Who else /regrets voting for Trump/?
Why regret? Trump will make my country great again
How so comrade?
Lifting sanctions for one
I can't wait to get my authentic AK
what part do you regret the most?
I don't regret it because I voted for Hillary and I would do it again. The only people I know who voted for Trump in my real life are those that were generally failures and losers, and voted for Trump as a big 'misery loves company' fuck-you to everyone else who is successful that they envy.
nope, he's done good so far, he's also just been in there for a little less than two weeks
I didn't vote for Trump, and the US doesn't allow Fascists to vote.
David Brock is a faggot.
I haven't regretted my decision yet, but I'm starting to have some doubts.
>big full you to everyone else who is successful
Those would be Bernie supporters
Kek confirms the USA-Russia alliance.
Trump will make our economy great again and Putin will help the God Emperor to cleanse his country of fake news and (((traitors))).
We /newworldorder/ now.
To vote for who you did, you have to be mentally retarded. So, probably having difficulty realising you're pretty shit at life too.
I have to assume this is trolling because I have no idea why someone would regret voting for Trump after he does nothing but things he said he'd do.
>restricting Islamic immigration
>curtailing fake refugees
>slashing H1B
>wall soon
America First.
suck it democratfag. That's what you get in a democracy, the political burden is on the people, YOU.
Live with and deal with it.
i wish my country had a president like trump
Man it came down to Hillary and the info wikileaks was dumping on the corruptness of the clinton foundation (Vince & Seth's murder, for fucks sake) or Trump realistically. I voted for Trump with the idea that he had no chance anyhow and I'd give him a chance if he made it.
Now I don't know about that chance. I really wish we could just impeach trump and redo the elections without the clintons.
I didn't vote though m8
>Lifting sanctions for one
You reckon he'd do it? The Brits and the EU would go mad, kek
I hope he does, ruskie.
BTFO shill, see
>Now I don't know about that chance. I really wish we could just impeach trump and redo the elections without the clintons.
Why m8?
I regret not being to vote Trump.
I'm going to try my hardest to pretend this is a shill thread. Everyone who doubts is part of a conspiracy. As long as I don't let myself think there is a problem, there is no problem.
No..the opposite. The past 8 years have been excellent for me, as they have been for anyone that doesn't have shit skills and half a brain. I voted for Hillary in the hopes of the continuation of the status quo. I can't say this enough.. the people who voted for Trump largely are losers at life who failed to adapt to the changing times. Either that or they have some other personal shortcoming like being fat or unskilled with women and they are all angry about it and wish we could go back to 1950 when a moron could get a good paying factory job and fatty could land a nice looking wife. Those days are over. I seriously have never met any Trump voter who was not in some way a failure.. be it at love, work, or life in general.
Do you regret only voting for Shillary twice?
I do.
the shills never leave, can David Broock burn through those 40 million he commited to online shills faster?
I somewhat regret it only because he is putting a hiring freeze on non-military federal jobs. I had a seasonal job working for the fed govt last year which was pretty decent and I was hoping to do it again this year, but now I may not be able to and I don't know what to do other than try to go on neetbux.
Still I agree with pretty much everything else Trump has done, and I even if I could vote again I don't think I could ever bring myself to vote for Hillary. I'd just write in Bernie or Jim Webb or something.
ya know user Trump voted for himself
he obviously isn't a failure
I'm pretty ambivalent about the whole voting for Trump thing. Part of me regrets it. The whole reason I did everything in my power to get him elected, hours of phone calls, knocking on doors, participating in the great meme war, and casting my ballot were because he was the outsider anti-establishment figure. Now that he is the establishment; I've really been having trouble coming to terms with the fact I have become what I was trying to defeat in the first place. How ever looking back at the alternatives. I regret nothing.
Honestly I'm beginning to regret not having voted for him.
First 10 days have been masterful.
CTR this shit is so fucking obvious
Shill thread
Why would the Brits be mad?
When they leave the EU they can jump on the wagon too
>I watched House of Cards and now think I know what goes on on the inside
Trump so far the best President ever.
That's interesting considering Hillary voters are poorer than Trump voters
Perhaps it's the Hillary voters who are the losers?
This. My bubble is mostly successful folks and only one guy I know supports trump
Shill detected, you never voted for Trump, you came here to post your shit. GTFO
>Why would the Brits be mad?
Didn't their prime minister say (at that press conference with Trump) that they aren't thinking about lifting the sanctions at all, until the situation in Crimea is solved at least? Something along those lines.
Obviously I didn't vote I would have voted trump.
Hes not perfect but he's a fuck load better than I hoped he would be and miles a head of what Obama or bush was (dont really know enough about the people before them) or what Clinton would have been.
lol define success? and than realize it's a subjective topic
>voted trump
>have to explain his actions to people who use emotion over sitting back and thinking about it
>get called evil still because he does another thing that has to be explain AGAIN.
It's a rough road anons, but it's the road to truth.
Check em
No..the opposite. The past 8 years have been excellent for me, as they have been for anyone that doesn't have shit skills and half a brain. I voted for Hillary in the hopes of the continuation of the status quo. I can't say this enough.. the people who voted for Trump largely are losers at life who failed to adapt to the changing times. Either that or they have some other personal shortcoming like being fat or unskilled with women and they are all angry about it and wish we could go back to 1950 when a moron could get a good paying factory job and fatty could land a nice looking wife. Those days are over. I seriously have never met any Trump voter who was not in some way a failure.. be it at love, work, or life in general.
Because Hillary is so vile that many people who lean left/dem didn't even want to vote for her.
We never had a choice
Both candidates had their major glaring flaws, I cast my ballot for the one that was at least an outsider and sincere with his beliefs
If you're hopelessly swimming in debt you are a failure no matter how much shit you've spent that money on
I dont get how people had time to vote feel like the wage cuck around here
Your mom, she will not be able to be blacked by the refugees.
Too bad she assumed he was only talking about mexicans, and not refugee countries
>I actually hate the wall
>The Muslim ban is retching for me
>American crime rates had been going down, illegal immigrants were ushered out of the country, the UNFCCC is a good thing
>Planned parenthood is a great institution and I think it would be fair enough to just not pay for abortions with federal money
>There's nothing wrong with common sense gun laws
>The war on drugs is a failure and there's no reason for the state to send feds into Colorado over a fucking plant
>If we step down in the international playing field, our adversaries will step up
>The US military is fuck huge just like the budget and I don't think it's in shambles
I literally just want him to negotiate our trade deals and that's it.
not me
Step one:
1. USA/UK/Russia alliance
2. Wreck shit
3. Global domination.
You sound like a real gem of a person to be around
You didn't vote for Trump.
Hello and goodbye CTR 2.0. Tell Brock just because he's gay, it doesn't make having a faggoty haircut ok.
Fuck off CTR
Please, when the dust settles, I hope we can publicly hang each one of you traitorous fucks and livecast it for those who can't be there to attend.
I'll settle for the guillotine for you as an alternative, perhaps we'll let you choose your fate, but one day, you'll be taken to task for your crimes, and I will enjoy watching you die.
newfriend pls
I just don't see many of you people.
>Now that he is the establishment; I've really been having trouble coming to terms with the fact I have become what I was trying to defeat in the first place.
So basically you're not happy because you suceeded in making the change you were pushing for? You disliked the establishment purely because it's "the establishment" and not because of what it did, and therefore now don't like trump because he's "the establishment"? Doesn't that seem rather juvenile to you?
Yes, he literally fucked over the economy and our civil rights in one week. Thankfully he's going to be impeached within a month.
i didn't vote for him -- was going to vote hilary, but never sent in absentee ballot because i dont like hilary
i think trump is doing some interesting things -- not good or even bad -- just interesting
Fuck off MSM
I can already see your shitty headline now "TRUMP SUPPORTERS TURN AGAINST HIM OVER MUSLIM BAN"
Dumb kike
shut the fuck up. Troll or shill SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DIE. I'M SICK OF THESE THREADS
Why do poor losers vote Hillary?
fuck off shill
Lol, go away Reddit.
You done fucked up now. You thought you could shitpost your liberal nonsense to break the conservative Sup Forums consensus, now you will find out that you can never leave.
Nope fuck off faggot
"i voted against an establishment and that brought in another establishment WHAT WAS I THINKING"
you are a fucking idiot.
>i voted for trump
No you didnt you silly little jumper
Concern trolling this hard
she was /ourgal/.. when the impeachment comes we will get our second chance! #Hillary2017
the mods are irl emasculated faggots who indulge in their little power game in silencing what they can in our little shithole. Fuck mods fuck hiroshima and fuck moot the traitor. fuck em
B..but the uneducated voted for Trump...
Why would I regret voting for Trump?
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. It's fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
he dident say cuck once
I would have liked to be American to have Trump as president
Not you.
I voted democrat before Trump. Am gonna vote all Republican from now on.
At least one country will stand strong while we are getting shat on by an oompa-loompa with a wig.
I feel better each day knowing I was right that the leftists were growing too comfortable with their power and wish to keep it forever.
All it took was the normal shift right and they loose their minds and ape out. It would have been much worse had we shifted right after another 4-8 years of leftist bullshit.
The people will always remember it was leftists who started this shit. They lost, and they chimped out.
Nope. And I hope he really does go full dictator-mode and kills David Brock and all of you shills.
You know, I didn't vote because I was like, they all suck. And now, I'm so so sorry I didn't vote for Trump. He has opened my eyes and turned me around and I'm all MAGA MAGA MAGA! I Love Trump more than anything EVER!! And oh, David Brock is a faggot.
Opposite of this for me. I love The God Emperor. Mostly everyone I know voted for him. The people who didn't are the type looking for handouts. Like asking me to replace their transmission and they'll help me to pay for parts, but they can't afford the whole thing and they don't want to be charged for labor, type people. These are the Hill voters, they're fucking useless.
I am 100% happy with my vote
Nobody, because this is another crappy new CTR THREAD.
But drumpfm btfo right?
This is exactly how I feel.