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No, just posturing.

>Obama appointee
>One person not of this elected government

None news or fake news?

She is a subordinate of the pres, her opinion means nothing. He can just replace her

>Obama appointee


>Totally legal when we did it, but it's super double plus nazi bad now

Cunt knows it's absolutely legal. She's just positioning herself for her next job in some left wing legal think-tank.

i would hate fuck her so hard.


I don't read fake news

This. The left is grandstanding so they can say, in 2018/2020 that "we fought for YOUR constitutional rights, and the republicans held us back".

this. nothing to get excited about.

Imagine you knew for a fact you were going to be fired, as she does. She has to make it clear which side she stands on, the more flagrantly she can be cast down by her enemy the more readily her side will pick her back up.

Post yfw they won't get their way in the end, as always. Hope you're not tired of winning yet.

>that cnn frontpage
It's just jarring. CNN has become more extreme than buzzfeed

ding ding

she prolly wants california to hire her or Washington state

It's barely a "win" considering that all of this bullshit they're stirring around will just allow them some more influence in the long run.

Trump drove a relatively biased news outlet to becone extremely biased by claiming it was biased

What law is the ban breaking exactly? Only thing I can think of that it goes against is the pro immigration morals of 100 years ago

I'm reminded of when the Supreme Court ruled the Indian Removal Act illegal and Andrew Jackson asked the Chief Justice what army he would use to enforce that order. And now Trump has a portrait of Jackson hanging in the Oval Office.

It's like pottery.

Here's the thing though, that Sup Forums-tier autist in the white house known as Steve Bannon is a vindictive cunt and will do everything he can (probably) for the rest of his life to destroy her.

ITT: people who know nothing about constitutional law.

I'm out niggers.

This is nothing, but it could escalate...if (((Schumer))) delays the Sessions vote, this could turn ugly

She'll be fired tomorrow. Immigration policy will continue as ordered. Life continues.

>Obama appointee
>has the position only until Sessions is confirmed
>the ban continues to be applied

Literally nothing

When is she replaced?

she won't get fired until Sessions is confirmed, because as of right now she is the only person who can sign FISA warrants

sessions vote is tomorrow (well today in my timezone), can he do anything at this point?

Only a *standing* fillibuster. I wouldn't put it past them


literally who cares what CNN says

She is hot though, I bet she is an animal in bed

you don't watch cnn. but i do.

Looks like a screencap from The Onion

Conway is talking about it right now on FOX. It's a real possibility.



>hurrr durrr its not legallllll

maybe they just want to embarrass themselves

>liberal logic



She's 56

>Chances of refugees killing you
>a big zero
Yes. We should all listen to CNN's numbers and statistics.
They've been right all campa- oh.

Looks Jewish.

Even better, can go in raw and not have to pull out

This is fun!

I wonder what ol' Jeeefreyyy will do when he loses all his cases?

I hope so

>She really sticking her neck out for some muslim dick.

>She look like she auditioning to take all the refugees down her throat at once.

>She lookin like a giraffe tryin to get a bunch of Africans to chase her.


Why ship refugees across the world to places that do not want them when countries like Israel have the wealth and infrastructure to accept them. We all know Israel can use a dose of diversity.


You know she wont be AG if jess sessions is confirmed tomorrow right?

Besides she knows full well what hes doing is legal, shes trying to score lefty brownie points.

yesss obama backs protestors. WHO'S STREETS ?- OUR STREETS!

Oh no, what will we ever do without you

>Look ma, no hands!

>There a bitch know how to suck a dick fr.

>Look like her nickname Kneel and Bob.

>This the start of some 2017 Deepthroat.

>She tryin to horsecollar the president.

>The guillotine gonna take two chops.

I meant jeff sessions


yes. I am here to help you with your civil war.

>She just trying to keep her head above water.

>She really keeping her head up through all this.

>Jeff Sessions

>not legal
Why do people keep saying this when it is clearly written in federal law that the president can restrict any class or subclass of immigrants for however long he deems necessary? 8 USC 1182

And it is even in the fucking Constitution that the executive branch handles foreign relations


Seriously, everyone even democucks know it's legal, but they'd rather grand stand and get on a soap box so they stay in government positions. Democrats really don't give a shit about protecting America, they just want to get re-elected

Shit, you guys even had internment camps during world war 2. How could it possibly make sense in their tiny brain that refusing immigrants is not legal and cannot be done.

ah, trump could say the sky is blue. and protest the next day. "it'[s green"

He could go down the chain of command firing people until he gets what he wants.

I hope he goes this route.
It will clear out the rot at the top.

if i was trump, I would fire her and then blame democrats for not being able to sign warrants

Jesus Christ, when will Sessions get confirmed?