Serious question Sup Forums knowing what you know. Do you still intend to marry?

Serious question Sup Forums knowing what you know. Do you still intend to marry?

14/88 requires procreation

A shameful yes. I'll be damned if my family ends with me.


But if I wasn't with a red pilled Christian girl probably not.

Already am with two kids 5 and 2.

I'd rather get surrogates for children.


But I'll never re-marry.

already did it

t. asian dude

Once I become more financially stable I'll marry some girl when I'm around 28 and she's around 21

Idk about marrying but I intend to keep my Y chromosome going at least one more generation.

It'd be a real dying shame to die knowing you failed your bloodline.

I have been married for 8 years now.

Never been happier, I plan to take a second wife soon, my wife and I are just searching for the right girl.

It is a quandary
I want kids, but can't find someone even remotely suitable to being a mother (that is to say, a mother of any kind, not just one I would consider exceptional. The bar is that low)


Yes, because I usually drop red pills all the time and whoever can put up with that shit and like me despite society constantly telling her what a racist, fascist, homophobe, islamophobe I am, is definitely wife material.

Once my parents die I'm the last of my name, have a long history so I intended to get married and have kids. Only problem is I'm a german-american meaning I have dual citizenship, I speak both english and german fluently and have lived in both countries almost equally half of my life.

I don't know whether I should marry a german to attempt to erase my american heritage or go for and american and just wipe it all completely. And I'm really nearing a time where I have to decide if I want to study in the usa or germany within the next year or so, so I have no clue which path to go

I married a qt Russian girl. Best thing I've ever done for myself. Seeing the butthurt of American girls is amusing, too.

Would cloning yourself be red pilled? Raise a more perfect you for the next generation?


>(((Open relationship)))

> trump
Easy choice for me

Yes, but serious question pol, I'm German with blonde hair and blue eyes but my last name is Hispanic and I plan on raising my children German, should I take my wife's name

I feel like I should but I honestly can't stand women. Nor do I know how to keep them. I just don't care about them.

No. As it is I don't date, so it looks like I will be the last.

No that's beta as fuck

But I don't want people thinking I'm untermensch


A conservative redpilled Gen Z qt, or I'll go outside the country.

American women my age deserve to never get married the way they act.

I did marry 5 years ago.
It was a good move for me.
It is not for everyone.
It is a decision for your brain, not your dick.
A good wife and a good girlfriend are 2 very different things.

Yeah but theres nothing special about being and american as opposed to european

If I ever do I'm getting a pre-nup, keeping separate accounts and getting a legal document wherein she agrees for all future children to undergo a paternity test if requested.

If she says "no way, why don't you love me enough to trust me" then that bitch is getting dumped

No. Either my child will be forced to live in a multicultural hell of faggots and pedos or they will be wiped out by niggers in a white genocide. Not even taking into account the high probability his mother will divorce me and ruin my child turning him into a faggot or worse.

I've been married for almost two years.

Keep your chin up, Sup Forums.


Marriage is just a ceremony for the convenience of the state's book-keeping.

Fuck no theres no reason.

Gun rights and free speech to name 2 differences

Marriage = / = Children
You shouldnt marry with a female, they get 50% of your shit, besides, Marriage isn't what it used to be in the slightest, so it's value is lost.

>keeping separate accounts
I suppose it is possible it won't be, but I have never seen that not be a fucking mess.

I need to know more about that ass

I feel you based texas bro.. I feel you.

pre-nups mean nothing unfortunately.

Maybe, maybe not. If I can't ever fall in love with a woman, I just might buy a surrogate.

What's your last name?

The Vandals settled Spain once, so why worry about it?

Yes. My biggest concern is that I'll never find the right woman to settle down with though. A lot of my generation's women are already poisoned beyond redemption, and my already high standards certainly don't help. But I think it's for the best that I'm so picky. I've heard plenty of horror stories from here and elsewhere - the infidelity of women, how easily they will cheat or steal from you should you show the slightest weakness, the way marriage changes them; all of it makes me really fucking worried that I'll never find the right one, or that I'll pick wrong when the time comes. But that isn't a helpful way of thinking about things.

So in the meantime, I wait.

Today pol asks itself, "will I ever find love?"

Well if this Isn't one of the saddest threads I've seen all day.

i'm in cali. if i have to get a mexican to get a younger wife i will. not worried about for at least 5-10years though. would rather have low 20s wife than anything near 30.

They are a security blanket.


As a 28 y/o millionaire, no.

Not for a long time. She would have to pretty fucking special for me to risk losing half my fortune to her.

I like bum sex too much anyway to tie myself down to a woman.

your bloodline failed you for producing you

not your fault desu its ok

No. Women are bisexual whores by nature. They are not even worth defending. Cant wait for them to be burqa'd and raped by refugees they love so much.

If I can find someone worth that amount of time and effort, probably no

you shit head. There is no such thing as soulmate. You find someone then fall in love. Standards are for beta males. You can't wait you must make your own reality you fucking INTP cuck


It's very uncommon in America so saying it would dox myself but, its very Hispanic

There is literally nothing wrong with a woman being bisexual.


when's the 3rd coming?

>no plans for third

well you better get on it son

I dunno, I get tired just by the thought of having to keep up with intimacy and close relationship. Probably will die handhold less, whatever, I'm already dead.

nonwhite though
welcome to Sup Forums

Except being a cuck to a woman's innate desires that you can never fulfill physically.

why is your last name hispanic?

Seriosuly tho m8 waiting to fall in love is never going to help you. You can't wait for someone to understand you, you can't wait for the female you. She does not exist you have to purse these women. You have to make yourself the appealing mate. This whole beta thing of waiting for the one. It does not work m8 take it from me.

it does if you are good looking dude, otherwise you are scum to women and need a lot of $$$$

Marriage - no way in hell
Baby mama - maybe

>lesbian seduces straight

Trace your roots and change it back to its Germanic form (which I guess is maternal?). If wanted to retain your current heritage them make your current surname a second middle name. Best of both worlds.

Don't take the married female name though as that's complete beta

well, I would want to marry but here's the issue, if I buy something like own it, I wouldn't want my wife to take it all away from me if we would get divorced. I've had like plans or something to marry a girl but after all I've learned and the 3rd-wave feminism and all that crazy shit, I don't really know anymore.

T. Nigger

>yo I was fuckin yo oneitis last nite wit muh dik

what are you? black?

Nope, just not stupid.

This dude's got it figured out correctly.

yes if i dont end up in jail

Yes, I am working on getting a high end job as we speak. But sometimes shit takes time, I can't just get a family and not provide for them.

I'm not just sitting around gestating and hoping that some soulmate falls into my lap. I've got a good handle on life so far and I don't really struggle with getting female attention, I just don't want to wind up marrying because I looked up one day and just thought "yeah I guess so". Not many women really impress me, but I keep my eyes open for the few that do.

millionaire lol

you would be very very very very very VERY surprised how untrue that is. Dante Nero is a great dude to teach women sexual psycology. Women are just attracted to alpha m8. Not a loud douche but a real man. Asserting protecting and chases what he wants. I don't mean to sound like i have the answers. But i thought like that for a long tiime and it hurt me early in life. But seriously though women get off more on the idea of the man they're having sex with then the actually attractiveness of the male. Obviously they enjoy the physical attraction just as much but they can be not manipulated but turned to see in the light of a attractive male. Look at ralphie may he's a grossly overweight comedian but he has alot of good stories getting laid before he was a comic. My point is women honestly put looks as a second.

>many beta bucks
>retire early
life is good, sorry white race

If you unironicaly believe in Sup Forums you will either never get married or have some fat trailer trash. feels good to be liberal and drowning in puss

Yes and having 4-6 children

Not until qt lady sharks are genetically engineered

You're not German, you're a mix of German and Hispanic, and more importantly you're a US citizen.
Stop being a beta faggot

Yes. I plan to have 3-4 white kids

btw i inherited it all, didn't work for a cent of it

Try not to lose it then ;)

There are old women, and young lesbians, but there is no such thing as a old lesbian you naive child. They all go strait again eventually.

Again, there is nothing wrong with a woman being a bisexual. Think of it like

I never did.

lmfao imagine this being your only reason to live, talk about sad.

No, that is not polygamy.

There is nothing in the Bible that says I cannot take more than one wife.

But the Bible is clear that a woman can only lawfully have one husband, until he dies.

You need to more then keep your eyes open hunt pursue be a man. Finding a women to impress you is just going to leave you disappointed. If you find a chick that impresses you then you need to have skills to chase. The way you get that is practice m80. Flirt with fat girls they need love too. Then when a female walks along that impresses you you have the tools to move the relationship to sexual. There is no such thing as friendzone you just need to move things sexual while exuding a essence of Alpha. You come off very pessimistic and beta, perhaps my intuition is wrong but it helps lurkers who were like me.

Nobody wants to be with me, so no. I gave up and accepted it.

I don't know. I'll be lucky to even have sex again.

I like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character so yeah, as long as they are a loyal person with enough selflessness.

thats the idea.

I'd have to research divorce laws in Japan first. See how badly I could get screwed.

I'd never marry in the US.

forgot pic

go kiss your boyfriend paco

This, women are not like men (shouldn't have to point this out) sex and love are more about how they view their partner. So if they can't find a good man/they have emotional issues they go lesbian but if either of those 2 factors change their sexuality can aswell. Gay men are more about just having super high sex drives so they want something to fuck.

I just can't see a millionaire spending his nights on Sup Forums.

Why do animals exist then? What is their only goal in life? Oh ya its reproduction, just like humans
You're a genetic dead end, that's something to be real proud of

Woman detected
>has no pride
>has no morals
>has no feelings
>has no brain
>has no standards