Why did Trump kill those Americans?
We should impeach him. Hillary would do a much better job.
Trump's America
How about you link your source, english teacher
>now the 8 year old is a US citizen
It was just a normal 8-year old a few days ago.
Also Obama has been doing this shit for the past 8 years. Probably killed that kids dad when it was born.
i wonder how many americans obama had gotten killed
and bush
and clinton
and bush
and ect
Impeach Trump and Pence become president, not Shillary.
>Muslim Americans
Keep up the good work Mr Trump, always kill the traitor before the enemy.
>Trump personally ordered the death of an 8-year old American little girl
>Nawar al-Awlaki
>american citizen
Can i be an american citizen too?
>picture alive, she looks like a western child
>picture of her dead, wearing hijab
>8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, the New Mexico-born al Qaeda leader
don't use your children as human shields
sure thing Ivan al-Russki
her father is a USA born radicalized terrorist leader of al qaeda that's the only reason she has an American passport
are you another Canadian weaboo faggot living in Japan trying to become hokage and still manage to be complete shit at japanese?
>mfw liberals realize that Obongo planned this raid
to bad her dindu father use her as a human shield
now fuck off goyim
Nobody feels bad for mudslimes.
>shitskin goat fucker is triggered
Surprise, surprise.
insha'allah, these American pigs will learn who the real masterrace is. Do you feel what I am saying, brother?
>It was Anwar Al Alwaki's daughter
Top laff, good fucking riddance.
Talk shit, get hit, and your daughter will get hit too. USA USA USA USA
Great start. Soon they will all be gone.
>8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, the New Mexico-born al Qaeda leader
as much as it sucks for a kid to die, it's not like she was some random person, or a citizen. Quit your bullshit OP.
Probably freed her from a far worse fate with those goat fucking pedos
>You deserve to die for what your father did
Kill yourself
Wow, sounds like Trump absolutely went after this guys family. What a savage. That shit is for the movies and gangsters, not fucking the United States of America
That's exactly how it works, friendo.
>We should impeach him
>japanese flag
? every day with this shit
wtf I hate the Yemen war now that the media has stopped ignoring it
Ok how about I come kill you for what your ancestors did to my country.
>What is logic
Why is an 8 year old """""""""American"""""""""" in the middle of an Al Queada war camp?
Ah, Media is back to sensationalizing every war related death again, 24/7.
Nice to see they still remember how, after 8 years.
Welcome to reality fag
Why would American citizens be living in Yemen
That's a qt girl :3 I want to hold her in my arms xD
Kill yourself
Which piece?
That's another thing I hope Trump gets around to fixing - that ridiculous interpretation of Section 1 of the 14th amendment.
A couple of good appointments to the SCOTUS and liberal faggots won't have to worry about "American citizens" like her getting blown into cat food like the adult savages she was living with.
>not white
>implying we're supposed to care
She looks like a muzzie so who gives a fuck
Which is why Trump can't be impeached, Pence is the real madman.
Why was an 8 year old american in a shit hole like yemen? deserved to be killed.
Remember when people criticized Obama for drone striking an US citizen. In that case, the boy was old enough to know not to associate with terrorists and old enough to make a choice. Also, they didn't actually know he was there.
I'm sure my friend who criticized him for it will be silent about this.
Goddammit, Susie, I told you to check your corners!
Try killing yourself edge master.
Obama attacked a hospital and killed almost a hundred people so where's your argument on that
>daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, the New Mexico-born al Qaeda leader who himself was killed in a U.S. strike five years ago.
>was killed in a U.S. strike five years ago.
>five years ago.
Why was this little grill still hanging around with terrorists if her link to them (her father) was already dead?
Apparently, Obama killed the guy's son in 2011, and Trump the daughter. He certainly likes to grab them by the pussy.
>edge master
You have to go back >>>/reddit/
>This new
Been here way longer than you /r/the_donald fag
When Obama drone killed that 16 year old American citizen in Yemen, you libs didn't have shit to say, so fuck off in that regard. I don't like America interfering in other countries politics. Nation building does not work.
Where do you want her to go? Fly herself somewhere else?
Just hack yourself into America
What is War of 1812
Well that was a mistake btw which they owned up to. My point newfriend was that my friend who criticized Obama for casualties of war will be silent now that the same has happened under Trump. A rational person would realize that shit like this happens even though it is sad, it happens in war as much as we would like to avoid it.
I want responsible adults to not have their children be in terrorist compounds.
I'm a liberal, but this is true. Nation-building doesn't work.
Now I just see hypocrisy on both sides. All the arguing that's been going on these past few weeks have just shown how hypocritical both sides are.
Your cheeky syntax is confusing.
He's dead you fucking idiot what you want him to do
She can't just go somewhere by herself she's a little girl
>spacing out your lines
>pretending to be an oldfag when you're clearly not
You probably don't even recognize this gif faggot.
I'm shitposting on a malaysia flight 69 forum where my post will be met with pepe memes and promptly disappear in like 4 hours or so. I don't give a good god damn about my grammar or syntax.
You're arguing with an immature, probably underaged, faggot. Don't expect him to be reasonable.
She has a mother and a grandfather if you read through the article more.
>Can't even look at archives
>Calling me a newfag
>kills hundreds of people
>it's okay he apologized
>trump kills one little girl
>fucking hitler
Are you faggots even trying to shitpost, because you're terrible at it
Who are stuck there like everyone else. This little girl can't help where she lives.
Lol this is supposed to be an argument. She's what 5? You really think it is reasonable to expect a 5 year old to voice her dissatisfaction with her father's choices and have the agency to run off to mom and grandpa? At this point you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Reread your post and try to tell yourself it's not ridiculous.
Such is war.
>implying archives has anything to do with the gif
You still don't know where it's from faggot. I'll give you a hint, it happened when /new/ was still around
Learn to read. And stop strawmanning. It gets called out all the time here. You should know better by now.
what's this "we" japanon?
This. God damn political hacks don't get this simple idea. It's not like they set out thinking, let's go kill a 5 year old. Shit happens in war.
More Americans dying for Saudi Arabia and Israel, nothing new.
Nice hidden VPN.
No you retard I'm calling you new because you can't even use the archives to realize I'm not new and if you weren't new as fuck you'd know I'm not even close to being new already.
>Impeach Trump and Pence become president
Well done, Trump.
Well done.
Some call him Pence, Trump calls him "life insurance".
>freedom fag still dodging lifelong bans for posting pedo shit
just wait till pence catches up with you
1) I lose massive amounts of respect if I notice you are a namefag or tripfag
2) The argument you are having is over ad hom. You two aren't even discussing the issues. Just let the faggot have his non victory.
The article said it was Trump's first raid, not a hold over. Nigger you need to read.
I only read the first part of your post. I'm drunk so who gives a fuck
We have to kill their families guys. We have to send them messages. Honestly for anybody not aware it's ww3 time on islamofacism. Were going to have 8 years to fuck shit up
hes a pedo rand supporting manlet with shitty hair,
don't waste your time
>oh no the leader uses his daughter as a meatshield!
>poor kid, let leader escape with her
>don't use your children as human shields
She wasn't a human shield and she thought she was safe until a big, fat, 30 year old navy seals commando put a bullet in the back of her neck and ended her life.
Of course, just reading that will have you masturbating furiously and screaming alt-right slogans.
Lol alcohol xd!
On a serious note, strawman bs is the one of the many cancers killing meaningful discussion here.
She wasn't a human shield you Jew
Prove it schlomo
will you cry or fap your last night before being sterilized under Trumps new policy on pedophiles?
and yet people are still bashing on Obama. Unbelievable
>Human shield
You see this?
These Israelis just want us to become a mirror of them so that they are no longer condemned.
Don't fucking fall for it. Murdering children is appalling. Trump needs to answer for this.
Stuck where? In a compound that harbors terrorists? No.
I know reading is hard for your kind but do try to understand that I'm blaming her mother and grandfather for letting her be in a location that is harboring terrorists to begin with.
What is the point of posting this?
roight she could have killed a dozen with her moldy cuntflaps
you realize al-qaeda hides among civilians literally so shit like this happens right
the media does its job for them
The raid had been planned two months ago. Obongo left the decision up to Trump.