Heard that? We are all Muslims

Heard that? We are all Muslims.

Good now I can alla ackbar.

Yeah, and our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. I despise the shit that passes for sympathy, empathy anymore.

fake tweet


Ugh. I fucking hate that bullshit!! Fuck you, faggot Cuckdeau!!!!

It started with Michael Moore saying "we are all Muslims" - it makes you sound retarded. You lose all credibility with shit like this.

he might be on to something, i just stoned my wife to death for disrespecting our religion of peace by showing her ankles in public.

>meanwhile in Sup Forumsistan

Oh shi
Where da European wimin at

Muh sexual emergency means I can do anything!

Shit I'm banned

About god damn time you came out of the closet leaf. You was america's retarded son anyway

W-w-w-whatever you say Mr. Leaf. Plz no explodey.

My time to shine

Ok. So where are our standard issue Islamic Ak-47s and Dynamite Bandoliers?

Wait, if I'm a muslim does that mean I can get away with marrying four women all of whom are frequently battered (and also 12 years old)?

Fucking sweet! Now I can rape any girl I want and NOT get labeled a misogynist!

If I lived in Canada id seriously just kill myself.

Your leader is a teenage girl and is intent on crashing the whole nation.

Sweet now I can beat my wife without being patronized!

T. Cletus

Cool. Does this mean I can throw acid in the faces of feminists and set gays on fire?

It's fake you fucking retards. Congrats to every leaf responding to this thread for putting yourself on a watch list

>Wait, if I'm a muslim does that mean I can get away with marrying four women all of whom are frequently battered (and also 12 years old)?

No that's only legal for Muslim men.

You are a horrible white male and don't get to spread your seed amongst 4 wives and have 12 children while getting welfare.

Allahu Akbar the Kikes! Holy War Now!

Yay! I'm going to knock the shit out of my girlfriend and rape my neighbors kids. I love being a Muslim:)

Tonight, we wuz kangs


I ain't no fucking muslim you dog sucking leaf!

Shit, President Trump got deported

I'm beating my six year old wife right now.

>6 years old

insha'allah, you will trade in that old hag

MFW all of Sup Forums converts for a week and destroys the left infidels. respect muh culture!

BRB guys. Got a lotta stones to lift and stairs to climb if I'm gonna do something about all these whores and fags before my Muslim status wears off.

This kind of liberal bullshit triggers fundamentalists far more than anything anti-Islam hardliners say.


what happened to the world

its a fake tweet

what a fucking awful pm. leaf land is fucked

its a fake tweet

my comment still stands