melanesian and Aboriginal
>Indigenous peoples of New Guinea and Australia from East Timor to New Caledonia and from New Guinea to Tasmania

>Indigenous peoples of Polynesia, from New Zealand to Easter Island and from Fiji to Hawaii

>Indigenous peoples of the western Pacific islands from the Caroline Islands to Guam and to FS Micronesia

Negrito or Asian Pygmy
>Indigenous peoples of Indian Ocean islands, some parts of SE Asia, and Taiwan

Native American
>Indigenous peoples of the Americas

Special categories for biracial/multiracial people, especially for Mestizos in Latin America

There you have it

The Spainards are. So some.

I wouldn't go so far as to say no sacrifice is necessary. Every action has it's cost and someones gotta bear it

I'm asking if a man should just strive to do good to as many people as possible or if concious bound should be set like Identifying as family/german/european in order to come to a conclusion, if racial differentiation is an actual usefull tool for us. It could possibly be that the former leads to more suffering because man's conscious can't possibly take into account all of of the world in his deeds

I have read racist pseudoscience extensively. Interesting stuff, like alchemy, but there really isn't any substance there. None of it holds up to peer review. The facts have to be distorted to fit the a priori narrative or the supposed findings vanish.

Race theorists consistently ignore the effects of intermarriage, too. Haplogroups, the primary way to identify ethnic groups scientifically, don't support the isolated development hypothesis either, since we routinely find things like Turks and Native Americans with matching haplotypes.

Said who elect two time this nigger

but it doesn't matter anymore

Trump is delusional old men who think reverse this bullshit

no matter what he do end up shit

america become third world shit-skin hellhole is force majeure

But I'm white.

>implying Jews aren't white

Lebanese are white. Research Phoenicians.

These are essentially the language families, which is indeed the most accurate way to group the ethnic divisions of humanity, but falls flat as a racial theory precisely because these groups are defined by language and culture, not biology. You can make it work for people currently living, but go back a few generations and no reliable metric has ever been devised to distinguish "pure" and assimilated individuals.

Sephardic are definitely not

51% White women college graduates vote hillary

most hottest women are leftwing

but it doesn't matter

soon "white" American women become 1/16th nigger with a ton of makeup

and nobody want fuck with this quadroon

women right in USA going to die very soon

just like africa and south america don't have women right

You should read Pragmatism by William James, a favorite of Progressives, Communists, and Fascists alike.

He says racial differentiation is useful precisely because we can use to advance one group over another and because it makes people feel righteous in their decision to become adversial and that righteousness is the only definitive metric of what is good, because it always makes the decision seem right to the agent.'s a dark path, is what I'm saying. Nietzche is better.

>arab is white
>america education

GDP per capita is $11,270 (2016)

worst than Taiwan

First family of Mexico are white. You Americans see the shit that nobody wants.

What makes it racist? It's not racist it's race defining.

Lebanese people are pale because of Crusader ancestry. The Phoenicians were a Semitic people, like Jews and Arabs. They were described as tan by their contemporaries and depicted as such in art.

These aren't based on language families at all. They're based on systematic genetic disparities and patterns of population diffusion.

To give you an idea, the people classed as "East Asian" belong to 6 different language families at least: Sino-Tibetan, Tungusic, Mongolic, Korean, Japonic, and Austroasiatic. The people classed as White belong to four: Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, Semitic, and Basque. The Melanesians/Aboriginals have literally hundreds of different "families" of languages totally unrelated to each other.

Language and ethnicity are not related in any way. Race is determined by genetics, not by culture.

Race theory is the very definition of racism.

Like, how could you possibly not get that? That's like asking how can science be scientific.

It’s not that Mexico spends too little on education. Some 20 percent of government spending goes toward schools. “Mexico spends quite a bit,” said Lucrecia Santibanez, an education researcher at the RAND Corp., a nonprofit research group with headquarters in Santa Monica, Calif.

But a series of unusual – even bizarre – practices govern schools, with some 90 percent of the spending going to teachers’ salaries, leaving little for building and maintaining schools and for buying textbooks and computers. “There just isn’t a correlation between the spending and the quality of education,” Santibanez said.

Far clearer is the poor performance of the nation’s 34.9 million primary and secondary students. International assessments show nearly half of Mexico’s 15-year-olds failing at all but the most basic skills in math and science.

Afro-Asiatic*, not Semitic, sorry.

>51% White women college graduates vote hillary
>most hottest women are leftwing
>but it doesn't matter
If you say so
>soon "white" American women become 1/16th nigger with a ton of makeup
>and nobody want fuck with this quadroon
>women right in USA going to die very soon
>just like africa and south america don't have women right

American / Pacific Islander

Stop classifying Arabs and Indians as Asian, classify them as Caucasian, and split Hispanics up by phenotype.

>Stop classifying Arabs and Indians as Asian
nice try shitskin

South Africa's economy shrinks 1.2pc

White people do not control SA economy - Moeletsi Mbeki

democrat city is extremely segregated

Yeah , but nobody want to live with nigger

this is reality , even liberal faggot city is extremely segregated

also this is what we have now you dumb faggot sandnigger

It is accepted to care for ones family members -> Close genetic ties: nice family member :^)

It is not accepted to care for ones nation -> close to medium close genetic ties: nazi :^(

It is very accepted to care a lot for people outside your ethnic group -> distant genetic ties: saint :^D

The solution is to have a palette with different skin color, hair color, and eye color and have people cross of their own.

American is not a race

Why are niggers so retarded

okey sure, the expression has become so diluted it's hard to tell.

>The facts have to be distorted

Could you tell me how? So the geographic adaption like black skin colour isen't a adaption or what? And could you refute diffrent minds of diffrent races also pleae would be very intresting.

Thanks, I'm just gonna skim through it to see what's it all about.
Last question! did you imply Nietsche somewhere opposes or refutes the ideas found in pragmatism by W.J.?

I heard genetics is all the rage nowadays. In that field you could define race without a problem at all as for example genetic clustering.

But I know you people really want to live in the past.

Ah, sorry I'm a linguist and didn't notice that you lumped a bunch of Central Asians and isolates into those categories.

Still, point stands. The only language families you're excluding are, conveniently, the ones without disputed classifications and isolates.

There are clear inconsistencies in the application of your theory, too. Japanese are East Asians? Genetically distinct from literally everyone else you put into that group, with surprisingly few indications of intermarriage.

>Language and ethnicity are not related in any way

You're joking right? There's a pretty damn obvious reason these are often called ethnolinguistic groups.

>did you imply Nietsche somewhere opposes or refutes the ideas found in pragmatism by W.J.?

More like Nietzche and James are bizarro versions of each other. If you read a summary of their philosophies, they are superficially similar.

>American is not a race
Some of you are incredebly intermixed. It is like dogs, where some specific crossbreeds are considered a race of their own.

Nationality is just a symbol in that context, really. Nice pasta though

In another post I addressed this point. Genetics pretty conclusively disproves the idea of race and indicates that even apparently isolated populations are almost always highly mixed genetically.
>Could you tell me how?

Not saying that there aren't population specific adaptations. The main problem is harmonizing race theories (and there are numerous ones) and the raw data is that the supposed lines of distinctions between races don't hold up in the data. The races are inherently arbitrary and not arbitrary in the sense of we have to start somewhere, arbitrary in the sense of every race theorist picks different race groups and then their data always somehow fits the hypothesis they started with. It's bad science. It's pseudoscience.

>close genetic ties
wew lad

Because the average Hispanic is 60-70% genetically Spanish white. They are more Caucasian than anything else



The idea of race as defined by race theory yes. But that is an old obsolete definition so using it in a discussion today is essentially a strawman. Again, defining race as genetic clustering is more exact and reasonable. At that point the only thing you need to decide on is what genetic distance someone has to be in order to belong to the same race.

Maybe I'm autistic but I consider "nation" to be all about blood ties.

"hispanics" would look like native americans if spaniards didnt rape their incompetent lazy half-retarded asses for years

I was pointing out how inbred scandinavia is

Proposed racial category names (with location of native origins)

Whites (Europe)
Semites (Middle East & North Africa)
Asians (Asia, except West Asia)
Blacks (Africa, except North Africa)
Native American (North America)
Hispanic (Central America & South America)
Aboriginals (Australia)
Polynesian (New Zealand & Pacific Islands)

Sand people, that would encompass all Arabs and Jews, And a good amount of Mexicans as well.

To be fair I said that family is "close" and nation is "close" so you have a point

The only kind of work in that regard that I am familiar with is identification of ethnic groups by haplotype.

This work has not resulted in anything resembling races, because individuals usually belong to several haplogroups and haplotypes are almost never ethnic group specific (there are a handful of very small, very isolated exceptions). One example of how haplotypes directly contradict is the discovery of haplotypes shared by pre-Columbia Americans and some Middle Eastern groups, like Turks.

Also, haplotype distribution in ethnic groups tends to be all over the place. It's practically impossible to say "This haplogroup is this ethnic group", much less that "these haplogroups are this race."


you're trash