White men of Sup Forums, we need to have a talk..
White men of Sup Forums, we need to have a talk
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We need to talk about....
Gibs us monuh!
>wanting to talk
wew lad
>We want to have a talk, but it's going to be one-sided where we say why you're evil racist misogynists and how you should bend over to take it up the ass
>We need to talk about the online radicalisation (sic) of young, white men
>singling out white men
>wondering why they hate you
>our de-balling, brainwashing, leftist radicalization isn't working
>we need to talk
How about five across the face you filthy cunt. Go make me a sandwich.
The only talking I'll be doing is telling you want I want on my sandwich.
It's because of you abi. They did it because of you
that's a kike broad if I ever saw one
wtf i hate young white men now
ok, lets start by removing that polka dot dress and your bra
now put my cock in your mouth and repeat the title of your article honey
>assuming there are whites on Sup Forums
I agree
Leftist and politically correct indoctrination is cancer
Lets write a letter to feminists one word at a time.
I'll start:
Literally nothing to read here.
>white men are a problem.
>why is everyone reading "alternative news"?
Yeah, good job you did demonizing them for the past decade. Enjoy the young white male chimpout.
I'm not radicalized, I just want to see the earth purified.
> Become a Guardian supporter or a male contribution
Allahu ackbar!
>women need to tell men how to act like men
yeah, because that's been working out swell.
You let her off too easy.
Kill every non-virgin woman and white men will stop being radicalized.
No, cunt. You are the outsider fucking freak show. We president nao.
The past 8 years have been excellent for me, as they have been for anyone that doesn't have shit skills and half a brain. I voted for Hillary in the hopes of the continuation of the status quo. I can't say this enough.. the people who voted for Trump largely are losers at life who failed to adapt to the changing times. Either that or they have some other personal shortcoming like being fat or unskilled with women and they are all angry about it and wish we could go back to 1950 when a moron could get a good paying factory job and fatty could land a nice looking wife. Those days are over. I seriously have never met any Trump voter who was not in some way a failure.. be it at love, work, or life in general.
>(((Guardian))) opinion piece
>Hey, white man! You're racist, sexist and everything bad is your fault!
>"I disagree."
> Banning Muslims and hating them and stuff like that radicalizes them and causes them to become terrorists REEEEEEEEEE
> Fuck white men accept your reduced role in society and become nothing but a whipping boy for us to push our Leftist bullshit REEEEE
> Why the fuck are Young White Men moving to the radical Right and why do they hate us REEEEEEE
pretty much this.
i wish she could see that.
and maybe she does, but she also knows people wouldn't read it if it weren't so edgy and agenda narrative blah.
i hate the media so very much.
Fuck she looks like such a simple minded normie.
We are reaching the point where easily 70-80% of young white males that arent gay or tranny are redpilled by virtue of experiencing reality
Yep it's a real mystery.
Sup Forums autists just need to get laid..that would change everything, but it will never happen.
That's profiling abi, I'm Asian.
I'm not white...
Gas the xenos, galactic race war now
I think we should take away the rights if women. They've overstepped their bounds and are getting rowdy.
has MGTOW been vindicated yet?
Government sanctioned hookers. There are already plenty of fucking steet walkers and """""escorts""""" around anyway. I want at least ONE(1) country to implement this. I guaranfuckingtee that nation's men will be a lot happier
She looks retarded I'd love to talk with her about this. I want to learn about humanity and stuff
>White men of Sup Forums
like the mafia?
who do you think controls the govt
Such a whore.
>pic related
I'm gay and redpilled from experiencing reality, you think I want to be surrounded by muslims? A gaggle of neon haired dykes will probably applaud and pat each other on the back for being so progressive as I sail off a rooftop. I can't be leftie without feeling like a useful idiot
> whites on Sup Forums
I think you mean stormfront
Same, brother. Radical implies it's the wrong position.
End the judgement, Guardian.
>and by talk, I mean listen to me preach
We need to talk about women and shitskins wrecking the countries our forefathers have built.
Or perhaps the time for talking is up and we should go to the "violent purge" phase.
Yourself now. You're eggs are retarded.
(Sorry not one word)
>Dark brown skin, black eyes, black facial features
American race profiling
Give them jobs and girlfriends.
There, problem solved.
this guy gets it
they're going hard after Barron because he's a White male, it's really fucked up all memes aside
And that's a young, white, girl telling us that?
I am literally triggered by this whitesplaining.
So basically you want 24 years of president trump. The more you retarded liberals talk the more you push people on the right side of humanity.
>30+ resplies
>Not a single echo
what?! no, goddamn it, we are!
For a decade and then some.. white men is at fault for everything white man this white man that..
White man is fed up for working hard paying taxes and being blamed and told to be ashamed.
White women need to shut the fuck up and finish my sandwich.
We need to talk. No you talk to fucking much. Get back in the goddamn kitchen.
Isn't that the same rationale we use on muslims?
Holy fuck
Will Sup Forums ever not be right?
It's happening as a response to the radicalization of the left.
Great talk.
How about these cute leftists take it upon themselves to partner up and mate with us idiots? I mean the whole fascist larping thing we do here is just an outlet for our pent up sexual frustration. I'm sure if we got some female attention coupled with the right political input we'd turn around.
Do these dumb cunts not see the irony of the shit they write? That article is exactly what pushes white men to the right.
I forget there are newfags coming in who need to learn-after the 1000th anti-white article written by a Bergsteinblatt you lose any sense of surprise.
I'm gay and there is an alt-right subculture within the "gay community" in my city.
I highly doubt that thought has ever come close to crossing her mind
>we need to talk about how racist and privileged you cis white men are
>we need to have a talk about how young white men are getting radicalized online
Hmmm, really makes you think
you're referijng to Milofags right? Milo Yann was never altright
Do you go to pound town on a gay boy cosplaying as a Jew while you dress up as a Nazi?
Oh shit did I just give myself a fetish?
She a cute t b h lads.
Would hate fuck, cum in her mouth, and then whisper "Heil Donald Trump" in her ear.
We need to talk about replacing wymen with the artificial womb and sex robots, so they will stop fucking up Western civilization.
Milo is indeed alt-right you undereducated nigger
>A gay jewish coal burner is a figurehead in the alt-right, the new neo-nazis
Do you not realize how fucking stupid that sounds?
at that point we can reinstate patriarchy, we need to just keep women totally subservient and also bring back arranged marriage
No he's fucking not, he took up the label suddenly and all the idiots assumed it was true. Milo is not and never was Alt Right.
Milo is just an antiSJW libertarian bullshit artist. AltRight is a White identity movement.
I use the term "alt-right" for lack of a better term, it was always meant to be pejorative and there is substantial disagreement within those people included under that label
But to answer your question, Milo has been a very influential bridge between right wing politics and the gay male population, for sure.
>using the term """""alt right""""" unironically
Damn newfriends really have a ways to go
>50 reasons why young white males are the devil.
>Why are young white men rejecting mainstream news
women are only to speak when they are allowed to
Take a look, this is what toxic femininity looks like. Treating / talking to adults like children because you don't have children of your own.
>Neo Nazis
WNism isn't about Hitler no matter how much the dumb thridreich fetishists try to make it.
>I use the term "alt-right" for lack of a better term, it was always meant to be pejorative and there is substantial disagreement within those people included under that label
not true, it was originally used for a couple of years to refer to a REAL white identity movement, then Hillary hijacked it for that use.
Indeed, let's talk. This identity game seemms to be working out so well for you.
>Sup Forums
Why do you think she is talking about us?
>white men of Sup Forums
Basically this. Everyone knows it.