>first there were two shooters >one shooter is in the hospital because he tried to kill himself >media wouldn't release the identity the first day >purposely being vague in description >one day later >suddenly there is only one shooter >suddenly he is white right-winger
cbc is paid directly by the Canadian government. imagine if cnn didn't even have to try to hide their collusion with the government
Aiden Wood
You and I see the truth, brother There is no way a white did this Whites are the race of peace It's another attempt by Soros and his groupies to push left wing agendas on us But we will not stand for it
Luke Cox
for sure a false flag and isn't it convenient at this time when Mr. Trump is executing his travel bans on Muslim countries this happens we're being used by Soros by proxy to attack Trumps polocies our media is fucked too instead of even talking about this shooting all they have been running all day is Trump travel ban so evil propaganda shit's fucky lads
Owen Martin
Stop role playing pol Jfc. A racist shot up a mosque and you dildos are trying to push the whole "Globalism narrative blah blah bkah"
Not even a shill. I just shit post here to laugh at conspiracy theorists and conservatives
Anthony Morgan
This REALLY boils my spaghetti.
Jordan Morgan
>>one shooter is in the hospital because he tried to kill himself
Source faggot.
You can't go around asserting things like that without a source. What do you think Sup Forums is? A fake news site?
Blake Brown
Nice proxy schlomo
John Stewart
>first there were two shooters
No there weren't. Two people were apprehended, the gunman who surrendered near the bridge, and another man who turned out to be a witness.
>one shooter is in the hospital because he tried to kill himself
This is outright false. The gunman peacefully surrendered to the cops, and the other arrested guy was unarmed.
>media wouldn't release the identity the first day
That's because you only follow American media, which is slow on news. We quickly got it over here on Quebec. Two people arrested, one got freed after being investigated
>suddenly he is white right-winger
There's no suddenly, his Facebook page showed that he liked the IDF, Dawkins and other feminist patriarchy bullshit, and all of those have one thing in common, hate for muslims.
Sup Forums is just mad that the shooter wasn't a Muslim, and is instead a typical Sup Forumstard, no different from ISIS.
Mason Bennett
Nathan Morgan
It's not even a conspiracy theory. The eyewitness reports stated that there were multiple shooters, and that they were screaming "allhau ackbar".
How is there now only one suspect?
David Hill
>a typical Sup Forumstard >liked the IDF, Dawkins and other feminist patriarchy bullshit
At least claim he likes Stormfront or some edgy stupid shit
Nathan Morales
>racist Islam is not a race
Isaac Parker
>Not even a shill. I just shit post here to laugh at conspiracy theorists and conservatives
we totally believe you
Josiah White
All the other shooters were peaceful Muslims shooting at the white oppressor :v)
Charles Mitchell
You're pretty retarded, aren't you? But you're probably right. It's a coincidence that as soon as Trump proposes a ban to a few Muslim majority countries, that some white Canadian shoots up a mosque.
Weird how years of schoolgirls in Canada being molested by Muslims and an extremely violent liberal base didn't cause him to do it sooner.
Levi Morales
Sorry, Sup Forums no conspiracy here.
This is the archetypal de souche quebecois who hates immigrants and votes PQ. Many such cases.
Gavin Thompson
this thread is going to push Sup Forums down the list of IQ levels in Sup Forums
John Turner
Not going to lie. This is the first time I witnessed first hand the total manipulation of the narrative.
Its one thing to watch it happen in third person, to hear about 'what happened' versus 'whats being told'
I watched as last night they named two suspects, one Syrian one home grown. I watched the press release give no details about shooters.
Now i wake up this morning and its a white crusader...
Its surreal. I've always known its happening, I've always 'felt' it to be true that the narrative is controlled and designed to fit the needs of current events.
But i have never watched it unfold before my very eyes, piece by piece fall into place.
Samuel Murphy
Yeah, because Sup Forumslacks openly talk about their love for Stormfront and Sup Forums on Facebook.
Fuck off shill.
Jason Martin
>this damage control >spacing out your lines >thinking anyone is going to believe you You faggots have a long way to go to shitpost with us
Jayden Wright
>Facebook page showed
belonging to a Facebook group and having interests in Richard Dawkins makes you a terrorist now? that's not concrete evidence, not in the slightest.
>Sup Forums is just mad
I'm not mad, I just find the inconsistency in events and reporting to be a bit ridiculous
Charles Ramirez
Joseph Howard
>rebbit rebosts are a valid source You have to go back
Angel Morris
Looks like CTR and friends are here again
This, I saw the same thing last night
Do you have any more links? It looks like a lot of it has been scrubbed from Jewgle
Cooper Stewart
Oh no, a graph that rewards nicer retards from other retards
>therefore I must be the antithesis of everything and like Jews, Fedora Tippers, Feminist pages on FB lmao
Zachary Myers
The msm is lying and its so obvious. there were two shooters confirmed and now the story only has one and he is white
Blake Powell
Do not respond to nazi disinfo friends. Let these poor sad fucks be deluded into their sick conspiracy theories. There is no hope for them
>Musims should be killed in the streets >White nazi kills muslim >False flag!
Jaxson Morales
>Damage control
Remind me who were the ones cheerfully celebrating about hearing the second suspect was a Muslim, and when he was cleared of suspicion, suddenly went "FALSE FLAG! FALSE FLAAAAAG!"
I'm just destroying your damage control here, sorry if my spacing triggers you. I'll try to find you a spacing-free safe zone.
Liking a Dawkins page doesn't make you a terrorist, it means that you agree that Muslims are somewhat bad people.
I think you guys are mostly mad because this Sup Forumstard forgot to clear up his Facebook account. He ironically said "Allahu Akbar" to trick gullible people like you into believing it was Muslim on Muslim attack and you fell for it so easily. Pretty sad famalam.
David Jenkins
>tfw you don't even care what's happening as long as it causes fear, pain and sorrow to people
H-have I leveled up?
Oliver Sanders
The police never confirmed two shooters
Zachary Mitchell
yeahhh...nope. quit being a faggot and get a brain, moran.
William Scott
There was never a second shooter. Just inaccurate reporting. But hey whatever fits your fiction my dude
Xavier James
>muslims >human Pick one faggot
Ayden Phillips
Everything surrounding this shooting has been leftist shilling of falsehoods. Why does anyone listen to leftists at all nowadays? They're not human. You would have better luck asking your dog for its opinion.
Henry Torres
Thanks for bumping my thread shills
Nicholas Thomas
No, you're a retard. Sometimes une pipe c'est juste une pipe.
Alt-right is discrediting itself day after day
William Hernandez
and we must expect the government's propaganda arm to report accurately?
Lucas Johnson
Donald Trump won the election and nothing you do or say will change that. Leftist is dying because it is a failed ideology for worthless, braindead subhumans. We're laughing at you.
Brandon Thomas
Hi Justin.
Lincoln Parker
>the media right now
Luis Johnson
The Quebec shooting has “nothing to do with white nationalism” Sup Forums is a board a peace Don't let one bad white nationalist tarnish the movement Peace & Love & Guaranteeing a future for white children everywhere
Carson Barnes
You're doing a bad job at shitposting faggot. You're trying to piss in an ocean of piss
Nicholas White
I have been skimming the archive for the detail another user posted but no such luck. Yeah, no credible source by any means. But other Anons were listening to the police radio and came with the same details.
Like i said, I really don't know what to believe.
Its not unlikely some white retard went full chimp out mode and shot people. It is also not unlikely that CBC would be trying to spin the narrative to fit our PMs circle jerk.
I'm just trying to find more details about this situation because it really does make me uncomfortable.
Its one thing to always hear 'yeah the media is all lies' its another to watch the media manipulate the situation in real time before your very eyes.
Luke Wilson
Why would Trump let this happen though? Why would the police be in on it? The media makes sense, but not the police.
Jose Mitchell
This. CBC is the propaganda arm of the canadian government. Look at the shit they make the retards watch:
If they did have access to the police radio, it was in French because the incident occurred in Quebec. You got bullshitted user and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Jason Flores
fuckin a
Jace Morales
You're not the only autist on Sup Forums -- it's ok, OP.
Jackson Anderson
The msm isn't lying. They are just incompetent. Did you see when some outlet ran with the story that the shooters were two manosphere bloggers?
Owen Walker
It happened in Canada. Canada is not America.
Angel Carter
> > > > > >
Chase Flores
The media here in quebec doesnt talk about him being a right wing extremist. Theres no agenda being pushed here really
Michael Ward
Dylan Ward
Trump can't save us from our PM. The police don't have to be in on it. They did their job.
Media is the one that gets to spin the narrative. So if syrian refugee and white boy are arrested in relationship to this crime, they would cover white boy because 'muh multi culti'
Colton Scott
It's a conspiracy. Just like Dylan Roof, Adam Lanza, Columbine and Aurora shooters. DON'T BELIEVE THE MEDIA
Jace Perry
>He good boy, he dindu nuffin Are white people the real dindus?
David Jones
Fucking hell why did you remind me of this abhorrent piece of televised garbage?
Easton Reyes
Also there was never never a mention of him trying to kill himself. Jesus you guys are creating your own world
Christian Campbell
>Police arrests two people based on suspicion, and one is a Muslim >YES, YAY! WOOOOOOOO, I LOVE THIS NEWS
>Police confirms that second person is a witness, there was only one gunman with one weapon >PROPAGANDA! PROPAGANDA I TELL YA!
You just want to believe what is consistent with your political beliefs. Anything else triggers you. Basically a brainwashed tool that only believes what he wants to believe.
You're on the wrong side of history famalam.
Landon Allen
Cooper Collins
Je m'ennuie de TQS.
Jayden Taylor
Whites. Peace. >Literally WWI >WWII >Holocaust >Numerous wars in medieval Europe.
Nicholas Lewis
Nobody takes that outlet seriously. They are like Rebel Media but right wing.
>While police earlier said two suspects were arrested, and witnesses reported as many as three shooters, authorities now say the only man charged in the shooting is Alexandre Bissonnette, a 27-year-old Quebec native.
>A second man, Mohamed el Khadir, was previously identified by authorities as a suspect. He was taken into custody near the mosque and questioned, but Quebec Provincial Police said in a tweet Monday afternoon that he is no longer considered to be a suspect. He is now being called a witness. It is not clear why he was arrested.
David Rivera
Fight the good fight man. These Sup Forumstards ain't gonna be so happy once they're the degenerates the country needs to be rid off
Carson Sanchez
Source pls
Kevin Wilson
it's being pushed on reddit as a headline, no one gives a shit about the source
Alexander Ortiz
dipski in the lipski YEE YEE
Samuel Watson
Columbine was real believe it or not. I used to live down near Aurora before it happened, and my brother would have been a freshman there if we didn't move five months earlier. One of his classmates died and he attended the funeral. The other ones are false flags though
Eli Cox
as soon as I heard that the shooter was a right winger i thought to myself "someone is going to call conspiracy rather than accept that one man that bought into their beliefs went to violence"
it's nice to see i was right
Nicholas Diaz
That don't fucking matter sunshine because they ain't selling it.
Now either own being a member of a terrorist group or fuck off back to GBS.
Joshua Reed
>liked IDF, Feminism, and Dawkins >""""""""""""""Right Winger"""""""""""""""""
Dylan Roof is more credible than this fag and you know it
Joshua Nguyen
Yeah, just like the "gas explosions" in France
Colton Parker
i dont know about you guys but in my newspaper it directly states that both this faggot and some "mohamed el khadir" got arrested and that they are both guilty. mind you, this came from a left cuck newspaper
Jonathan Cooper
All media outlets were stating that there were AT LEAST two shooters before this morning, and after the police gave word on the crime
Joseph Hill
I'm just gonna blame this on French Canadians being retarded. Fits me just fine.
Evan Jones
exactly! even my left cuck media outlets stated that there were 2 shooters. one was this canadian bum and the other some morrocan "mohamed el khadir"
Liam Sullivan
John Sanders
There's often wrong information immediately after a crime. Just look what happened with the Boston bombings. Info is biased whenever Islam is involved too. Why are you so resistant to accepting the police statements of what happened. There was one shooter. He was a butthurt white Sup Forumstard -- probably much like you. Deal with it!
Hunter Howard
this tbqfh famalama ding dong
Gabriel Martinez
>WWII >Hall of cost >separated Wow I suddenly remember the 7 gazillion who died...
Samuel Brooks
>am i the only one not buying this shit?
I feel bad for people that do buy that shit because if they do all hope is lost to them because this is the most obvious as fuck false flag I have ever seen.
They are even trying to blame it on Sup Forums
Daniel Morgan
Yeah but Islamic identity has been racialized and associated particularly with Arabs in the West, retard.
>inb4 "muh anecdotes"
Camden Edwards
He was a rural and suburban retard and a Trump supporter.
I think it's quite obvious what happened and why it happened.
that's not the supposed shooter, that's just the media grasping at straws trying to connect him to known right-wing sites.
Evan Hughes
The lefties here in Quebec are rejoicing today. Every day they wish a white rightwing guy shoots colored people so they can FINALLY prove their point.
So you see, don't argue with them. A thousand ISIS beheadings of Middle-eastern Christians are now completely null in an argument.
Some white dumbass shot a mosque.
White people are now officially Hitler. No question.
Ryan Bailey
(((Not even a shill)))
Cameron Phillips
If it was a false flag you'd think they'd be pushing it harder. Very few people are taking about it, Trudeau didn't bring it up in Parliament today nor did he denounce Trump's travel ban.
Daniel Brooks
White people are a serious cause of terror, violence, and worry for peace-loving neighborhoods. It's especially the right-wing nutters who are on the Internet too much complaining of how butthurt they are and how much they don't like women, minorities, people who have sex, etc.
What can we do about out-of-control white extremists who are radicalized online? Maybe time for some visa restrictions so they don't move around so much.
Jose Campbell
Trudeau didn't bring it up? He's literally in Quebec right now doing his best to appear saddened, like that time at his father's funeral when he made a visibly fake as fuck sad speech.
Sebastian Cooper
Wow, nice use of buzzwords, you obvious liberal brown intellectually superior person. Your kind is the real cause of uprisings. People grow tired.
Levi Sanders
>you just want to believe anything that aligns with your political beliefs >you're on the wrong side of history!
Oh the irony
Jonathan Morales
I want you to reread what you wrote here, and then fucking go to the nearest set of stairs and just fucking fling yourself as hard as you can into the wall about 6 feet from the top steps. If by some fucking miracle you are still able to move around/think clearly I want you to just start shrieking at the top of your lungs until someone calls 911 and the police arrive. When they start questioning you I want you to growl like the deranged fucking animal you are, and lunge for the closest police officers gun. Then, and only fucking then, will you have a shot at redemption. May god have fucking mercy on your soul... because I sure as fuck wont