Tens Of Thousands Of Brits Take To The Streets To Protest Trump’s Travel Ban

Watch the video in the link, they're literally chanting "Allahu Akbar"
What happened to London?
>inb4 huffpo

Why do they think we give a shit what they do? Stand outside and yell, like I fucking care. I want them to act up and do something stupid. We need to antagonize these people. Provoke them to violence.


The sooner we build the London wall the better.

London is a mess, Khan is a joke

london is like an american sanctuary citty

I apologise for my home country. Our leftists are as crazy as yours.

So, are Arabs the new nigger?

Who cars what london does? Lol they are not even in the EU anymore :3

My concern with all of this isn't the fact that the Muslims are gaining support - let them have it, they'll try and boil the frog too quickly and fail.

But who's organizing these events? Marxist and Communist unions that's who. They're taking central, perhaps slightly left leaning regularly people and radicalizing them at these protests.

Goddamn we need a good orator who looks snappy in black

>tens of thousands of Brits are unemployed and take to the streets to vent their edgy angst

But that's London

Some of these people will be the same people who protested over the Chinese leadership visiting last year (year before?), but others will be stroppy anti-Americans who hate Western values in general. As much as I think Trump is an oafish idiot, and that this policy will not really achieve anything worthwhile, the US president has every right both to visit here, and ban any country's people at any time.
The BBC reporting on this was pathetic. It would have you believe everyone in Britain bar Nigel Farage is outraged at this, while I'm sure in truth the majority of people don't care - indeed, polls say a third would like the same kind of ban.


I prefer to consider this place as an independent city-state outside of British jurisdiction.

What the fuck

>Protesting against something which will only be in place for three month

These people are retarded, right?

Leftists. No different to the US I'm afraid. Fuck them.

these same people probably want to overturn the brexit ruling because 'democracy doesn't work'

No worries, Trump won't be assassinated because we don't have guns or knives

He might get an egg on his face

Same problem

I think the worst part is how stubborn these people are and they resort to childish name calling to the point of raising their own voices over you so you can't get your own opinion in no matter how sound and reasonable it is. Fuck the lot of them.



>What happened to London?
londons mudslime population is 15%. anything over 5% is problematic

I didn't hear anyone chant Allah akbah. But London is the cesspit of Britain anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Just more remoaners who have no idea what their talking about, and simply protest for the sake of it. Or their fee fee's were hurt.

They didn't chant Alahu Akbhar though.

They're still a bunch of pricks though, they don't represent the majority of Brits at all.

Let them have their little bitch fit because it means fuck all.

Uh, what gives them the right to come into my country as they please?