Why have women become more degenerate in the recent years? The Jews, social media or liberalism?
Why have women become more degenerate in the recent years? The Jews, social media or liberalism?
they are not more degenerate at all. Many men are just angry that they can't get any from them.
I lol'd
Fuck off beta
Because beta cucks let them get away with it. It is always in their nature to be degenerate whores, but when they realized there were no consequences and sometimes they would even be praised for their actions, they let go.
All of the above, That and they're probably being brainwashed
Fuck off /r9k/
The human race is degenerate.
Social norms and control kept a lot of it in check for the greater good of society, but its 2015+2 now, there is no control anymore.
>some cringey beta tries to get a girl and fails
>beta then post his mesages with the girl online ,,to show how modern women are shit''
>other betas praise the beta kid how nice he is while insulting the girl
Idk OP you tell me??
Not all women are as terrible as American white women.
Who /thotpatrol/ here?
To be quite honest, she absolutely roasted that cuck.
>implying being yourself and enjoying your life is degenerate
Uh, whatever virgin.
>I can't get any ergo these women are degenerate
>blames the jews
Her Durrrr modern women suck! Check out this"ancient woman" getting railed by 2 Roman dudes. Women haven't changed. They aren't there for you and you only faggot.
It all started with womens suffrage in England. That's the source.
I don't get what user being a cringey beta has to do with the woman being a whore.
Hi! few things to start off with :)
1. Yes I replied to you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. I'm Brian.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen :D
Feminism has given them equal rights and like in most case, people who are set free will initially go wild. People who used to have no personal responsibility have a lot of problem with understanding personal responsibility. They are in the phase where they think that everything everybody is oppressing them, like a teenager who is out in the big world. Slowly and surely they will sober up, start developing an honor code and start ostracizing women who make them look bad.
>some guy with a bird chest and gyno
HAHAHAHAHHA sure showed him
I would blackmail the fuck out of them both
you know that this image is a shop right?
You have it easy Pajeet, you get arranged marriages and if you're lucky the girl you marry will be the one to poo in the loo in your heart.
It rymes with booze and starts with j
>Why have women become more degenerate in the recent years
They haven't. It's just become more acceptable to publicly be a degenerate, and you hear about it more easily than you did in the past.
Women themselves didn't change, they have been whores since the dawn of time.
delete this...
There is nothing wrong with this at all. Don't be a little fucking bitch like this cocksucker was.
how is she being a whore? for fucking a guy? how about you and op go jerk each other off and complain about how slutty women are cos they wont fuck yous
>This guy I dislike thinks I'm great, what do I do?
>I know! I'll give him unequivocal proof I'm actually a piece of shit that's not worth his time, that'll show him!
Woman logic.
lmao tell me this is not you
Looking at that cringe ass text if I was her I'd do the same thing. That dude though lol, The funniest thing of all is the beta dude probably saved the pic, cropped the douche out, and masturbates to it.
At least he isn't black.
Women are just as whorish and degenerate as their gender endears them to be.
Men have changed and either tolerate this behavior or encourage it.
How do you even get her number like wtf.
>The Jews, social media or liberalism
>implying those 3 things aren't all tied together
Well yeah, fair enough, but still come on that must have been like a freight train of emotional pain right through him.
The image doesn't include the dozens of needy texts from the beta cuck and the multiple times the woman said she wasn't interested.
Of course women were degenerate in the past. No one is disputing that.
However in the past the ratio was more favorable, something like 1:20 thots to wife material ratio.
Now it's the inverse.
Waaa waaa sluts suck everyone's cock but mine, it must surely be the jew's fault
Whenever I see this posted, why is it always censored? Did the girl censor it? Where's the uncensored version?
>how would I handle this
Say it with me;
why is this same fucking shit posted every godamn day
>how is she being a whore? for fucking a guy?
Pretty much yeah.
Promiscuous women have no value. You only think they have value because you're either a promiscuous woman that's been conned out of her value, or a loser who can't get laid and thinks women being whores for Chad increases the likelihood of your getting laid.
Either way you're deluding yourself.
Kek, that dude looks autistic
What's worse than having your dream girl fucked by a Chad? Having your dream girl fucked by an autistic kid with gyno. Kill yourself senpai.
Holy shit honestly that's really fucking funny. Some guys need to learn to take a hint.
>tfw I was one of those guys
Getting over the autism was hard and it took time, but boy is it worth it now that I don't do cringy shit like this anymore.
Serious question tropical flavor gum flag:
>why is that Rk9001?
Love this Xbox message
If she is holding her phone, who took the photo?
>guy i dislike
she doesnt dislike him u beta, he is beneath her notice. its obvious from the context this fedora wearing poofta sent her a slew of unwanted texts after already being told to fuck off.
stop blaming women cos ur a cringy fkn retard
I think Brian is the most beta fucking name. Its always the Brian thats a white knight loser. Usually a manlet as well so its impossible to respect him.
>That beta orbiter that wouldn't fuck off tries to blackmail the girl
>Chad beats him to death when she tells him to take care of the little faggot
ill just leave this here
So your saying that all women should be virgins until marriage???
I love how this image starts these threads. As though some autist getting cucked is a sign of women's degeneracy.
It doesn't need to.
The guy being a garbage cuck doesn't magically invalidate or justify the woman being a garbage whore.
Fucking a guy, taking a picture and sending it to some stranger you little beta retard
>There exists an old stone sculpture with a woman getting DP'd, so Western women have always been just as slutty as they are today.
Women have always been terrible user.
PS fuck Augustus
Are bitches incapable of putting down their fucking phone even while fucking?
Obviously can't speak for that guy, but yes; of course.
Brian here, can confirm
Argentina on the fuckin ball
Ideally yes, and not just women either before you start getting all whiney.
Cultural marxism
Don't make fun of my gyno
Nah women are fine. It is just the white girls who need fixing
>fake texts thread
>Sup Forums
she's married though so it doesn't really matter. she actually is pretty degenerate posting her nude titties to a guy she isn't married to.
Is this slutshaming? If so, then very much yes.
Sup Forums specializes in hypotheticals
looking for an argument in this post, there isn't one.
Yeah it doesn't make any sense. It's obviously uploaded by the guy who got rejected, so if it was censored by the girl it was done before she sent it to him, but that doesn't seem like the type of thing you would do while you were having sex. And if it was the guy censoring it, why? Like, he's so much of a cuck that after getting rejected like that he'll protect her by censoring the image?
No, the only reasonable explanation is that it's completely fake.
r9k is leaking again
Shut up, Sweden.
Why is India so rare these days?
Smartphones were a mistake.
because a lot of Indian pol users died of dysentery
They have ALWAYS been degenerate.
Since religion and society are no longer allowed to repress the true sexuality of a woman, she is free to finally express her true power level.
What do you know, they are just like us... if not more sexual beings that want to get fucked on the daily.
The idea of a "dream girl" is just that.. a dream.
That is only for movies and you fell for the heart jew.
But it is okay, because once you know that, the pressure is off to perform per se and in a paradoxical way she actually ends up liking you.
Not that it matters though because you have to remember all girls are the same.
repeating numbers confirm
There's a lot of shoulds in life. You should watch what you eat. You should control how much you drink. You should have a 4-year degree and job by 23.
"Should" doesn't mean "it must be so," but shoulds are shoulds because they're a good idea.
Whether or not the woman in question agrees with it being a should is a good litmus test for whether or not she's an obnoxious cunt.
they genuinely got fed up of the poo-in-the-loo stuff. There's still a fair fww over on Sup Forums
she has a mirror
>Why have women become more degenerate in the recent years?
>in the recent years
Say, why do you think every major philosopher of every human civilization has been warning you about women since antiquity?
>beta shoots chad with gun
>you're the girl of my dreams
jesus fucking christ, i hate permavirgins who worship pussy
or alternatively it was reposted by someone who was either a prude, or someone trying to slip under the censorship radar on a more restrictive website, but yes in all likelihood it's fake though.
However the fact the image is fake does not mean that such a thing has never happened before. In the 21st century I find it best to look at images as the equivalent of illustrations in the 19th century, just because the event didn't happen exactly as the artist depicted it doesn't strip the illustration of all value.
You chased them all away with poo in loo jokes, you heartless fucks.
>that pic
fucking lel
It checks out.
i browsed the MGTOW reddit a bit
thought it would be dudes who've stopped obsessing over women, sex and relationships and realized that life is happier without all that shit
instead it's a bunch of bitter men who still obsess over women and can't stop talking about them, but now they hate them
these people need more fucking zen in their lives
>Casual sex apps which brought back near extinct STD's
>24/7 propaganda from the (((media))).
>Pandering to women.
>Pandering to "minorities" when the real minority is the European race.
>Weakening of nation state
>Weakening of family
>Weakening of religion.
>Lack of morals
>The (((Education))) system
Computer simulations suggest western society will fully collapse with a peak time window of Spring 2025 to Summer 2026. Last days of Rome all over again. Sticking their heads in the sand, doing what they want and giving no shits whilst the barbarians are smashing down the gates and breeding the natives.
my girlfriend's mom left her father because she thought she could do better after 6 years of marriage. Dad pleads her to not to leave for the sake of the daughter. Mom leaves and whores around for 10 odd years with custody in dispute. She told me the worst years of her life were with her mom and her boyfriends. Time passes and father is remarried to a saleswoman. Mom is married to a fat loser where they're both working factory jobs at 50+ years old to pay off huge amounts of debt. Her father rebuilds classic muscle cars as a hobby while spending plenty of time with his wife and daughter. The daughter despises her mother for what she did to her family.
Girls will never cheat on you as long as:
1. She had a good relationship with her father
2. You remind her of her father
3. You constantly want more out of life and constantly take action to do so
4. Women want you and you make it known that you're with your girl not out of scarcity but because you prefer her
Go to the gym 3 days a week minimum for two hours
Make more money
Dress better
Be a leader
Stop lurking on this gay site
Wtf the guy is on his phone too.
>you can't get laid
That's how you can always tell you're dealing with a female poster.
>Blowing your nuts deep into random snatch while roomie is browsing on /r9k/.
Oh, honey, sweety, women have always been degenerate