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Haunting Photos Show Where Refugee Children Sleep
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No, they aren't dead.
When did National Geographic become so blue pill? When I was a kid it was a great magazine to look at African boobies, not war propaganda
People act like it's their damn duty to have kids, or don't give it a second thought.
Don't fucking reproduce unless you can guarantee they will be raised properly.
Yes OP I can't agree more,according to the Democrats, maybe we need to bring all these "refugees" in so they can be part of America's 'Melting Pot'.
>never read ww2 national geographic magazines.
Was reading one the other day. Talked about spraying oil on ponds in the south Pacific to kill mosquitoes.
So? Acting like it's a big deal crashing under a bush or a bridge if you got no place to go. I don't have sympathy for them nor the propagandists pushing this shit.
Yes, because I sleep in a nice comfy bed.