Why are women forced to shave their legs?

Why are women forced to shave their legs?

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because im not housing some woman with my money and resources to have scraggy legs in bed.

I can do that myself.

Because most normal guys find hairy legs unattractive so they will not date women with hairy legs.

So it is down to the women to look attractive for a man, if not they will be lonely.


hairy women are underrated tbqh

theres something strangely animalistic and arousing about naturally blonde hairy women

This is the next step *barf*

>implying women are forced to shave legs when it's simply the fact that nobody wants to date a hairy legged woman.

It's not a hard concept.

They're not, but if they want to attract men, they will.

Why are women "forced" to wear makeup, stay in shape, dress well, take showers and stay clean, and act generally polite and well intentioned in public?

The same reason men do, except for the makeup anyway, to attract the right kind of attention. There's more interest in attracting attention among women because attracting the right man can potentially mean a life of luxury, ease, and freedom from work.

>spiky legs

You only get spiky hairs if you shave them and let them grow out to partial length. Leg hair is soft when it's at natural length.

Also, nobody's forcing them to shave their legs.

They're not. But if you want to be attractive, a bit of basic grooming is required. It's the same for men.

I agree, and no deodorant. Fuckin top tier.

You should level up and try the prickly hairs of a cute guy while your making out with them. Thats true high test

I honestly don't mind, seems a meaningless waste of time just like make-up.

But don't try and say it's sexy or whatever, it's not, and that's fine.

but the woman has to be fit to pull it off and the blonde hair is required so it does not look ugly as fuck

pic not really related but amazons are great too


No honey, you got a little fuzz on your legs and armpits because you're a dainty female woman.

I don't even mind leg/underarm hair because it looks so feminine and cute compared to the forest I have under my arms and on my whole body.

They're not. There's a fetish for everything I promise. It may be variable in popularity but you will find someone somewhere I promise. Increase number of online dating services used and be patient.


>if you want to be
Why do they need to be atractive ?
Attractive girls get advantages over other ones

Because if they don't we will kill them

>Why are women forced to shave their legs?

Are they?

>But don't try and say it's sexy or whatever, it's not
Haha, yeah... Not sexy at all.

They ain't, but if they want men to find them hot they're gonna have to. Wouldn't you know it women actually DO care what men think of them.

>implying shocking me wouldn't just make me hornier

you say that now but just you wait. that smile will be wiped away soon enough

They don't have to. The can choose to live life alone and unloved.

Hairy legs are disgusting on anyone to be honest

>Attractive girls get advantages over other ones

The world is a competitive environment, Sad!

Because men are forced to be muscular, tall, handsome, and shave their face (or at least keep their beard well- trimmed). We could also get into how men are expected to pay for dates and be the one to initiate the date. And that's all just for attracting women. All women have to do is not look like shit and have a vagina.

women who has A LITTLE hair on her arms and legs are a turn off, but honestly when if i'm desperate enough i move past it
won't do mustaches, unibrows, or hairy backs though


Insecure women are "forced" to shave their legs because they are brainwashed by marketing to think that they will not be attractive to men if they are hairy. They literally think that society makes them do it, because they are too scared to go against social norms. Actual confident women will not remove their body hair, not wear makeup and embrace thier natural beauty like men do.

In my opinion if the girl is naturally cute or beautiful, hairy legs (or even armpits) won't change a thing, but if she's below average in appearance it could easily worsen the general image she's giving.

They aren't forced. Nobody is threatening them with violence, nobody is putting them in jail, nobody is throwing acid on their face. You're thinking of muslims.

Men don't force women to do anything. Women are catty as fuck and compete with other women in everything. They hate when other attractive woman get attention. They shave their legs, wear high heels, skirts, perfume, jewelry etc. for attention and then blame men for supposedly having to do all that. They won't blame themselves or other women because it's easier to blame men than take responsibility.

I'd shave my legs if my girl asked me to.

I don't like hairy legs, although I'm not anal about it. A little bit of fuzz, whatever that doesn't make me want to fuck you just cause you haven't shaved your legs today. But I didn't put Sasquatch on who I'm looking for in a woman for a reason.


social/peer pressure is all that people understand infact they are only Feminists because its socially acceptable

They're not, but women are competitive to other women.

It's sort of like

And the answer is that girls will feel inferior to girls that are wearing heels so they wear heels.

So men can get boners



they aren't, it just looks better that way.

even school boys shave their legs and eyebrows nowadays because they want to look like an amerigay pop idol or some shit


They aren't. That would be... illegal.

>that image

Literally, I'm a sloppy whore who is too lazy to shave her fucking legs but I want to be with a guy way out my league.

Fuck that, women are expected to shave their legs just like men are expected to be /fit/ and have a career.

Why do women always whine about how they're "forced" that nobody actually forces them to do? You're not entitled to anyone's approval with your ugly hairy legs.

I mean, I've had to shave my legs before for swim meets and it feels pretty great. If it was socially acceptable I would shave my legs too.


Why are men "forced" to shave their beards?

That extra hair looks ugly, that's why.

because body hair on a woman is gross and I want to suck on the pussy, which if it is obscured by fucking huge bushy hair then the desire to apply my mouth is greatly diminished fuck you if you don't like run-on sentences with no grammar at all

Because they stopped covering them.

No seriously thats the answer. In the past when bare legs and arms would be considered scandalous women didn't bother shaving because no one saw it except their husbands.

Whats funny is that men used to have absolutely no problem with hair pits and legs 100 years ago, and were probably turned on by it. Just goes to show there is no accounting for cultural tastes.

>posting Shad as if to prove your point

Germany pls

Trumps loves /polgbt/

barron is a genetically engineered catboy

If men shave their legs they dont get this grossness. Why is everything to do with females so gross!?

I don't shave anything and my boyfriend doesn't mind. Just need to find someone who's a grown up and not a child who's disgusted by every little thing.

men also married 12 year olds 100 years ago

nah that's nasty. i'm not that desperate for pussy.

Women can have the hairiest legs they want, I don't care. But if they start to scream misogyny again because no guy wants to date them, that's their fault.

Based. Remember this kiddies. Male peacocks are beautiful. All female ones are fucking brown

>you love your spiky legs
speak for your own cunt

Women aren't forced to do anything. They put those standards on themselves. Is it more attractive to the man if the woman doesn't look like a just emerged caveman? Yeah, but that doesn't mean that all men want that. I mean, how many times have you said or heard another man say "I don't like when women wear makeup"? Women don't like it either, but no matter what they say, they're not doing it for themselves. They know that it is a necessary evil in attracting a mate. And once the mate is trapped and in love, then she can stop putting on such a good look.

I don't shave my puss often but thats because we have a child together and there's no point in making it look nice if all we're doing is sticking it in and trying to get off quietly. He doesn't care. I don't make him go down on me with bush though, that's just awful.

I shave my legs about as often, but again, that's more related to the fact that we have a kid and I can't get as much time as I would like to groom myself.

If you're not shaving because you're lazy, then you're an idiot. I miss nicely shaved legs.

would you

Where did you find the time machine with this neanderthal?

Beyond yes, that's phoenix floe, I'd pay to eat her puss.

>why are men forced to bath to get a women? Is it just sexism?
It's about being presentable, for different genders this means different things.

this is so gross what is wrong with this person

because they don't wear full length dresses or pants, then felt self conscious about being a feminine woman that could land a man, and then some fat slob kike dyke helped women give up on being marketable or desirable in any way whatsoever.

Is this grimes?

They aren't. Just like men aren't forced to marry.


Women have shaved their legs and armpits for 4,000+ years. Less hair back then = younger = more appealing to men.

No one is forcing you to shave your legs. That's a personal preference with some cultural pressure but no one if "forcing" women to shave their legs. No more than people are "forcing" men to shave their beards if they want a job.

becuz vagoo
but hot woman doesnt need to shave
thats why blondes are 100X brunettes fyi

you dun goofed

Why do women think they're being forced to do something when they simply feel compelled by other women?

stupid fucking leaf he's from nz

No thanks, I'm not into Turkish women

Check your flags canadicuck


Not really, thats a meme that only the aristocracy and royals did for political reasons.

99% of the population of NW Europe had very advanced ages of women for marriage compared to shitskins.

Dated a chick for a bit who didn't shave in the winter. Was soft. Not pretty but not bothersome. Preferred when it was gone. Even had armpit hair. It was kind of just a tuft, not like the giant bush under my arms, that would be gross. Surprisingly femenine and cute actually. Had just enough pubic hair. The body was slammin and the pussy was fantastic so no fucks were given.

This is why i try to build my own wealth. So i don't become so dependent and needy. It just sounds pathetic.


No one forces them

Is this one of the new germans?

bring back full bush tbqhwypham.

women act like they don't have body grooming preferences in men, whatever they may be. hypocrites

sweaty girls best girls

Dude, no.

fucking europeans i swear to god

Thats an average israeli woman

Because hair on the body is an adult trait and is associated with men. Visible body hair is literally a tertiary sexual characteristic of males.

Female body hair is lighter, thinner and not as long. A lack of visibility in body hair is a youthful trait and is a tertiary sexual characteristic of women.

Women shave their legs to emphasis femininity.

Men who wax themselves smooth are queers.


True, but people weren't living to 105.


Are you fucking kidding me? I'm a man and I wish I didn't have these gorilla legs. Women have it too good. I would be killed if I shaved my legs, despite me wanting to.


lmao, thats great.

This desu

Because men don't sleep with them if they don't.


yeah it's kinda shit shedding pube-like leg hair all over the place


>Implying they dont do it out of vanity

Have you ever spent longer than 2 hours with a woman?