Sup Forums approved pictures

Sup Forums approved pictures

a kid in KKK uniform touching the riot shield of a black police men.
The fuck...

do you have a picture of a baby /ss/ burning a jewish grandpa?

It's quite an old picture.

Nowadays the cop could bash the child's face with the shield and get praises from the liberals for vanquishing racism.

sorry im gay - no nazi images. Dont wanna go to jail.

ob du behindert bist


I thought jail was almost as good as a gay bar for gay people.

>Nowadays the cop could bash the child's face with the shield and get praises from the liberals for vanquishing racism.
You think that a adult male could hit a toddler with a riot shield and be lauded by democrats?
You really need to get out more mate.

Ne, wie kommst du darauf?

never been to a gaybar or jail so i cant tell really


Must be an odd thing to see for that black policeman. Pretty grim really, feel for the kid.

this picture makes me cry

can't help it

so beautiful


>young pol at first rally.

>Mister fancy with his purple shirt.

>implying his post wasn't satire
Obviously nobody could do this. He was trying to prove a point burgerbro


I'm 100% sure the french invented homosexuality

and I'm also 100% sure the germans invented KKK

does anyone else feels this way?

No, you're a faggot.


I would like to lick his nipples while he looks at me this way.


the fuck?

The black and white is so much better


>Sup Forums approved pictures


Goebbels was a manlet

Was this really after he found out his photographer was Jewish?

Or was that just made up bullshit? I've never seen a source on it.


Some people would praise him definitely.

So I guess the photographer really was Jewish. Quote from the photographer:

>In 1933, I traveled to Lausanne and Geneva for the fifteenth session of the League of Nations. There, sitting in the hotel garden, was Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of propaganda. He smiles, but not at me. He was looking at someone to my left. . . . Suddenly he spotted me and I snapped him. His expression changed. Here are the eyes of hate. Was I an enemy? Behind him is his private secretary, Walter Naumann, with the goatee, and Hitler's interpreter, Dr. Paul Schmidt. . . . I have been asked how I felt photographing these men. Naturally, not so good, but when I have a camera in my hand I know no fear.

kek purely owns one poster by channelling his will into another



Why are Germans so autistic, have you ever had fun in your life?

Are they amish or just weird?

If by fun you mean trying to get into a gay bar, where the air is made up by 95% visible aids, before any turks spot you and beat the shit out of you just for looking at the entrance then, yeah, germans don't like to have fun.

(((shia))) will not divide us

its a bit ironic that a canadian has to speak about autism.

im not scared of turks. Its funny how they wear shit that fags back then used to recognize each other and now they wear it with pride lmao

Seriously though. Why are u so mad with me shitposting? I doubt youre mad cus im a fag.
Still voting AfD.


>Why are u so mad with me shitposting?
>I doubt youre mad cus im a fag.




That pic is adorable, too bad it's got so many niggers in it..

thank u based amish

I only know Arbeit Macht Frei.
