Is Myers-Briggs the ultimate red pill?
Is Myers-Briggs the ultimate red pill?
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No, it's pseudo-scientific garbage for SJW's that like to feel special.
Literally astrology-tier.
>INTP masterrace
>eternally unhappy, unsocial spergs
What about Myer's Briggs is unscientific? I present that its a simple, effective way of classifying personality types; it's not perfect, just like taxonomic classifications aren't perfect, but it is informative.
It's OK friend, I as an ENTJ RCOEI also have a lousy social life, we must embrace what we despise in ourselves in order to unfuck ourselves, or something like that anyway.
Interestingly enough my idea of being a philosopher (I'm assuming you are also primarily inquisitive) is to project my values through my work and my interactions, or at least that's I would do if I would but move in the direction of becoming a prominent individual.
Perchance you don't also happen be a depressed fellow as well would you?
it's good. i dont like when nonwhites use it though. i dont believe in personifying subhumans. myers briggs doesnt work on dogs and it doesnt work on niggers either
How is a standardized test astrology-tier?
If you take a survey and respond that your favorite foods are bananas, apples, steak, oranges, and avocados, would it be wrong to conclude that you like fruit?
>It's OK friend, I as an ENTJ RCOEI also have a lousy social life
I'm an INTP and have very little innate desire for a social life beyond my girlfriends (many such cases.)
It's copy-righted (double-edged blade) and has fallen by the wayside over the years in terms of validation through the scientific method (as has Socionics Model A, a similar theory to MBTI but different) however Dario Nardi's research has also done much it would seem to confirm Jung's hypothesis of cognitive functions so take it as you will I guess, I found the channel MBTV useful in understanding MBTI as well as this blog:
Then you probably wouldn't describe it as being lousy as you seem to be content with having a minimal amount of interactions with others it would seem.
Being extroverted and quasi-socially inept sucks but I think I have a variety of factors influencing the decisions I made throughout life that has led me to this point as well so I cannot entirely cast the blame on innate qualities of my personality.
It used to be lulzy on old Sup Forums.
That's how uncool it is.
We need a new yardstick.
The problem is that all people, introverts included, need to have competent social skills in order to succeed in the work place.
Its commonly held that INTJ are the most "austistic," so you must be the type who shitposts IRL
we reverted back to measuring muh dikk
>tfw INTP and I hate math
Answer a bunch of questions and then let us repeat the answers to you
you'll be shocked as to how you answered!
none of these fit me
>if you answer the questions, you win
>the type who shitposts IRL
Is this INTJ?
no. people choose the answers based on who they want to be, not what they're actually like
Even outside of the workplace I feel drained all the time without anyone to interact with as well as being without anything of value to accomplish. With that said I think I'm competent enough to get a job and keep it as far as social interaction capabilities are concerned. As for Ni doms I can't say much other than what most self-report and it seems to me that their inferior extraverted sensing makes them seem like they're in another world when it comes to social interactions, usually.
>shitposts IRL
What did he mean by this?
No, that's an ESTP marketing scheme.
Love me some of that data mining
No matter how many times people call MBTI pseudo science it won't go away because it's not pseudo science.
>Is Myers-Briggs the ultimate red pill?
>Pic related
>Socionics shit tier
For what purpose? Other than the type relationships Model A seems breddy gud.
>What anime character are you quizzes
ENTJ masterrace
Socionics is actual pseudo science.
>it's too complicated and beyond your understanding
>we totally didn't just make everything up with bullshit descriptions
ENTP........I think. I know I'm a Fe and Ti user, and might use Si because I hoard lots of collectibles.
Something something dam gommunists I guess? I have no gripes with it. What are your thoughts on the Enneagram?
Interesting, my personality type corresponds to the same spot on my personal compass diagram.
>INTJ every time I take these
>look deeper into the rabbit hole
>reads like a basic manual of me
A label doesn't define me, but it sure helps me categorize the why behind my what.
Test create by women, using carl jung ideas.
>What about Myer's Briggs is unscientific?
Personality types are supposed to be immutable, yet half of test takers will test into a different type after only a 6 month period, more so after a year.
Worse yet, the entire set-up is completely fucked because you are analyzing 4 spectra into 4 binary types.
Think of it this way. Introversion starts at 0 and runs to 50, then Extroversion would be anyone from 51-100. An INTJ could be, in this example, 1,1,1,1 or 50,50,50,50. An individual who would test as the polar opposite personality ESFP could be 51,51,51,51 to 100,100,100,100. See this issue?
2 "opposite" personalities could be 4 raw score points apart, while people within the same personality INTJ could be 200 in an extreme, but valid example.
The big 5 (OCEAN) is the go to personality tool in pyschology. No researcher has used the MBTI since the 80s because it's horoscope tier.
The big 5 on the other is far more useful and science-based with all 5 traits spread evenly across populations within the bell curve instead of having some personalites having only 5% of the population
infp super fruitcake coming through
Psychology is pseudoscience as well.
INTP here. I perpetually lack conviction in anything and come off as timid because of perpetual doubt. Life feels as though there is nothing concrete to latch on to, and all people are actors.
I feel overwhelmed by the universe and am autistic as fuck.
If you're actually an INTP life sucks and you can't function well in society unless you get paid to be in the basement and play factorio.
Thanks for reading my blog.
That's about all peace out.
>be me
>t. 18 year old senior INTP
I fucking hate myself. When I was a kid I was arguably the most popular/funny kid in my elementary school and was friends the popular girls. Then my balls dropped, I lost all of my friends and desire to make any social contact at all. I don't think I have felt any emotions for the past 2-3 years and haven't gone to a friends house in 3 years. I have lost almost all my social skills and am considered the "weird kid".
I don't know how I fucking got here. I used to pick on the weird kids, but now here I am, one of them. How do I return to my former self?
You're probably just doomed. I was the same way. I'm 26 now. I forced myself into situations that required the complete opposite of what an INTP would want to do.... aka be in the infantry.
It didn't work, and just made me more mad and self destructive.
Have fun kiddo.
I was thinking about joining the Naval Special Warfare community.
I want to talk to a therapist but I also want to join the military and I'm pretty sure if you ever talked to a therapist in your life they'll dq you.
I don't want to be doomed.
for the most part I agree
but more due to the fact that its hard for us to quantify and accurately measure the different psychological processes we have.
there are quite a few psychological trends that most of us have though, read anything related to business marketing or economics for example and that becomes apparent.
ENTJ reporting in.
Will myer briggs ever be used in the future as an official documentation of an individual's personality in a government database? What alternative purpose is this test really used for?
Life sucks, but high school is worse.
If you are anything like me, don't go to college. Trying to make your interests/hobbies your job will just ruin your interests/hobbies.
I recommend getting into the trades. They are usually less social and less intellectually demanding so that you can actually have the energy to pursue your interests on your off time.
INTP and schizoid personality disorder:
INTPs are secret schizoids
Many fundamentally schizoid individuals display an engaging, interactive personality that contradicts the observable characteristic emphasized by the DSM-5 and ICD-10 definitions of the schizoid personality.:pp. 25–27 Klein classifies these individuals as "secret schizoids", who present themselves as socially available, interested, engaged and involved in interacting yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world.
Withdrawal or detachment from the outer world is a characteristic feature of schizoid pathology, but may appear either in "classic" or in "secret" form. When classic, it matches the typical description of the schizoid personality offered in the DSM-5. It is however "just as often" a hidden internal state: that which meets the objective eye may not match the subjective, internal world of the patient. Klein therefore cautions that one should not miss identifying the schizoid patient because one cannot see the patient's withdrawal through the patient's defensive, compensatory interaction with external reality. He suggests that one need only ask the patient what his or her subjective experience is in order to detect the presence of the schizoid refusal of emotional intimacy.:pp. 25–27
Descriptions of the schizoid personality as "hidden" behind an outward appearance of emotional engagement have been recognized since 1940 with Fairbairn's description of "schizoid exhibitionism," in which the schizoid individual is able to express a great deal of feeling and to make what appear to be impressive social contacts yet in reality gives nothing and loses nothing. Because he/she is only "playing a part," his own personality is not involved. According to Fairbairn, the person disowns the part which he is playing and thus the schizoid individual seeks to preserve his own personality intact and immune from compromise."[21]
It is useful for socially retarded people. They can study it to realize what kinds of people there are. And also that people have different motivations for what they do.
classic intj response
INTP and I hate myself
i think the test helps me realize my many flaws and weaknesses and how others perceive me. I have something I can work on to improve.
Also I think I can use the test to deal with people who aren't upfront about what's on their mind.
We all do.
It's the autism pill
Most of Sup Forums is INTP, like a 70%
Pretty weird
I hover between ENTP/INTP probably depending on mood (taken it twice and gotten those) I'm introverted but not autistic
A couple years ago we had a few threads on a test of what mass murderer you'd get and the majority of us got Albert Speer (who never killed anyone). I think it makes sense.
I keep seeing that sentiment in these threads and I don't get it. I think it's liberating.
Everyone else seems so co-dependent and the problems that come with that seem exhausting. I'm perfectly content to live out the rest of my lives from in solitude. Why aren't you?
No. Jungian cognitive function are. You need understand them to get anything useful out of this.
>I used to pick on the weird kids, but now here I am, one of them.
It's vengeance from Kek for being a fucking normie
Atone for your sins and pray when NEETs and full blown autistics take over the world that you aren't the first one to the rope
>INTP's are secret schizoids
Can confirm. INTP-A here and I'm a secret schizoid
Because humans are social beings. To be completely isolationist is unnatural. All humans long for social interaction, a place where they belong, a small group of friends at the very least. A happy INTP is someone who denies this fact.
Same but I think it's an advantage where others seem to consider it a disability. Can a self loathing INTP explain to me what your issues are?
INTP is master race
>implying the internet doesn't fulfill the need for social interaction
what do you think Sup Forums is, or online video games etc?
you need to be in order to:
A: Not be socially minded
-Aka believe what everyone else decides is right to against merchant beliefs
B:Not make judgements based on feelings/idealism
Only factual information can really be posted here (shitposting aside) You can't use body language, threats, or peer pressure, only what information you type which appeals to those who can logically sort it. Nor can attempts to attack a person's image come into play effectively
>Enjoys masturbation more than sex
hit too close to home
>Can a self loathing INTP explain to me what your issues are?
I hate myself and I want to die in my sleep. Any other questions?
The internet and video games do not have the same effect. It is no substitute for physical human interaction. If you truly think that then you're really in denial.
This. I consider you faggots my friends. In fact the only thing I ever long for is sex in which case I create a fake persona online, get laid then delete the account. I do this every 6 months or so.
this was shared in another thread and another ENTJ said the same thing
>tfw INTP and INTJ on some days so I'm either destined to be a useless wordsmith or a sadistic kike who bathes in child's blood
>tfw ENTJ is just alpha autism
Almost no one has 0 human interaction mate
you'd have to be a complete hermit shut-in to not speak to humans on a nearly daily basis
It's legit. On the same level as MBTI.
I see it the same way. I've been emotionally withdrawn for the past several years so I think it's pretty useful that I can mask my emotions and make it seem like I care about something when I really don't. And while I can easily talk to people and have a social life, I prefer my solitude. If anything, becoming a Secret Schizoid has improved my life as strange as it may sound
I like it
I had to justify hitler to a liberal AP world civ teacher, probably the most fun I had in that class was watching her stutter over facts.
I do the same but with tinder
I'll get on every few months to get laid then stop going on it
I have like 4 friends IRL, used to have more before I moved.
Can you elaborate? Are you lonely? Sad that you can't relate to people?
I was that way as a teenager but I taught myself to fake being social simply by observation for occasions when I simply have to interact with people.
>What about Myer's Briggs is unscientific?
The question is rather "how is it scientific"?
Yeah pretty much.
>tfw a girl touched my hand by accident on the grocery store vegetable lane
>didn't know if to apologize or smile
What have you done to me Sup Forums? I am now a shitposter.
i took this one
>tfw ISTP
is there any hope?
It's pretty accurate, I'm lively, popular and independent. Wish I was ENTP I think I'd have better bantz.
Every time I take this test I get different results and none of them are accurate.
Stop shilling this shit.
>tfw the hundreds of INTPs on Sup Forums missed out on being influential and successful people by one letter
You don't need physical human contact, I never touch anyone, you need emotional and intellectual. Sup Forums fills those roles very nicely. It provides someone to talk with and refine your own ideas. Its better than a real life person in many ways because of the variety of opinion and Sup Forums never gets angry. You just start a new thread and go one with your discussion with someone new.
INTP, if you were wondering
im istj but i havent taken the test in a few month so ill do it again to see if ive changed
if you have N and J its pretty much turbo autism
You need touch if you're a baby though, did you receive sufficient physical contact from your mother as an infant? I speculate I and my twin sister did not as she does not like to be touched and I have my own reservations about being touched myself. Anyway I'm just wondering if there's a correlation between being on Sup Forums and suffering from reactive attachment disorder and/or schizoid(al) tendencies.
I just sit around doing unproductive things if I don't have a schedule or checklist
What about sex? Have you accepted a life of virginity or do you just not care enough about pussy to make the effort?
ESTP-A. Life is largely slow and boring, but I'm pushing through it so far.
> I and my twin sister did not as she does not like to be touched and I have my own reservations about being touched myself
I can agree with that, physical intimacy with another person makes me very uncomfortable. I assume I got enough contact from my parents but I honestly have no clue.
>Anyway I'm just wondering if there's a correlation between being on Sup Forums and suffering from reactive attachment disorder and/or schizoid(al) tendencies.
Probably this site tends to collect all the broken people, myself included.
>tfw rarely any other ESTPs in these threads
wizard +2 years. like I said in another post. Being close with another person is troublesome. I did kiss a girl twice and it did not go well.
nope still the same
I got ENTP. Got INFJ and INTP before
i think ive heard of this guy before. can someone give me a rundown?
me too
>Is Myers-Briggs the ultimate red pill?
No. It's a blue pill I have to put on Tinder otherwise gals won't swap me right.
Show me the Chronbach Alpha values for the test.
Show me that it still manages to identify people that are thusly labelled through other means in a double blind test.
Show me it has extensive and well-demonstrated consistency over time.
Show me people tend to always get the same results.