Trump BTFO

Trump BTFO

>ignore her orders
>get fired
>Sessions takes office
>get hired back and given a promotion

Your move, cunt.

How long until she's gone?

>Obama hack still trying to act like she has any power before getting fired and replaced by Sessions

what suprising news lol

not soon enough




you don't decide to smash the DC establishment and except me to take it lying down, do you?

me = them, that was a slip lmao

Can Trump fire her?

I'm heavily against the ban, but can this be allowed to happen?

Unless Trump paid her to do this, she's a fucking idiot. She's literally setting the stage for Trump to challenge the legitimacy/authority of the courts.

If she'd just kept quiet and told the lawyers to do a bad job of defending Trump's order, the order would have been struck down with all the appearance of legitimacy. If Trump tried to defy the courts then, he'd look like a power-hungry tyrant and lose party support. But after this, Trump can just blame partisan politics and DC insider conspiracies when his order is struck down and he can rally his base behind an assertion of Presidential power over the Judiciary.

This bitch just brought fascism back.

It's treason then.

Is trump Anglican?

insubordination, lock her up

t. Achmed

Sessions isn't getting confirmed now lol


Yes, the USAG is supposed to uphold the law of this nation, not indulge the tantrums on a petulant man-child.

*autistic screaming*

Gone with month.

>Congress being the no action Trump said they were.

They're fucking with him, aren't they?
This is their payback for all the shit talking about Congress he's done.

Son of a bitch they all need to go.

>Obama slag tries to grandstand for a minute before getting replaced
Top lel

>You're FIRED

>Acting Attorney General
>Sessions about to be voted in as AG


based sessions will be nominated tomorrow

yes, but that's exactly what she wants him to do


why not?

The dems are stalling Jeff session's confirmation and 17 other appointees so until they give up. Republicans have a majority and can confirm them all with a vote but they can keep talking forever until the days over then do it again the next day.

Ditto. Shes a national security risk.

This slut won't have a jobbie soon.


Fucking leftists.

>I'm heavily against the ban



So she wants the president to ask for her resignation letter a few weeks earlier?


damn, she's based af

>>I will not kill all the Jews
>>Stop fucking with my executive orders Jesus

He's a leaf.

Leafs are suicidal in their friendly nature. It would be too impolite for a leaf to deny a burglar and murderer entrance to his home.

yep he's presbyterian

Pol is getting btfo globally and all they really have left are lame ass memes lmao

Wait, I thought our AG was a nigger.

Isn't this just a filibuster?

Seeing how trump is going, maybe minutes.

"acting attorney general"

literally who?

Aren't you embarrassed to be such a newfag, or do you lack any self-awareness as an individual whatsoever?


The issue of dealing with traitorous administrative agencies is going to be a thorn in the side for Trump.

They can raise all sorts of problems, such as this current tempest-in-a-teapot.

Trump has to navigate these waters carefully to avoid landing on the shoals as Nixon did when he went up against Justice and the FBI during Watergate.

I imagine, or at least hope, that Trump was very well prepared for this eventuality.

Now it will be very interesting to see how he threads the needle.

tl;dr: Bringing Democrat-controlled, anti-Trump administrative agencies such as the Dept of Justice to heel is going to be an ongoing problem for Trump in his first term.

The good news: I think Trump may be the ONLY person in the world with the temperament, intellect, guts, and leadership abilities to fight these agencies and win.

>Trump may be the ONLY person in the world with the temperament, intellect, guts, and leadership abilities to fight these agencies and win.

Trump may be the ONLY person in the world with the temperament, intellect, guts, and leadership abilities to fight these agencies and win.

>Trump may be the ONLY person in the world with the temperament, intellect, guts, and leadership abilities to fight these agencies and win.

She's kind of cute.