You are trash, Hitler was right to go after the free press first. Jewish scum. History repeats itself you fucking worthless trash.
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Lets be honest here. They are traitors, and they deserve a traitor's end.
I often listen to NPR, and I find it amazing how often they make sweeping statements about "whites" or "white voters".
Oy vey, delete this thread right now goyim
so tolerate
I have a degree in journalism and a great respect for the institution, so these fake news fags are my greatest enemy. Hitler was right, of course.
agreed, the press should be the first to go. Then politicians, and then the leftist swine strongholds in CA and NY.
I listen to NPR all the time, mostly because the only other choices are ignorant-ass talk radio stations. I drive to work with it on and it's on all day in the office. Pretty mellow stuff, mostly.
I never hear NPR talk about whites or white voters. You must be confusing them with some other station.
fuck off, NPR is absolute trash, they call themselves 'unbias' and then will host a segment with 3 liberals bashing Trump for half an hour
Needs t be updated. I'm sure it's completely red now
I listen to npr with their app, and my local station is SF/bay area, so maybe that's why I hear more is their political correctness slant and mentioning of white privilege etc. But there's host like Sam Sanders or whatever his name is, the show Reveal, and the show Code Switch, horrible bias with an agenda.
cannot wait until their funding gets cut off. It almost happened a few years ago
media - ever having power over educated and rational mind
Fuuuuuuck you. I listen to npr every morning on the way to work. It's full of leftist extremist pushing the liberal agenda putting a very narrow view of any position counter to their own. They do however provide accurate and current world news better than most """"news""""" outlets, just have to be very careful and aware that any news that takes time to inform the viewer of how they should feel is an automatic red flag.
>they call themselves 'unbias'
No to my knowledge they've never called themselves "unbiased". Some other outlets may call themselves "fair and balanced" but why would any real journalism media need to do that?
>and then will host a segment with 3 liberals bashing Trump for half an hour
Nope. You;re thinking of some other station. Kellyanne Conway has been on several times, lots of Republicans defending Trump.
I claim Don Lemon when we rise up. I'm going to tie a rope around his neck and up a tree on live TV.
>ITT: an NPR reporter has read all about false flag attacks from Sup Forums and has realized that posts are anonymous and he can easily pull off a false flag against his own team to include in her future article about "muh ebil internet-nazis"
The story will be published within a week. I'd say screenshot this but screenshots of this thread will be in her report.
I used to listen to NPR all day everyday... They we're heavily heavily biased this election, and I find them veering more and more left... to the point that I only listen to and from work for news.
The shows only concern themselves with pushing a leftist narratives that they dress up as "informative and enlightening." They let some 1. Gay 2. Jewish 3. Trans 4. "artists"/ "pundit" etc. preach anecdotally about some current event rather than engaging information and bringing ideas to the table.
It's really sad because I used to like listening. Terry Gross is comically bad now, and RadioLab is on the same path ever since they sold out.
>No to my knowledge they've never called themselves "unbiased". Some other outlets may call themselves "fair and balanced" but why would any real journalism media need to do that?
You obviously haven't been listening for that long. They indirectly refer to themselves as neutral all the time. "before connecting the dots, we know we have to collect the dots."
You should check out how they tried to bait Adam Carolla into a "You're a racists *finger point*," but he ended up sniffing it out when they were playing clips of Joe Koy mocking Asians.
It was such a travesty of a bait, that they ended up not even airing the clip.
>full disclosure, this was from Adam Carolla
I really like Radiolab. But holy shit, every once and a while they will have a special commentator from buzzfeed and I just can't take it seriously. Or black science man will be on.
I've just stopped listening, they used to be so based when Jad was over editing shit, and it was kinda cringy to listen to... at least they were bring something to the table.
Ever since they "Debate" episode, where they agreed that a bunch of black kids going to a debate and yelling WE WUZ KANGS and not even arguing the subject, that that was some substantial revelation and insight... Yea I just fucking left the shit alone. 90% of their older stuff is great though, you can find it for free on tunein.
Pol is so cute when it's mad. Screencapping for material. Even if you are role playing its still just beta male impotent rage lmao
Hey assnuts, only 5% of the board fell for the meme. Most of us are logical people just dicking around on the internet.
That's not fair anonymous!
On Fridays they have a guest from The New York Times to bash Trump too.