Did Sup Forums hate mongering and scapegoating cause this fag to kill innocent Muslims?
Did Sup Forums hate mongering and scapegoating cause this fag to kill innocent Muslims?
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Yes, no JIDF
Oh wait
I wouldn't say there was any scapegoating.
This is all Trump's fault.
If it weren't for his hateful rhetoric those 61 Muslims would be alive right now and Canada would be a safer place.
Top kek, I wish he'd murdered that 'Beige Horizon' faggot.
not our problem.
he let a bunch of non-whites larping as neo nazis make him shoot up a mosque.
How could a satirical board do such things?
I blame this guy.
This kid looks fucking autistic
some kid like this followed me on Instagram or something and I followed back at first. It was all fun and Sam Hyde pics and then he starts posting selfies with quotes about the holocaust and shit.
Like man you look like the worst example of what a white person could be, stop existing.
Yes, in the same way Roof was a (((Soros))) manipulated puppet to make the media believe there's any sort of connection between him and an mongolian anonymous fly-fishing imageboard.
>white supremacists are soft spoken, DYEL betas
not really surprising
Probably got tired of how great multiculturalism is for white people.
Maybe bro, who knows.
Sup Forums needs to become a liberal board, we must meme for good now. It's time to give up.
You mean he threw a temper tantrum like most white folks do?
>convincing a faggot to kill mudslimes
>faggot gets killed
>win win for Sup Forums and the world
In to the oven with you, kike lover.
Reminder not to just accept this fact that they are trying to push on us
>first there were two shooters
>one shooter is in the hospital because he tried to kill himself
>media wouldn't release the identity the first day
>purposely being vague in description
>one day later
>suddenly there is only one shooter
>suddenly he is white right-winger
Sup Forums and for the most part Sup Forums are basically internet hell-realms. In these abysses, only hate, fear, and frustration prevail. Sup Forums is the source of much evil, when you think about it. People think it's just light banter, but when people post their hate and racism here, you can be assured that God is taking note and ensuring they never have any chance of being in heaven.
I think this piece of shit answers ur question op
The two main problems with your question are:
1. You're implying you're not allowed to criticize Islam, which is bogus.
2. The solutions Sup Forums advocates to the problem of Islam is closing the borders and other political solutions. Sup Forums has never advocated vigilante or extrajudicial violence against Muslims or Islam.
>He was known for his far-right political ideas and anti-immigration stance.[23][24][25]
[24] Solomon, Daniel J. (2017-01-30). "Canadian Mosque Shooter Suspect 'Liked' Israel Defense Forces, Marine LePen". The Forward. Retrieved 2017-01-30.
What a wretched fucking lot you are
No, this is just another incident in the grand story of "Quebec trying to save it's culture".
At least Trudeau Jr isnt declaring martial law like his dad did in the 70s, but maybe Quebec should just be allowed to be it's own country...
Prolly. This is why Hillary called yoy fucks deplorable
He also turned himself in without cops being in pursuit?
So those autistic ramblings about glassing the middle east, cheering race wars and gassing people...those things don't count, right?
Of course not. Haven't you seen He Will Not Divide Us?
Sup Forums isn't white.
No there's no proof he had any relation to Sup Forums which is a board of peace.
>No there's no proof he had any relation to Sup Forums which is a board of peace.
In the midst of shooting there's always a bit of confusion. It can't be helped.
Make sure that shows him liking the NDP and Layton.
Fags don't kill muslims, it's the other way around.
Trump may be our last hope at taking our country back. (((They))) will do everything they can to stop him.
...and this faggot goes crazy and gives them exactly what (((they))) want. ' White Nationalist' killing peaceful muslims...
You win by not being the monster they say you are.
>innocent muslim
Oxymoron if i ever heard one
Exactly no proof it was him or had any relation what so ever
Pick one.
Choose one fucking faggot
Soros has infiltrated Trudeau
Trump narrowly saved US from 20 trillion debt
Obama administration was steamrolling towards this number pretty hard. What say you, libs?
The Quebec shooting has “nothing to do with white nationalism”.
Sup Forums is a board a peace.
Don't let one bad white nationalist tarnish the movement.
Peace & Love & Guaranteeing a future for white children everywhere.
how about we compile all radio/video evidence and discover the truth ourselves?
I dont care what made him do it all that matters is he is a hero of Canada.
I don't get this. Sorry for the noob post.
So he came here to ask for advice? And then he or (((someone else))) posted on Sup Forums after he shot up the place?
smells like a false flag
>normies got to see the islamic swedish flag on TV
fucking newfags
Sup Forums only wants muslims to attack them, it better suits their narrative.
Sup Forums is inviting to any muslim who wants to rape them
hell people of france-lite
french and indian war best day of my life !!!
Sup Forums btfo, however shall we recover
it was blamed on some random and taken to be true. It was proved to be false