When did you realize that Hollywood is a instrument of shaping people's behavior?
Harry Potter.
It's that pretty much public knowledge?
All information is a potential weapon, to be controlled and used against people. Too many cannot fathom an adversarial mind, a perfidious one. You basically had to have gone through an extreme edgy phase at some point in your life, to see fully how the controllers of society think. A normal person can't comprehend it, and will dismiss it as "paranoia", and that the engineering mechanism is just a "joke".
Never understood that scene. How is engaging in homosexual acts powerful? Just makes me think nigger guy is a degenerate.
Every year the number of kids that watch hollywood movies is increasing
lel, I thought the thumbnail was El Topo.
Just as degenerate and pretentious as anything from hollywood anyways.
I am a 1/4 Mexican and 3/4 white dude. I became a full fledged criminal and member of a bonafide legitimate sureno street gang in high school.
I literally moved away and now am a hardcore American nationalist.
I guess that was my edge phase. Meeting and regularly dealing with cartel guys, while exciting, ISNT REALLY FUN by the way. Yes you see shit no one sees but its not fun exciting its like fight or flight exciting.
>USA public school is a factory of criminals
That's why Hillary wanted to increase the number of public schools in areas with lots of immigrant population
>All information is a potential weapon
There is a reason why CNN or ABC spent only 12 seconds showing Anti-abortion march last week while they spent hours and hours showing the women's march against Trump.
They want people to think no one in our world is good and everyone is rotten and corrupt.
Blood in Blood Out holmes
Metal Gear solid
how come MGS is a redpilled source material?
1994 when I read behold a pale horse by William Cooper on deployment
In 1999
when you fuckwits called a general understanding of reality a "red pill"
just kidding, it was way before that movie existed
war rape isn't considered a homosexual act
Really? You're telling the media is used as a political tool? WOW!
Really makes you think huh?
appreciate how the image chosen has a perfect sign coverage of the url
heaven knows they don't want you finding their website
Awhile ago.
Everyone wants to have their own little movie in real life, where the world revolves around them and it's all about them.
Just look at modern women in this country alone; absolutely spoiled and self centered and think the world revolves around them.
Fresh Prince of Belaire.
The screamies and Wooooo tracks for Will Smith's character.
I didn't understand your comment.
why would you suck a dick cus youre cold? i mean, your mouth is one of the warmest parts of your body
Brokeback Mountain
>Fresh Prince of Belaire.
Also anyone ever notice how armstrong looks like ben garrison
i truly despise this faggot
>Location of Zion.
What movie is this?
when i was a kid watching Schindler's List I remember the balcony scene
i'd imagine this was suppose to be horrifying for the very
but i always viewed it as a show of strength for the sniper
doug from house of cards, only 100 pounds heavier
Back when they made me want to be a starfighter pilot.
>dad, dad can I be a vicious drag queen? I've seen a very beautiful rich and famous actress saying it's normal
>c'mon dad you don't want to be against progressive ideas do you?
>Look they even have transgender people saying it's normal on Oprah and Dr. Phil!
I don't even watch movies anymore, Hollywood isn't even being subtle anymore with SJW propaganda.
The same thing is happening with video games, western developers can't wrap their heads around the idea of it being a form of escapism, as every new game is filled to the brim with liberal propaganda.
When i watched Zootopia and wanted to fuck the bunny
When did you realise that Sup Forums is an instrument of shaping people's behaviour?
Just hit me like a truck.
What about Harry Potter made you think, "they're trying to manipulate me"?
Mas cara, se vc nao assistir filmes vc está literalmente fora das novas tendências do mundo moderno.
dog bless japanese games
amigo eu faço 29 anos daqui a uma semana, já passei dessa fase de tendencias, tudo que eu quero é fapear pras minhas waifus, jogar vidya e durmir
The big sign with the website on it is being censored by the smaller sign.
What is that still from?
The hateful eight
garanto que vc é um desses brasileiros rednecks xenofóbico que é contra idéias progressivas.
Around the same time I realised that Oscar recipients were being selected for political purposes rather than merit.
eyyy chilango te boy a chingar no puedes escapar ta vida sin sufrir encuentrame fuera tu casa ahorita te muestro k pasa
but seriously congrats on getting out of that
Só aqui no Sup Forums mesmo pra liberar stress, na vida real tem que aparentar ser blue pilled pra poder viver sem problemas
a great movie by Quentin Tarantino
God tier movie
haha, mano, eu faco o mesmo pra ser ernesto. a vida e sufrir nos estados unidos, sou so branco no barrio mexicano ha.. ha.. ha
Do you think he actualy did it or that he just made it up to get the old general to draw on him?
A pior coias é a universidade. Puta merda nunca vi tanto comunista e gayzista por metro quadrado na minha vida. Ao menos aqui no Rio é assim.
a few years ago
it's hard to stomach most of it these days
When grade kid started dancing like niggers at bday parties looking like they are fucking on the dance floor.
Hey where the fuck did you get that plakaso?
>a great movie by Quentin Tarantino
The movie would be great tier if not for that scene which ruined the movie for me
5 years ago when I took my first two tabs of LSD, and then tried watching some TV only to notice the subliminals and bias. Instantly had visions of every interaction I ever had and noticed that 95% of people had all of their opinions and thoughts sppon fed to them through the media and Hollyjew. The music industry is even worse as it is extremely popular by the average person, and the average person is completely fucking retarded.
The Hateful 8
força aí meu amigo
Eu sou formado em engenharia civil, no curso agente mal tinha tempo pra respirar, quem dirá se preocupar com assuntos mundanos como esses, mas nos cursos de humanas era filme de terror mesmo
Eu to no último ano de direito. Porra é pior que filosofia cara. O que tem de defensor de bandido é assustador... ainda bem que a maioria nem passar na OAB vai.
When I went to Germany at 7 and realized they weren't all ebul natzis
>black dude gets his dick shot off at the end
I'm gonna have to draw the line on this. Tarantino shits on all races equally. Calm down.
Any large body of political ideologists are going to be instrumental to helping along their side.
É foda
Ta estudando pra concurso tbm? to nessa vida há um tempo, espero um dia passar
For laughs? Definitely. When I meet people that actually speak like they do in the film, I want to die.
Gimme that chon chon!!
American Nationalists of color are their biggest fear. They want whites to hate you, you to hate whites. Always remember that when you see ((("white")))posters on here talking shit on you.
>I'm not the average person!
>I'm special!
>kinda like a snowflake
the hypocracy in one post shouldn't exceed 75% normally.
what game is this me likey
Seen the "earthling cinema" guy on jewtube? He's a fuckin cucknerd but he redpilled my wife on the hollywood jew better than I could. I hope someone showed Trump the breakdown after he watched Dory.
Star Ocean 5, it's not very good, though.
>Ta estudando pra concurso tbm?
Sim e não. Parei um pouco para focar em trabalhar na iniciativa privada. To conversando com um pessoal aí para ver se consigo me livrar de ser escravo funcionalismo público.
Wizard of OZ, google it.
It got funding from a political party to make it colored back in the 1930's.
No, they understand it's escapism alright, which is exactly why they're infesting vidya with SJW shit, they don't want you to escape it, ever.
Ministry of magic lying about voldemorts return and rita skeeter.
God bless America.
Full of PC liberal bullshit while trying to criticize society.
High school bro
It's not even hidden. There are movies produced by hollywood about how hollywood is basically mind control
Video sponsored by the good and obedient german people
> "Goyim, come over here, look how beautiful is our plan. Be free of white christian oppression"
Still some people fall for it :(
Around 1960, I was late to the party.
I've long suspected that there was some sort of secret agenda behind some movies, programming people's minds to think in a certain manner to achieve some publicly undefined goal.
Then President Clinton in the 90's got caught, the White House was slipping anti-drug messages into major motion pictures. That just made me wonder what else they were up to. I started digging and found a long term relationship between DOD & Hollywood that went all the way back into the 1940's.
Yes, it's agenda programming.
Care to share any sources?
Best movies were made during Reagan. Death Wish, Rambo, Stallone Cobra..
Look up "Lookout Mountain Air Force Station". Good place to start.
l m a o
the 8th most wanted by tarantine
it was from ok to shit depending on who you ask
I saw that with my family not knowing about that scene , fucking niggers , I really jate the race obsesion that is present in every kind of fucking movie
I reckon the 1970s were the best. Definitely cynical off the back of Watergate and the Vietnam war but the quality of films being made better than ever and they could include a social message than didn't feel like pandering or beating you over the head with it, as well as trusting you to be intelligent enough to make up your own mind.
When I saw PT109 in the theater.
That video has a very strong historical significance. The death of modern germany (and modern european values).
Some events are very symbolical like D-Day, 9/11, etc...
that german multikultural propaganda shows everything that went wrong in european socialist modern society
wwii movies, usa is always the hero and they make it look like that is thanks to usa that the wwii ended. Anyone that is not a retard known that the soviets won the war and defeated the nazis
One more from the 90's:
the race obsession is tarantino's own.
he's a faggot and has added that race bait shit into most of his films
Rocky 2, Death Wish 2 and 3, Rambo 2, Stallone Cobra, Commando, Terminator 1...