Obama, a former president who probally have 8 years of knowledge of what to do in the presidency, just laughed at trump face for his racist bigotry, BTFO RACIST ALT RIGHT
Obama, a former president who probally have 8 years of knowledge of what to do in the presidency, just laughed at trump face for his racist bigotry, BTFO RACIST ALT RIGHT
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but it was Obama who made the list, and he did the same ban thing in 2011...
In the US we have a precedent of former presidents having little to no involvement in current politics.
This is to respect the legitimacy of the new president.
Obama has broken this precedent within 10 FUCKING DAYS.
>Obama did the same thing
Woah boy
No bias here
fuck that queer nigger
no its not the same, Obama did it because he had too, for unfortunate reason, and trump FUCKING ran his campaign on this, which is bluntly racist
These were my thoughts exactly.
The sanctity didn't last two weeks.
it was ok when Obama dropped 26,000 bombs on those 7 countries.
no doubt that trump's campaign was about crashing obama and discredit his good name. now people in america have to protest, electors... ffs its 2017 hillary won the popular vote
Who's this obama guy? I'm not up to speed on rappers.
Just a bunch of talk
this 26,000 bombs was on the exact spot when there were terrorist, not at the whole country
>Israel hating Trump
>bluntly racist
>islam is now a race
Fuck off kike
it's another Shareblue thread
Does this guy have no shame? He literally did all of this.
Obama a president that did only damage and went against it's own promises dares to criticize anyone?