At the army physical and mental screening they had a computer test with one question saying "Did you read Mein Kampf?" So I guess its not good to start reading it right now I want to keep the job
Maybe in the future
Adrian Harris
what would happen if you read it and answered No?
Juan Barnes
Dunno, but our army doesnt joke around with MUH NAZI AND RASISM
Brody Moore
it's not racist but racialist
Adrian Murphy
Grayson Gonzalez
>Sie haben also "Mein kampf" gelesen? >Also Menschen die sich mit so einer Ideologie beschäftigen können wir hier leider nicht gebrauchen
I would want to get some more basic knowledge about ww2 and the time period before I invest the time to read a~1000 pages book Nedd to put it in the historical context
Caleb Hall
>>Sie haben also "Mein kampf" gelesen? >>Also Menschen die sich mit so einer Ideologie beschäftigen können wir hier leider nicht gebrauchen deep down she took the redpill
fair enough I've been really into WW1 in 2014 because of the 100 year anniversary. I think that's important. Also he makes some references to the Franco-Prussian war, which I don't know about too much.
Noah Turner
It's boring, maniacal drivel written by a deeply disturbed man. This book made me sad for him.