Brit/pol/ - papers are boring edition

>Leftists in Britain cry about President Zlumpf

>May satisfies her pro-EU MPs with promises of a watered-down Brexit, paving the way for an easy A50 trigger

>ARE NUTT: "Trump's immigration measures are arbitrary"

>Now Labour is the party divided by the EU

>"I used to sneer at Lib Dems, now I've joined them" - Can the Milkman be stopped?

>Prince Charles urges to tackle Trump over climate change

>Blairite backbenchers try to force a referendum on the Single Market

>Tory MP apologises for woofing at Paki SNP MP

Other urls found in this thread:

Ban anime and porn, mate.

Note to Rightly So - This is why you don't treat Anonymongs with respect

Death to tripfags

> britpakis

eyy lmao

To that pro-abortion guy from last thread who ignored me when I asked how and why "a person owns their body", want to take a shot mate?


>*Believes in no objective source of morality and mocks religion*

stop with these gay generals

holy he really said that

When did Nigel grow a beard? That's pretty great. I know he briefly grew a mustache last year.

Who else has virtue signallers on their Kikebook news feed that went to the Trump protests and had to show all their friends what an "activist" they are? There's at least 3 on mine, 2 in London and one in Brighton. Truly disgusting

Anonymongs as a group cannot be blamed for the actions of a few extremists

Filter them out then faggot


>he still uses faceberg

Come on lad, it's the current year +2


why are there no arguments against ayn rand and Objectivism other than ad hom and false info


>brit/pol/ thread wars

if you don't support people posting new threads at 250 posts then join the real thread

This bird was protesting the other day, right in the middle of the fucking road.
She protested down a one way, right in the middle of the fucking road.
I beeped my horn and yelled aye-aie, right in the middle of the fucking road.
You stupid cow get out the way, your right in the middle, right in the middle, right in the middle of the fucking road.

this is the real thread

bog wills it

this despai


I still have connections with people that aren't total cucks. Also meme pages

The other one is tbf

there ya go man

>people that aren't total cucks. Also meme pages
Pic is you

What do you guys think about a how the terrorist was a white guy?

I think it makes things worse, it will have a knock on effect over to trumps influence. This won't look good if it people manage to use what happened as an argument

yktd needs a ban desu

Personal responsibility will never be trendy.

>You haven't seen nothing yet

Double negative

>tripfag hating social media
>tries to use Sup Forums as social media


A future of reciprocal terrorism between radicals all for the sake of multiculturalism.


Except that it's trendy among a certain segment of teenagers.

Ayn Rand supports abortion, she abandons responsibility the minute it might inconvenience her quest for selfishness and beggar-thy-neighbour.

You've fuck-all clout

not a argument

not an argument

You are a R Tard


She worshipped the serial child murderer for his amorality - of course as a jew she weaselled her way around the fact of the murder by claiming you can separate the two.

At least the R don't stand for Rand



Fly fast, Tony!

> tfw download from a trusted seeder still get 2456 viruses.


Anti Muslim ban Protesters against Trump in Bristol

>people STILL posting itt

I've seen a lot of these protesters recently, and it's particularly strange for a number of reasons.
>See Asian (Noodle Asian) holding a sign saying "Take away our rights - get hit with the left"
>When did we ban Ramen?
>Clearly foreign student holding a sign saying "Refugees welcome"
>You don't get a say.
They also seem to be organised in their entirety by Marxists, Communists and ANFA. Which is concerning, because they'll be radicalising the ordinary students without an agenda who attend.

>tfw no blackshirts to attack them

Fuck off taig.

Trumps White House spokesman guy also said this is an example of what Triumps immigration ban is trying to stop when they thought it was Syrian refugees, def going to be a very serious backlash against Trump and especially his retarded supporters who are still shilling the syrian refugees/morrocan terrorist/islamic converts line and making the rest of us look like actual retards that push fake news.

They are useful idiots most of the time but this time the idiot part is too strong.

Trump also got 51% disapproval within 8 days, a fucking record. Making me more and more worried about impeachment and that would probably mean devasting effects on our negotiations with the EU.

Why are there two threads???????????



Disapproval ratings? You mean more polls?

The absolute state of television, lads

>Program casually talking about female squirting and orgasms
>Then a 5''6 trans faggot chiming in to legitimize his mental illness
>Advert of blood and gore being rolled into a cigarette and a guy smoking it as red puss and lumps gather around his lips
>Another of grown men dancing around in skirts

I'm going to guess at (((Channel 4))) run by (((((((David Abraham)))))))

Am I right?

>>Advert of blood and gore being rolled into a cigarette and a guy smoking it as red puss and lumps gather around his lips
And yet cannabis' only portrayal in popular media is that of a safe and soft mellow high comparable to alcohol at worst and soma at best

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>""""""""""War on drugs""""""""""

Yeah, I think it was

I agree it's shit. I'm disappointed, especially if he was from Sup Forums or similar. Should have known better than to do that.

Dylan Roof thought he was going to be a trigger point of a race war and maybe this French chap did too but they're doing it completely wrong.

I still think something seems very odd about the situation, but then I think that about everything since the police, media and governments are all a bunch of lying, ruinous cunts.

If your girl has PMS you ought to ease the pain by thrusting your dick inside her.

I basically don't watch television anymore except to watch the (((news))) and politics shows

It could be a recent convert to Islam, a lot of whites get radicalized in prison.

>implying that being trans is a mental illness


>Trump also got 51% disapproval within 8 days

I read a poll about that and they only surveyed just over a thousand people.

It's bullshit.