Boy Scouts is kill

Boy Scouts is kill

Now any girl can join boyscouts claim she is a guy and get endless beta attention

hmm this is weird I can't seem to find any fucks to give

Jesus Christ.
I thought that if Trump won things would get better. But now the Jew media is bringing their communist propaganda onto a new level and demonizing President Trump for putting America first, as he should obviously do as the President of the US. I've never felt more politically isolated before, even though I am actually proud of my president.
we need a fucking war.

You're a faggot if you were in or was associated with the boy scout so I'm not surprised

>boyscouts is kill

i would be so happy


does this make Boy Scouts more or less gay?

What the fucking hell?

what the fuck is a transgendered child

holy fuck do people let their kids pretend they're the other gender?

>Boyish girl among young boys in tents.

Just like in my steamy Japanese cartoons.

More like GOY scouts am I right

Boys just wanna have fun.

Nah, BSA has been cucked forever. Bullshit about safety. No more ax throwing. No more warming your shoes in the fire. Need a kiddie permit to carry a knife.

Less, because of the tremendous amounts of rape incoming.


Dicks out bois
Is gonna get rapey in here

there is allready tremendous amount of rape happening within the Boy scouts....

I think the organization is going identity crisis these days.

>degenerate leaders
>degenerate boys
>morally straight

yeah, and do you know who pioneered that initiative? Rex Tillerson, when he was president of BOA

I prefer the other way around

Fuck Infinite Stratos for giving me a new fetish

How soon until this qt can join the girl scouts?