Western society is falling, so it's time to get off your lazy ass and escape to a superior culture
7-Step guide to move to Japan
Want to move to Japan? Here's how you do it, step by step guide.
1.) Start learning japanese. Doing so is not actually hard
a.) Download Anki: ankiweb.net
b.) Download the 6,000 core deck for japanese: djtguide.neocities.org
c.) Set up anki deck for 20 words a day, and up to 9999 reviews a day (you won't actually see 9999 reviews a day). this way you can learn all 6,000 words in under a year.
d.) Join the countless japanese language learning generals on Sup Forums
→ (beginner)
→ (intermediate)
(anime weeaboo)
pick which suits your need
2.) Start tae kim's grammar guide which you'll be using in conjunction with Anki
a.) guidetojapanese.org
3.) Finish tae kim's grammar guide and all 6,000 words by September.
4.) Choose which JLPT you're taking. If you took japanese seriously and started TODAY from THIS VERY POST, you could be N3 ready by October. Check the registration deadlines.
5.) Take the JLPT you useless sack of shit. N5 if you didn't study at all i mean what the fuck, N4 if you're a slowpoke, N3 means you actually studied. Good, N3 means you're on your way to Japan
6.) Pass the JLPT. If you took the N3, you will be able to get yourself N1 ready by next year by studying at the same pace you are now. Since your 6,000 core deck is settled, grab a 10k core deck. You will start practicing actually writing the kanji from here on out, so grab something like 'Remembering the Kanji' since you'll probably need it by now. If you didn't take the N3, you should aim for the N2 next year. That's right, you're skipping the N3 you didn't take. Up your study, bitch.
7.) With a bachelor's degree and N1, you can now move to Japan. Congratulations