But seriously, I just saw this on Facebook and it got my noggin' a joggin'.
What do ye think lads?
2016: The year Trump trolled Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf I hate Trump now
also why is somalia in a weird partial shade
thanks doc
The unshaded part is a semi-autonomous area, no idea whether the mapmaker knew that though.
Because there's something called Somaliland.
Not even true. Only Iran Syria and North Korea remain. Libya especially was overthrown specifically to install a Rothschild owned central bank.
thanks doc
>Only country listed in the EO was Syria.
Remainder of list was built by the DHS under the Obama administration.
Christ I hate Toronto.
Thanks doc.
thanks Bog*
Also Cuba unless they changed recently.
Pirates robbed the guys who came to colour it in.
>Trump is a kike puppet
Nothing new about that.
trump has only been in office a week and it is already clear he is a fraud being controlled by a white supremacist
in a year or two Sup Forums will turn on him when all you little faggots fuck off
List was made by Obama administration, Trump administration is already talking about adding more countries
Kikes seem to forget those lands are inhabited by millions of ravenous niggers. Far more feral than your US niggers, and can't simply be lulled with gimedats
Sup Forums will turn on him once being conservative is mainstream with its peers. this website has always been about being nonconformist and hating whats popular.
Hmm that really activated my daily dose.
>le ebin "rothschilds control everything" may may
you just went full blue pill; i guess it's easier to believe there is a handful of final bosses instead of realizing that the financial system is controlled by hundreds of independent actors with sometimes competing goals
Nice try, Goldberg
This is the real redpill
Find me hard evidence that the Rothschilds are still as powerful as you claim. I would think Sup Forums would be proud that Hitler basically blew them the fuck out during WWII and they never recovered among the rise of many other independent new-money financiers.
Hard mode: no 10 hour YouTube videos.
>t.the bluepill
I think it was more because he wanted to re-use the exact same ban as Obama did.
The ban is just for show temporary anyways, this was a setup on the media, and they took it hard.
That being said, it's still too early to judge Trump...
My understanding was Cuba submitted sometime in the last few years and that's partially why the embargo was lifted.
I don't know who runs shit dawg I'm just memeing
You will never change history or reality, no matter how much you try, schlomo.
>by hundreds of independent actors with sometimes competing goals
Not "independent". "INTERDEPENDENT". They all rely on each other and nobody is independent.
Mushy-brained scum push this stuff to sound as if they're in on some edgy secret conspiracy stuff
Sorta like the people who enjoy saying that the Syrian civil war is being fought over an oil pipeline. Literal plebs, zero education
Daily reminder that if this is you, just end it all ty
Trump is just a different stripe on the tiger of corruption. I'm glad Clinton lost though, she definitely would have goaded Russia into a conflict (the Russian Hacking bullshit was just a taste of what could've been).
Trump is not the grand savior people want to be though, I believe he will sink the US into further conflict with Iran and China, once "muh ISIS" may may has run it's course.
except Iran and North Korea are the only non-Rothschild countries
Is everyone retarded? All of the green countries, except Iran, are motherfucking WARZONES.
Tragedy & Hope by Carroll Quigley
The level at which you backed your claims is stunning, and I have no rebuttal. CTR probably isn't going to renew my contract thanks to you.
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /tg/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /tg/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
Why then, ARE you here? You were told that leftism is doctrine - that "reality has a left wing bias." This unquestionable doctrine became the context for your life. Viewing world events in this context shaped your reality. You accepted that left is right and right is wrong. Now here you are arguing with people that you were told are dumb hicks and fanatical nazis, and you're unable to feel like you've won.
You can't give up - you feel that you need to win decisively. It should be easy. You know you're right - you NEED to be right - but you just can't explain WHY. To walk away from the argument would be an admission to yourself that you can't defend your leftist doctrine, leaving you with a sense of dissatisfaction that would gnaw away at the core beliefs upon which your entire worldview was constructed. And that HURTS.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. I've seen the behavior of enough leftist cattle to understand what makes you tick. You're about as predictable as pavlov's dogs.
You feel it, right? The nagging in your head? The dissatisfaction? Better get used to it. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
Where's the North Korea ban then?
Nice try, CTR
Thanks, Doc.
What a shitty pasta.
It's weird that Trump still haven't said anything about Central Banks yet
I've been talking about this for 15 years.
All the shit in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Syria, is all due to no central bank.
Also notice that the countries that aren't banned are also countries that have Trump hotels or other buildings of his companies in them.
I don't mind if Egypt or Turkey is free but Fucking Saudi Arabia should definitely been banned. Fuck that country.
Nah, OP is right... but it goes way deeper than what OP is saying.
Trump knows the dollar backs the worlds' currencies through perception, and war if needed.
Those countries don't need central banks, because they have oil, and they have tried to start their own currencies to compete with the dollar.
Therefore the U.S. Must keep this perception going at all costs or Americans will get a wake up call that they are not ready for.
Now, some Americans might want this, like me, I wouldn't mind... but trust me, the average American will get fucked hard... especially old people etc.
1. False. Research better.
2. The bans are for destabilized hotbeds of terrorist activity, where shit is all fucked up, and they fail to comply with the basic fucking requirements of screening that we've put in place since 9/11.
Trump has said that the nations he targeted were on the Obama administration's list of nations with recent terrorist activities.
really made me think for 3 seconds
>mfw libshits are now the conspiracytards