How many of you unironically think America is heading to a second civil war? I'm starting to think it's possible.
How many of you unironically think America is heading to a second civil war? I'm starting to think it's possible
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No not civil war. America is remembering why we hate each other again. Blacks and whites will always fight each other , mexicans will take all they can . Muslims will hate anything not muslim. This is what being " a nation of immigrants" gives us. Think about everything the u.s.has done. We are destined to explode into total war and chaos because deep down we want it
Read "Civil War II" by Thomas Chittum. He wrote it in the early/mid 90s and had a lot of predictions that have mostly come true. Iirc, he predicted a ethnic civil war could break out as early as 2020.
A war between hard-working Americans and a bunch of weak cucks and feminists?
Wew fucking lad mate.
It'd be the shortest civil war in American history.
Nah. Once it starts to get to 1960s level turbulence, maybe.
Civil war will happen
As one user put it, we're in a "soft" civil war right now
We're just one assassination attempt or a citywide 1992-level riot away from a full on civil war
It's a just revival of the radical communism and ethnonationalism of the late 60's/early 70's. Everyone thought there would be a civil war then too.
Don't underestimate your enemy. Remember that most young people identify as liberal.
It can't happen like the first rendition. The first was split geographically over 2-3 clear, divisive issues and both sides had power(the south, like today, is overly represented in the military)
The left has no power is any sense whatsoever. It would flair up into skirmishes at worst and then be put down. It can't happen. In every regard you can think of the left is woefully weak compared to the right.
We're not. Despite our bitching, most of us aren't so unhappy that we'd get off the couch to change anything. We have really, really good lives for the most part.
A lot of Americans don't consider cable-TV to be a luxury anymore because we're so spoiled. Try taking it from us, though. Then you have yourself a war.
Otherwise, it's not worth the hassle. I'll just shitpost on Sup Forums.
This is sophistry at its finest.
These so called millennials are just throwing tantrums because they can't live off mommy and daddy anymore and the government is going to get the economy moving again.
I know exactly who the enemy is, and they're a bunch of pussies.
I would have no problem reclaiming th u.s to the political right that it was built on
Leftist acum are errording our american values day by day, its gonna get to a point of no return that will either spark conflict or damn us to the rule of leftists
I will say i do not think that war will follow any lines, just theology
Digits confim
So shorter than 4 years then?
Why do people think this? Are black, mexican, muslim communities made of weak cucks and feminists? I think you underestimate the opposing sides.. Its a lot more than the sjws
>I'm starting to think it's possible.
There will be no need when Trump declares martial law and purges the liberal scourge.
it's inevitable on a long enough timeframe, might as well have it happen now!
If you don't live in America you don't really have any right to say what will or won't happen.
That being said, most of the major cities are already war and/or riot zones. That doesn't mean war will break out, but with a spark it may. If nothing happens after a while, the protests will eventually die out and we'll go back to Business As Usual. This was probably why Trump chose to go big in his first week instead of spreading it out over a long period, because it would get all the useless protesting out of peoples' systems.
UNLESS, of course, something totally unforeseen happens and it ignites all of the restless tension in the major cities. Skirmishes might break out, and city-states might declare independence. If this happens, it'll most likely lead into a domino effect that'll culminate in total civil war. I'm confident that the Libertarians and Right-wing Authoritarians will be able to put aside their differences and win it easily.
woah. shit just got real
I do, its been one of the long expected things simply because the regions of the country don't have any cohesion with any others.
Figure the old 6 section map is still mostly in effect.
All that's really happening now is the end game, liberals are buying guns and arming up.
Its all well and good to complain about "muh Democrats run the country, ignore that we have the power and have so for the majority of the time" until you do step to far and they decide, fuck the system, race war now as well.
Remember, a conservative feels they are right and so rests frequently, convinced of their own brilliance. They will do nothing until everything falls on them and not even then.
A liberal thinks they are right and will fight to prove so. They will be the first to strike, to act, and will keep doing so until they cannot support their position and fade, defeated.
Also the general issue that most revolutions are leftist started and motivated, their endings all over.
My personal initiator favorite?
Bannon pens some EO for Trump, fucks it up because he lacks clearance for being an unstable fuckwit, and promptly triggers the economic meltdown.
Otherwise, April, specifically the 30 th, that's when forex has the dollar crash from the rate increase, glenco, and the Euro imploding.
Their is a big difference in virtue signaling and actually going out to get your ass wrecked.
>The year Trump wins gets reelected
Lol no. The people who want a war are scared of guns. Those of us who have guns, just laugh at the rest.
You actually think that a bunch of tumblr whales are going to go to war? The fit and combat veterans aren't on the sjw team.
9 months, Shay's Rebellion
What about MAIDAN ?
Your color revolution will be PINK. Pink revolution. Pussy pink revolution... Does it sound well colored ?
(The black&white BLM theme did not pleased it's funder Soros well, so now let's try another color...)
it's just protest we have this all year
dont be a poussy
List of assets for the Red team:
-Vast majority of the gun owners
-Vast majority of the trained ex-military/government workers
-Virtually all of the firearms
Blue team:
-Bright colored hair (possible chemical weapon??)
-Protest signs
-G̶a̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶a̶i̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶g̶u̶n̶s̶ They all shot eachother
I hope so. I'm 30 and I'm bored. I've spat out two kids and, as much as I want peace for them, I want to break the world as it currently exists. We are capable of so much more and I want a brighter future for them.
Pink pussy hat ... for a pink pussy revolution...
then why don't you deal with them already? why do you continue to suffer them?
>civil war
If SJWs got the balls to do anything it'd be a minor revolt, it would also get BTFO by all the Centre-Right as they own guns
the seeds were planted in 2008, they are sprouting now
why didnt you risten
I think we're more likely heading towards having a militarized police state, and I can't say that I'm not welcome to the idea at this point.
Oh yeah, it's definitely coming. I cannot wait.
I've already got it all planned out.
I'm gonna kill SJW's and collect their weird colored fag hair in strands, like Boba-fett did with those filthy fucking Wookiees.
I mean yea think about it. After four years of being ruled by Trump, the people rejoice for a socialist savior will now be president. But on election night they lose. Yea, that would be a huge civil war.
A civil war like the first is impossible. Back then the divide was over a single issue and conveniently split across a latitude. Todays differences are in a range of ideologies and policies with a complicated geographical distribution.
Not to mention peoples lives are too comfortable. They would never risk losing hot coffee and internet for years of horrific fighting.
I have no more patience with leftist liberals. The time for peaceful discussions has ended. They need to be dealt with in a permanent fashion, whatever that may be. I have no problem with a civil war, because our opposition is literally fatties, homosexuals, gangsters, and people confused about their gender. The immigrants they love so much will literally chop them up and turn them into shoes and shit.
What we are headed to is mass SJW suicides and more dank memes.
I can't fucking wait.
Niggers are lazy and would be incapable of gathering efficiently and effectively.
Mexicans are significantly outnumbered and would be vastly overtaken due to sheer numbers and inability to persist. Muslims are not looking to escape war just to start another, and the ones that are already here wanted to assimilate and be American, right?
The rest is cucks and socialist faggots.
Not to mention the Federal government would be against the opposition.
It's just not feasible. And in fact is almost laughable to consider.
>why would he do something so stupid, to fuck up everything and give the left ammunition to use against us?
Nah. It'll just be escalation between small groups of people. Trump supporters finally having enough of antifa's shit and striking back.
I honestly want there to be another civil war. I'm 25 years old now and I have seen Southern California turn into even more of a shithole than it was when I was a kid. I just want there to be a big war and we can start over again.
I do. I hope it will split into two: a conservative and a liberal part. Let everyone live according to their ideology.
I'm down
yes, a weird cyberpunk guerrilla war. libs will get smashed, then the right will destroy itself
make way for real ideology folks
To add to your point the Chinese and Koreans can't stand black people. They call them "stinky nigs", their words not mine. Also you'd be suprised to find out how so many Indians loathe Hispanics, it's makes Sup Forums tame in comparison.
Tay's rebellion.
I don't think so. Drump will be impeached and all the drumpfkins will or persecuted
No civil war, but I do think that we will see at least one major riot, where multiple people are killed or critically injured, in a big city a la the 1992 L.A. riots, where the military has to be called in. It will probably be race-related, and some neighborhoods will be destroyed. It will happen over the summer (when riots usually happen).
My money is on Chicago, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few significant riots around the same time like we had back in the 1960s.
It's not my position to take care of someone else.
This is a free market society, and these dumb asses want everything handed to them.
They've got to grow up and realize that they're not the center of attention and the world is far from being a utopia.
They're living a delusional fantasy and it probably amounts to the media and educational systems indoctrinating them to such a profound degree that they're incapable of seeing what's true and what's false.
The drugs probably don't help their cause either.
Nah its soros plan
>a cleanse will happen on Red pill people
> soros will control everything afterwards
All vs alt right racist nazi will be label terrorist and end hero
I don't think someone can wage war from a Starbuck.
doubt it. people are lazy, want money. guys who think there will be a war are just LARPers who would die in the first 2 hours.
>That flag
Damn Germany, you used to be cool.
You people call yourself "patriots" yet oppose everything that America has ever prided itself on.
Your fall from grace could not have been more sudden, or more pathetic.
>How many of you unironically think America is heading to a second civil war?
It is.
America is now divided into two groups, urban and rural. Both of this groups have goals and aims which are incompatible with each other. They cannot unite over a common cause because they want fundamentally different things.
The urban group out numbers the rural group, but due to the electoral college the rural group have more votes than the urban and control the country.
The first step of the civil war will be the urban group attempting to reform the electoral college and introduce direct democracy, the person with the largest number of votes wins (them). If they cannot get that then they will revolt.
But if the urban group do get that then the rural group will revolt. In the event of a revolution the media and bureaucracy will side with the the suburbanites, but the military and police will side with the rural groups.
How about you shut up with these threads every single day, CNN
So Cal was a shithole in 1979.
T born in Santa Barbra in 1968.
Yeah, and you're a cuck faggot that doesn't know what he's talking about! How's that for being sensitive?
I hope. I can't survive when things are good, I am a person born and raised in situations of disarray and turmoil. I am at my best when there is a problem to solve, an event to focus on. If things become peaceful and simple again, I will lose my drive.
Liberals who even suggest the possibility of a civil war live in a fantasy land where they have the moral high ground and the hero never gets hurt.
whereas in reality they wouldn't be able to last 3 months in a conflict.
holy fuck lurker here
>this ....actualy
Good. I want to join in.
Demographics demand it
Read chittum's civil war 2
One side of this civil war will have the bulk of the country's gun owners, law enforcement, and military. The other will have gangs and college kids pretending to be revolutionaries
You do the math.
Spoken like a mother fucking Marxist piece of shit.
I hope your whole family gets murdered by Islam, you waste of space faggot.
Naahhh leftists are massive pussies. If they did start something they would be HEAVILY out gunned.
It's funny because now I can spam the shitty memes about how are leftists going to conquer the government when the government has tanks and drones.
Yes, colour revolutions work on retarded Amerifats just like Libya, Egypt, etc. Possibly better.
except america everyone loves eachother
Can anyone serving in the military tell me what their unit would probably do if civil war broke out?
Are there any Hilldawg dominated sections of the military?
Not so much a civil war as a civil curb stomp, I fucking doubt leftest will stomach the slightest amount of actual adversity
>Trump pulls off a super-close win against Sanders in 2020, as the based Amish yet again decide Pennsylvania for Trump by even a smaller margin this time
>Sanders doesn't concede for a full month
That would cause maximum asshurt for the left.
This pretty much can't happen. Virtually the entirety of the country's soft and economic power and even hard power are located on the coasts and Jews basically control own and run everything from there like a plantation. If anything even tries to happen the largest military in the world will stamp it out quickly plus it now has drones and shit to get by directly shooting at people plus it has complete access to the agricultural infrastructure and what not in the central states. Face it, the US is permenently going to be a Jewish-run multicultural pseudo-dystopia with insane inequality and nothing will change that.
Shadilay's Rebellion
thats actually some quality irony right there
My entire tax return will be spent on 30rd mags and 5.56 ammo, if that tells you anything.
I think civil war might end up happening just out of pure frustration. Even thinking Trump isn't that bad is a crime to liberals. You aren't allowed an opinion anymore. How did it get so bad Sup Forums?
hmm economic engines of the country vs non contributing welfare queens of the nation. sounds like it would be the north vs south again except the coasts vs the middle. wonder how that will end *yawwwn*
A war between policeman, military, and armed, disciplined citizens versus people who hate guns and believe peace will conquer all. It would be an epic battle.
> second civil war?
Not only possible, it's begun. I saw the mobile American infantry take a Wal-mart today.
We should throw people who voted Obama out.
Send them to Canada then nuke the place.
IT seems like the military is loyal both to the POTUS no matter who it is and loyal to the right wing.
IT would be a short civil war. Siege of NYC, LA, Chicago, SF, and surrender.
Liberals don't own guns. don't fight, just tweet and hold signs. They don't farm or build either.
They would just get rolled over. Liberals will never go to civil war.
The only "war" are people who still buy into MSM and those who don't.
Not going to lie, deep down I have a burning fire that wants it. I want to destroy ANTIFA, the communist, the Marxist, and the niggers.
I want America to be white again, to be proud again, to be Christian again, to be American again!
but you don't understand it would result in history repeating itself. there would be a new cold war and the liberla states would fail. it's actually a brilliant plan.
semi ironically.
another war on the american continent is inevitable. the laws of probability demand it
whether that means a new civil war, or balkanization followed by conventional war who can say.
also, whether it will be in 100 years, 10 years, or next year is also unknown
that said it is undeniable that the united states is the most strongly divided it has been since the first civil war, and nobody seems all that interested in reconciliation at the moment
its only a war if the liberals put up a fight, which they cant.
it would be a civil massacre, not a war.
It will never happen you idiots, not even in your wildest virgin dreams. Go ask mom to make you some hot pockets and go back your bedrooms.
I hope it does.
Will be a chance for the US to finally purge the leftists cucks from their great nation.
The urban shitlibs look down on the rural but are totally dependent on them to keep the food flowing into their cities.
Oh God, the fighting has begun! Casualties in the aisles - oh the humanity!
Yeah probably. Multi cultural societies always collapse into infighting eventually.
my dad is former military, just retired recently. He said a lot of the women supported Hillary, but for the most part the majority is conservative.
I am sure of it. Look at all the protests and how they always end up going pro muslim. Muslims are leading these protests and funding them. Theybwant to divide the nation and trigger a civil war. Soros whko is a naxi collaborator is working with them. You must know the muslim brotherhood was a nazi ally. The goal is to create a power vaccume and fill it with Soros rule under shiria law. Its the real 4th reich.
There's no front lines just California and the retarded slums of NY.
Look at this nigger and the white guilt retards applauding it.