Would you marry a qt Muslim girl if:

Would you marry a qt Muslim girl if:
>she looked like this
>wasn't overly religious, just insisted on the hijab
>her and your parents were supportive

Well, Sup Forums?

Yeah probably

>wasn't overly religious
>insisted on the hijab

Choose one.

>Muslim girl

So you're asking if I would convert to Islam for some woman?


>insisted on the hijab
how about no

Would convert to HUEism and marry

Some women are just modest, leaf. You won't understand, you live in a land of whores.

Only if she accept to take a sip of this.


no but I'd fuck her. if she isn't overly religious that means she is willing to fuck before marriage.


If we had a lot in common and were in love, yeah I would.

I actually believe this would happen. The purity of Islam has no chance vs what happens in Latin lands. She'd soon be corrupted and integrate.

>has moles on the face

lol wut

You have romantic ideas about modesty.

I would we want her to be overly religious. The sex with could be amazing.

She becomes my religion or nothing happens. She can wear the hijab still if she wants.


Just out of curiosity, does anyone actually take exception to a woman wearing a hijab if she legitimately wants to? No husband or father or other family pushing her to do it, she just likes it (even if for religious reasons)?

dealbreaker. no

so you convert or does she convert?
this is importent

None of my family would approved and more than likely would be disowned

t. german catholic

Obviously they do, this is Sup Forums after all.

>just insisted on the hijab
no she's too far gone at this point. If she didn't wear it then I'd consider it, down the road she'd convert to Christianity. Hijab is a sign of devotion to the Islamic ideology

Also no because race-mixing is bad

I don't care how big a muslim girls ass or tits are if you cover your hair you are a cunt and look like every other trash bag wearing sand nigger.

No. Marriage melds families and I don't want to be around Muslims and wouldn't subject my family to them because I was too lazy to find a reasonable woman instead of a Muslim.


Marriages produce children, and I don't want my progeny anywhere near that basket case of a religion in any way.

I would only get jiggy with a very, very mildly religious person.

Anyone who is remotely serious about their religion (unless it's buddhism ofc) doesn't meet my standards.

rather watch her die in some muslim hellhole senpai.

I had sex with a Turkish girl only in the ass cuz she had to be a Virgin to her Turkish husband..actually a nice girl but that was like 10 years ago and it made me realize women are women there is no these are a modest good cultute...certain percentages will always Like to fuck

Her skin tight pants are clearly in violation of the spirit of Islamic modesty rules. These fuckin' half-stepping religious people are worse than ISIL.

yeah, if she looked like this pic

On the condition that she converts to Catholicism.

>wasn't overly religious, just insisted on the hijab

things you can read ...
stupidity as its finest

>your parents are supportive
My parents would fucking kill me if I brought home a muzzie.


That's a whole lot of "if's"

>marriage material


Her parents arent going to marry her off to an inbred NEET who lives in his own filth in a basement.

They want doctors and lawyers and shit.

None of you would be allowed near a Muslima qt3.14

Nope. Getting married is for betacucks.


The hijab turns me on 2bh, and arab girls have prettier faces and better asses/legs than white girls.
t. "wyatt" man who was baptised catholic but rejects all crosscuckery and kike desert fairy tales

Fuck off, sandnigger op. Im never fuckinga sandnigger. Most believe in death for punishment for leaving islam. She would be killed for marryingme. And most sandniggers are smelly, hairy, stupid darkskinned monkeys.

This cute muslim hijab shilling pisses me off.

>Marrying anyone ever.

No. What incentive does a man have to get married these days? I would cohabitate with a romantic partner, sure, but never marry.

would i bang ?
would i breed ?
no her race needs to die out

she will never cook you bacon

no, there is simply too much risk. she may have a crazy uncle who goes on a jihad and decides i am a white devil.

No, she'd stop with the Islam shit and all the trappings and cut all ties to her past.

That would be the only way. Islam is cancerous.

I like the idea of having a wife that only shows any part of her body to me

also, more than one wife

I mean Id fuck the shit out of her. But I would not date her unless she converted to the true faith.

fuck no

t. Mohammed


Gotta lose the hijab, I wanna see that luscious black hair

Most Muslims are dirt poor and stupid as fuck. This Muslims are successful doctors and lawyers and shit is a meme that comes from countries with state healthcare and diversity quotas, and propaganda to support those systems. Sure, NHS may have a lot of Muslim doctors but they hide performance from the public. You have no idea who's a terrible doctor and who isn't. Same goes for minority lawyers who often work for the state. Private practice is a whole 'nother beast and there aren't nearly enough of them for any realistic Muslim woman to dream of landing one.

A muslim woman can't marry a believer of another religion, because in their culture the sons will follow the religion of the father.

>Her and your parents were supportive

It wouldn't be my father if he were ok with it

I'm not someone who has to have bacon at all number one, secondly I cook my own meals, I cant trust my food to be made by incompetents which includes almost everyone.

Do you mean Bosnian? Or perhaps you are referring to an Iranian woman?

no, they marry them off to anyone

t. someone who plans to buy a syrian husbando if i cant find a bf soon

I dont want my children to be 85 IQ shitskin kebab hybrids.

Damn I'll marry her and we both gonna perform hajj this summer insha allah.
Fuck it I'll pay all the fine or dam if it mean I can fuck her in a tent in Mina.

>Well, Sup Forums?



as long as she isn't ethnically semitic

Everything she's saying is taqiyya, she's going to murder me in my sleep once my child is grown and is old enough to be sent to a jihadist training camp in Yemen

Most of these fat neckbeards here will be lucky to land a washed up cock carousel with 1 kid. Her unwashed ass will never make a sandwich and you will have no chance marrying OP pic. Forever stay cucked whites.

t. Muslim

>tfw no syrian gf

No, even if she identified as a Muslim but didn't wear a hijab or practice the religion at all, I wouldn't.

Sure, if she stops wearing all that damn make-up.

isnt it normal to marry, fuck then divorce muslim women so its not against the koran? I would do that.

they could go to syria and get a cheap one

Abaaoud was an underrated qt

I liked how the news kept showing pictures of this grinning good-looking guy and calling him a "mastermind" like nope that's not gonna make isis sound cool as fuck or anything

I love when they wear that shit and still let me fuck them! Haha, I met this one really light skinned Paki girl in NY and I kid you not but this bitch let me fuck her in public at a park out in Queens late at night the day we met. Shit was so Ca$h as they say.


I would gladly marry a qt from anywhere as long as she isn't muslim.

Or black.

islam - not even once.

yep, I remember how muslim woman fight against hijab in 1970 in middle east pre islamic revolution.

I know. I don't understand why the boston bomber got so much attention but he didn't

[Quran 24:31] And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, (with their Khimar) and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to God, O you believers, that you may succeed.

>hey let's make fake islam popular so libtards wear a hijab.
>t. patriot act


True this famalam

The last thing Sup Forums needs is more self-hating half breeds.

Sure. I'd redpill her ass slowly though

What kind of cognitive dissonance shit is going on here?

Women's rights was a mistake. What if she was white? Islam would literally save the waste.

>inb4 muh mudslimes
Religion isn't a race dipshit.

youre still gay for insisting on having some arab bitch and her not making your ass pork. Tell me more on what it's like to be half a man who doesn't fully put a chick in place.

Though I'd could just fuck the muzzi out of her.

After a proper Catholic marriage that is.


What did I miss?

No. Non-Muslims are not allowed to marry Muslim women. It is STRICTLY forbidden.

>tfw Tibetan Buddhist

Feels good man. Happy to know pol thinks I am respectable

If she loved me, yes.

muh liberal Western values combined with our shared love would drive her to apostasy and then it would just be a normal marriage.

My fuck buddy is Iranian, immigrated to the US with her family when she was a teen. They are atheists, but the Islamic culture is still a part of them. She's cool, but I don't want to actually date her. She's a ton of fun to fuck, and pretty hot...but she has weird issues.

She literally refers to herself as my property lol, but is rabidly anti-trump / pro-dem. Her family is pretty loaded, she buys me things all the time, like a ps4, xbone, shoes etc.

Totally emotionally unstable though, high highs and low lows. Always begs me to cum inside of her and she's not even on birth control.

Honestly, I don't wear a rubber most of the time because I have great cum control, but sometimes I will bag it, and when I do she insists that I use condoms she bought for me, but I still use mine. Pretty sure she has pricked holes into hers.

She doesn't wear a hijab though. But I made her watch a Mia Khalifa video with me one day where she wears one, and now she's down for wearing one when we fuck.

Looking forward to it.

I'm actually talking to a cute French Algerian muslim girl. she believes in the not all muslims thing though which is a shame

I really am not a fan of pork though. Maybe I'll just convert to islam and get a nice hijabi qt, there's a mosque just down the street, a bit further than the two churches here but kek knows i aint setting foot in either of those for they do not have the kind of botches that get my dick hard, y'heard whumsayin, young blood? Im finna get my dick wet, see, and I ain't finna hook up with no basic non ass-having bitch.

If a) her entire family were dead and she didn't like them anyway and

b) she had converted to Catholicism but maintains a Muslim front to remain eligible for enormous lifetime trust fund distributions, but does retain the submissive values of Islam and

c) she's not a pious Catholic, but rather a fuck like a crazed rabbit Catholic.

If she converted to Christianity, probably


Hijab is a meme. They don't think hijab is important but wearing it just because of (((cultural))) reasons.


NO. Go fuck a goat, Kebab.


nice taqqiya mohammed
