Hi Sup Forums, I'm Jewish! Fuck me right? For as long as I can remember, I've hated the culture I was born into. The Jewish culture has brought me two things; a lifetime of shame and several yearly reminders that various cultures from all over the world want my people dead. Unfortunately, I took the edgy atheist route as an angst ridden teen; crying and screaming about religion (which in hindsight explains why I was a virgin all throughout high school but that's another insecurity for another time). Even though I now keep these opinions to myself, the fact that I am what I detest (another stereotype, another self hating jew) kills me on the inside. I've come to terms that the world will always perceive me as a Semite but I was wondering if anybody could give me some tips on how to not feel crippling anger and shame every time my culture is brought up.
Hi Sup Forums, I'm Jewish! Fuck me right? For as long as I can remember, I've hated the culture I was born into...
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have you tried not being Jewish.
Abandon your shitty culture you dumb fuck
Why ship refugees across the world to places that do not want them when countries like Israel have the wealth and infrastructure to accept them. We all know Israel can use a dose of diversity.
yes, but I somehow still am, it's almost like I have no say over the matter...
I did, but other jews always call me out on it. They say I look it (and by it i mean a filthy fucking jew)
C'mon guys, I'm actually serious. Please help me idk what to do. self bump
Go to church.
That's literally all you have to do. Go there with an open heart and mind, and Christ will show you the way.
marry an eastern european
have the closest thing to white children, ashekenazis
be happy knowing you did all you could
Become an Honorary Aryan.
Do I have to associate myself with a religion to not be called a jew? Seems worth a shot.
But I am eastern european, I'm polish by blood.
They would never take me in
Have some pride faggot. Make Aliyah and help make Israel great again.
It's not about associating yourself with anything or anyone, I'm just telling you to read the bible. I know you've been taught/indoctrinated about how Jesus is the worst of all human beings, burning in hell in a pot of boiling feces, but I'm saying to forget all of that and read what he actually does and the prophecies he's fulfilled.
He's your savior, if you only but accept him into your life.
Would you help Pakistan if you weren't a jawa? Stupid leaf.
Let me rephrase that, I'm not spiritual and would prefer not to get involved in another religion, I just want to end my association with anything jew.
Why do you still label yourself as "Jewish"? You are whoever or whatever you want to be.
Your allegiances are those that you choose, not those thrust upon you.
If you believe yourself to be an atheist, then you're not actually Jewish. If you're Jewish, then you're not actually atheist.
I am atheist but society branded me a jew the second the tip of my dick was chopped off. Telling people you aren't a jew is ultimately pointless if they convinced themselves you're one of them.
>mfw I thought I was the only self hating jew on Sup Forums this whole time
Just remember that Jews rock guys. It will be ok.
This is sheer nonsense. My foreskin is cut off, but that doesn't mean shit about my religion. That only means my country had backward medical beliefs 40 years ago.
Again; you are who you make yourself to be, not what others say you are.
hahahah you're pathetic. i'm jewish i love it, just gas yourself honestly
Many """""""anti-semites"""""""" have no problems with redpilled non-Zionist Jews.
Few examples:
David Cole - Holocaust revionist
Noam Chomsky - lefty intellectual but redpilled on Israel and neo-liberalism
Normal Finklestein - anti zionist advocate
Glenn Gould - piano virtuoso, not a card carrying jew
>inb4 someone mentions Sam Harris
Plays jewish tricks despite being an atheist, do not emulate.
You're not. Were fucking degenerate but at least we aren't alone.
I like your ideology and I've been doing exactly this for years. All the comments finally got to me I guess.
Good for you. And no gassing will happen because I'm not suicidal/in 1930/40's Poland.
>imagine wanting to be anything but jewish
>wanting to be a filthy goyim
hilarious, my people have out smarted them for 100's of years, none of my family died during WW2 so they have nothing they can say to me. goyim are mad they are filthy that's why the jews survived the plague, we weren't around rats all day.
In all seriousness don't let your life be influenced other people. You get one life and to make the best of it is the only thing anyone can do.
And to be clear, being Jewish is by no means a bad thing by default.
Are you Ashkenazi btw?
It doesnt matter whether the religion is followed. It is in the blood. Jews have been selectively inbreeding for 4,000 years from a tribe that once almost died out and only numbered 200 people. They can't just flip a switch and not be jewish anymore because they take off the jewcap. It is in their blood, it is who they are. Do not believe their lies.
Remember what they took from us. Who is us? How about just about every nation on earth, most recently the slavs during the bolshevik revoltuion, the germans who fully woke the fuck up and realized what jews were doing, and once again in 1991 when they demolished the soviet union (for kicking jews out of the power structure).
They want nothing less than to destroy all ethnic states and nationalities and slowly move the world towards one world government with pure blooded jews running the show.
That's bullshit. Judaism is a religion, not a "breed". You can say "fuck it, I'm not Jewish anymore" just as easily as "fuck it, I'm not Christian anymore."
It's both
Dude, see a shrink. Self-loathing is not allowed here.
apparently my family isn't so lucky...
I'll keep trying and to answer your question yes I am ashkenazi.
maybe if it were treated like a religion and not a subspecies I wouldn't hate myself so much
There are plenty of philosophies that would allow you to dismantle 'being Jewish' as basically totally arbitrary but I get the feeling that wouldn't help. The best you can really do is live day by day, trying to cope as much as you can, like every other disabled person has to.
I mean your problem is basically a fixation on your own heritage, which is funnily enough, very Jewish. Depending on what exactly bothers you there are certain roads you could go down, probably with the advice of a shrink, the best thing to do is keep yourself busy and basically forget about it.
Just because there are a large number of people from a certain geographic area who also happen to be Jewish doesn't mean there is some kind of biological link between Judaism and heredity.
People, please. Use your heads. If I were to convert to Judaism, that wouldn't mean anything about my DNA. (Really? Do I have to actually explain this?)
>They want nothing less than to destroy all ethnic states and nationalities and slowly move the world towards one world government with pure blooded jews running the show.
>jewish roman baker from 70 AD
you're wrong though. the Yemenite jews still marrying off cousins, as are muslims, but besides them and southern christians it's not a thing.
On the other hand, 50% of the world's muslims are actually inbred
you deserve all the times we've fucked you over if you got outsmarted by inbreds for over a thousand years
>People, please. Use your heads. If I were to convert to Judaism, that wouldn't mean anything about my DNA. (Really? Do I have to actually explain this?)
You do know Israel requires DNA tests to prove you are Jewish to take part in the Right To Return?
Read a book you dumb nigger.
... but... it... is... a... religion... omg...
Who the fuck cares what other people think? It's what matters to *you* what is important. Do *you* believe that Judaism is the real Yahweh? Yes? Then wonderful, be a happy Jew. No? Then go find another religion.
I don't care. Just go find happiness in life and spiritual enlightenment and ignore what other people think. It won't matter in the long run anyway; we'll ALL DIE eventually.
Yeah it's s race, but it's hella geographically spread and diluted. Many Ashkenazik Jews don't look semetic. I'm half Jewish and can attest to this. There is so much genetic diversity within Judaism that the idea of a "Jewish People" is more of a social/religious construct than a genetic reality, although I suppose their is a genetic commonality between all the groups to some extent.
Idk, I'm half Jewish and it always surprises people (even Israelis who I meet) when I tell the I'm part Jewish.
"According to the halakhic definition, a person is Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish, OR IF HE OR SHE CONVERTS TO JUDAISM."
OP needs a nice Jewish girl
>DNA Links Prove Jews Are a 'Race,' Says Genetics Expert
And that website is a jewish source.
I like to see life as a natural process in which the best genetics gets selected so who can really blame Jews for being successful at it? You are hated because that's the natural response of beings who also want to exist and spread their genes, so.
What you bring to the table as an individual is all that matters. Chads are chads regardless of race, and geniuses are geniuses regardless of race, and that's what people will see when they look at you.
>go to Israel
>become associated with right wing Jews
>have pride in your nation
>don't focus on victimhood identity
>have pride in smart Jewish scientists/mathematicians etc., not beta subversive SJW Jews
Nothing more pathetic than race traitors, embrace your culture no matter how fucking shitty it is
Marry an asian chick and your good.
Did you know you can fashion a realistic foreskin with silly putty?
you're reading Sup Forums at the wrong angle. when they talk about 0.2% of the population controlling everything, it furthers confirms my belief of the superiority of the jewish race. If I were to mix with goyim my kids IQ would drop by 20.
>goyim want to get rid of jews for one reason
>they can't compete with us whatsoever
goyim will list the thousands of times we have been able to outmaneuver them everywhere we go. it's in their nature to cry about the times they lose, yet ignore their own atrocities. they are right about one thing, the jews aren't victims. we have killed 100 million gentiles and haven't shed one tear for them.
The world won't always perceive you as a semite.
In my city people only will know if someone is a jew if he uses the kippah and thos sidelocks
There is no reason to hate who you are because you choose who you are, regardless of any previous conditions.
Also, if there is any hope in saying that, there is nothingwrong in being jew
Sex change?
I wouldn't go that far
Compete in terms of what?
>...they post the 0.00002% of jewish women who don't look like Gargamel.
keep talking. there are US jewish feminist glasses wearing victimshits who cry about the nazis still, but that's not the girls i've been with.
>mfw 9/10 israeli gf
Like what, average intelligence per capita?
I would say that becomes a skewed comparison considering all ashkenazis are descended from white color workers & bankers. So it would be more accurate to compare Ashkenazis to white people descendant from nobility & white color occupations.
Most white people are from families descended from builders & soldiers etc. where average IQ isn't that much coveted, contrary to white families descended from nobles
Well, you can just become alpha and stop giving a fuck what others think.
Or you could shave your head and get a swastika tattoo.
>mfw your best qt's wants the BWC
Sup Forums stealin yo womyn
It's not the women, it's the culture. If shes normal in the head, shes welcome in my bed
Hard thing to do when all their holidays revolve around remembering their own slaughter.
That's the dream m8
Link a how-to vid plz
My hatred doesn't stem from Sup Forums, it comes from constant early exposure to the faith and its people. Good guess though.
A man can dream.
she's a whore so why would I care? it's like me posting some white whore with a black guy.
I love this. my jewish brothers and sisters are fucking your countries HAHAHAHAH
meanwhile at any time I can go back to Israel and deal with no multiculturalism
Roll for your Jewish waifu
Isn't Roberts married to a goy?
I'm sure shes great and I'm happy for you but its not American culture that bothers me.
I'd still rather live in a country of migrant Jews than migrant syrians
rollin with paper bag on deck
Not too shabby
I think 7 and 9 are kind of cute.
Pls kill me. Kill me now.
Self-hatred of your own genetics isn't going to do you much good. There's literally nothing you can do.
You just gotta reject jewish culture and religion, zionism etc. if you really want to distance yourself from your people. You seem to be already doing that. Not much else you can do if you want to be a non-jew.
half jewish but since he wasn't religious they called him a goy until he converted.
I dont agree with this nonsense about the jews 'outmaneuvering' everyone else. It is not that other people are stupid, it is that they find the behaviour of hard charging jews so revolting that they refuse to go tit-for-tat even if it results in something the jewish side percieves as a win for themselves. The other side thinks they are winning by not being low lifes. Other people resent when jews abuse the host society to satisfy their own lusts at the expense of everyone else. They are not 'jealous'.
>My hatred doesn't stem from Sup Forums, it comes from constant early exposure to the faith and its people. Good guess though.
never said it did. I think judaism is cancerous I hated it when I was young, didn't have a bar mitzvah or any jewish shit. then I visited Israel, saw israeli qts and realized I have a 2nd home.
9. I guess.
>have Jewish blood on my dad's side
>live in Israel for 12 years, spend my childhood and adolescence growing up in jew land
>eat sandwiches made of meat and cheese and get laughed at cause I'm not keeping kosher
>no clue why they laugh
>"haha user you're not a jew like us superior chosen people, cause ur mom isn't!"
>move to leaf cuck land
>"ahh you're from israel? You must be Jewish the."
>too tired of explaining that I'm a goy according to jews
>be Jewish everywhere I go except the land of the jew
>The one between 5 and 6 was left out.
Forget it and embrace Western thinking.
You dont even have to convert to anything, but the Christian world has tons of philosophers that should help.
It happened with our Jews.
what else would you call making it forbidden for Christians to do moneylending?
>only allow jews to become bankers/moneylenders
>that'll show them
>jews suddenly own everything
>cry about how they own everything
>send them to ghettos
>that'll show them
>plague comes and kill 40% of europeans
>jews barely die because they were clean and not filthy hanging around rats like goyim
>be stupid enough to think the jews did it
yeah, sure goy you guys are very smart
No matter how hard he tries, he will never be the no. 1 jewish porn star
that's true
Judaism is not the problem, kikeism is. Judaism is partying in Eliat with hot, based, Israeli girls. Kikeism is robbing the West blind through taxation and the federal reserve.
>promote marxism
>destroy your own western allies with it
>be surrounded by muslim nation
>arabs are outbreeding jews even in Israel
>20Million vs. 1.5Billion
>atleast 80% of those are fanactics
>some have nuclear weapons
Yeah good luck with that "choosen one",you arent so smart either.