If we ban all firearms there won't be more violence in the United States
Every year 8,000 people that die because firearms in the United States
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ok huemonkey
Every year 3 million huemonkeys are born in Brazil.
If we ban Brazil there won't be more huemonkeys.
I agree but this is terrible troll material/
so is this
You know there's more than one weapon type to attack people with?
I'm a husband
I do NOT stop my wife from having sex with other men.
I do NOT relent from jacking off in the corner and blogging about it to my (((friends))).
>Hollywood actors are against firearms
>Democrats are against firearms
>College educated people are against firearms.
Only STUPID IGNORANT americans support guns
More huemonkeys die of dysentery from your contaminated shit water every year than Americans do of gun violence.
Nah mate, we are just loud, violent people.
Take away our guns, and we'll stab each other.
Take away our knives and we'll beat the fuck out of each other with hammers.
Take our hammers and we will engineer a way to strap cinderblocks to our fists.
Real Americans own guns
thats all i read.
Why not just make murder illegal?
Someone post car deaths per month
this is obvious bait, but these things kill more people in the united states than guns do per annum, and they're increasingly being used in massacres
>tfw muslims created a vehicular massacre culture
In Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25.[1] It is illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers.[2] To legally own a gun, an owner must hold a gun license, which costs BRL R$1000,[2] and pay a fee every three years to register the gun, currently at BRL R$85.[3] Registration can be done online or in person with the Federal Police.[4] Until 2008, unregistered guns could be legalized for free.
Thus, disarmament is in fact real in Brazil,[12] as are massive gun confiscations,[13] notwithstanding its massive refusal by Brazilian people (at the referendum of 2005) and even though it is considered one of the real causes of 20% rise of gun usage rates in homicides in the country, in its nine years of existence (in 2003, people with guns killed 36.115 of the total 60.121 homicides, about 60%, while in 2012, 40.077 homicides of the total 50.108 were made buy the usage of a gun, about 80%).
How many murders/robberies/rapes are stopped because of guns?
How many would willingly relinquish them.
30K die from cars 100k fron heart attacks. Ban forks and cars.
Why the fuck does Brazil care about American gun laws? Aren't they cutting people's heads off down there?
>I'm a woman
>I do not fear a background check
>I fear my ex husband who has been harrassing me.
>Murdered while waiting for firearm permit approval.
Uh... i live in Raleigh and have never heard of this irrelevant shit. Troll harder next time.
If you're worried about Muslims from those 7 countries killing Americans enough to ban them, even though none has, why are you against a gun ban when thousands of Americans have been killed by guns.
While we're at it lets ban tobacco, alcohol, motor vehicles, swimming pools, bathtubs, any kind of staircase, airplanes, contact sports, any food that someone has declared at some point may shorten your life, freedom, etc etc
Four cities prevent the US from being in the top 5 of least murderous nations in the world: Chicago, Boston, Washington, and New Orleans.
These are also the areas with the greatest gun control, and the largest black markets of firearms. Gun control = gun violence. The amount of legally purchased firearms used in violence is astronomically low.
Also, don't infringe my amendment, you piece of shit.
these things, being vehicles
They all black doe
you should read a book sometime.
The artists, the college educated, the specialists and political scientists all of them are saying the same thing: guns should be banned.
So you are saying all of them are wrong?
>waiting period
That's an infringement of my constitutional rights.
I met a chick on tinder who does this shit at the request of her husband. He stands outside their bedroom window and watches her blow and fuck other men.
She swears though that what they do is called hotwifing and that's different than cuckoldry because they aren't calling him names and making him clean up the Bulls semen.
Ever wonder why the states with regressive gun laws are the ones with more murder?
I read plenty of books.
Founding Fathers specifically put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution for a reason.
I'll remind you again,
Maybe we can ban old age. That has to kill more people than all of these other things combined.
Most people that die from guns are white males committing suicide. Overwhelmingly. Huge majority. Homicides don't even approach it, not even black on black .
What a pathetic failure at trolling.
Such a shame that people murder other people. We should do something about that.... I know! Let's ban murder. That will surely solve the problem.
Hey look another retard that doesn't realize we already have extensive background check.
Brazil has a higher murder-per-capita than the US, despite have tough restrictions on guns.
We don't have a gun problem, we have a nigger problem.
>Occupy Democrats
See pic.
Because the south is infested with niggers, who completely account for the overly high murder rate in the US. Niggers need to go.
if they banned mopeds in brazil, no one would ever be murdered in the streets like a farm animal
>muh scary salt rifles
All rifles combined account for less than 10% of gun deaths in the US. More people are killed by bare fists.
>muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.
The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.
The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.
>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:
From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.
>but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:
Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.
>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:
>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:
>Brazil level bait
well, at least they're actually supporting guns now
Yeah, scientists, college educated, hollywood millionaires... they are all wrong. You a poor redneck living in mid-west is right.
There is a reason why they are called the elite. That's because they are the more educated and have spent more time thinking about how to solve problems in our society
>arbitrary time limits and unnecessary form
Sounds like more bureaucratic garbage.
>I do not support the NRA
Literal retard.
This is stupid.
You either support it or not.
Cigarettes kill more people than firearms.
Good. Ban both.
(((american education)))
you don't live here, hue. they literally teach us false information here
>hollywood millionaires
LMAO, most of them are emotionally-unstable drug addicts.
They get where they are
Also, define what you mean by "elites". Because there are tons of politicians and intellectuals who support gun rights too. Even the radical left supports gun rights because they know it's a tool for overthrowing the establishment.
The reason many elites don't want plebs to have guns, is because they want the ZOG to rule over them.
Reducing legal gun ownership didn't seem to help the murder rate in your shitty nigger country. It just creates a new power balance where the corrupt government and the criminal gangs can terrorize honest citizens.
you can stop pretending to be retarded now, you're not actually getting anyone riled up with your blatant schoolkid shitposting. it's kind of just sad.
forgot to say: "the get where they are because of Jewish nepotism in Hollywood"
Also, being able to repeat lines in front of a camera doesn't make you an expert on other subjects.
What poor trolling.
8000 isn't enough
Are you going to ban cars too? They're responsible for a lot of deaths too?
>you're not actually getting anyone riled up with your blatant schoolkid shitposting
"If you have a different opinion than me then you are trolling"
This is the level of american intelligence.
Any idiot can make guns in his garage. Ban them all, I'll have all the guns I want.
link to source for table ;')
What poor trolling.
30,000 +/- people die a year because of Car accidents in the US. Should we force people to only ride trains because some fucktards can't drive?
Liberals are literally the dumbest fuckers on the face of the planet. It's a good thing they don't believe in guns because if it were conservatives pissed off on the level they are now, the media would be fearmongering a civil war.
All following posts are pointless. This what /thread/ when it started.
Purchase gun wait 10 tens, within those ten days thugs break into your house and rape an kill your whole family.
The ability to own a Gun is not privilege it is a fuckin RIGHT to own and have one right the fuck now, now of course considering You should want to purchase one
he should have felt grateful being rid of a leaf
> The INTERNET has so many mean things, we need to repeal the first amendment to protect innocent kids from offensive material.
trip flip, meaning your post is opposite
holy fuck
>.jpeg format
>exported it in .png
did i just dun goof'd?
Are you saying the founding fathers of my country are not as intelligent those who speak out against the 2nd amendment?
Trips means based god kek said you are a faggot amd all shall have weapons.
>Hollywood actors
Oh you mean those people who read off pages given to them and be emotional for a living?
But how many of them are because of niggers
>North Carolina
>College educated
This one always gets me. "College educated" includes the cesspool of non-STEM degrees and I don't understand why we should take the word of people who enslaved themselves to loans and wasted tax-payer money above those who specialized in some sort of trade. Even then, the only thing I learned politically from getting my engineering degree is to go the choice that gets you more money.
For fuck's sake, you shills are working overtime. I guess Soros has extra money to blow since his puppet lost the election.
As for gun control...lot's of gun owners don't support the NRA, nor do they fit right-wing stereotypes. They simply don't want to advertise the fact that they have a gun.
Something you shills will never understand is that gun owners exist in vast numbers. In the United States alone there are more undocumented gun owners than there are undocumented immigrants.
Fuck of José
Go suck Lula´s cock
Bolsonaro 2018