Remake from Update every 10 claims
Remake from >>110114362
quad get
White Supremacist
West Virginia
Texas for communists
California Anarchy
How are we going to spread faggot? i just releasied
Get lucky my nigga
Kansas SJW
Claim more states?
this make sense
texas for the SJWs
liberal hawaii
o dam
I took SJWs dumbass
That would be no fun my nigga
Indiana for white supremist
is there a map update or what?
white supremacist was taken you greach
that's 8 so far my nigga
Also multiple people can pick the same alignment my nigga
there's only 8 claims or 7 if you count the Texas being overridden by SJWs
Florida for Alt-Right
its already claimed you fucking nigger
>I want a anarchic Texas
New Mexico, communism
No my nigga, why are all Canadians being tards?
this fucking sucks already
I claimed you're mothers pussy fucking leaf
texas alt-right
Stop saying "nigger". Sup Forums does NOT tolerate racism, homophobia or sexism. If this systemic racism continues I WILL call admin.
Calm the fuck down you impenitent fucks
blame the leafs
literally first post
turn SJW to Liberal.
I want to calm Nebraska.
claim Kentucky
I don't want to pay attention to your trip, so for the love of fuck, restate what group you want.
commies expand
start the game faggot
Pick a state
I did nigger
Kansas and nebraska, liberals
NC alt right
Maryland, white supremacist
You all have aspergers
Do whatever the fuck you want with this. I gotta go debate Churchill's strategies with my stepdad.
B U R G E R E D . C O M
claiming colorado alt right
Oklahoma white power