Is he trying to get impeached?
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How the fuck would he get impeached? Republicans control congress. And there's literally no chance that changes in the midterms either, simple because of number of seats the dems are defending vs republicans. How own party would have to impeach him.
No, just lose his political capital before the honeymoon period is expired.
not impossible, given what he's done to the party
No, but he's trying to get offed. I wonder if he's actually suicidal.
Multidimensional chess.
It's like you faggots forgot the wizard skills he has been engaging in over the past 2 years.
>for once a president is following the federal laws and regulations of this country
>> gets impeached
Everything he's done is within his legal rights as President of the United States. This impeach shit is coming from idiots who have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
nice meme
now grow up
>not impossible, given what he's done to the party
Removed any semblance of its moral authority?
What exactly has he done to the party? Where does this shitty meme come from?
Republicans have the White House.
Republicans have the Senate.
Republicans have Congress.
Republicans will soon have the Supreme Court.
Republicans have a majority of governors and state legislatures.
So please illuminate me as to what exactly this great catastrophe that has befallen the GOP is.
I wonder what would happen next if it happened.
Would it be a victory for the leftists or the last nail of their coffin, the world perceiving them like no better than violent undemocratic commies?
If you believe either party has moral authority, you're going to be in for a good shock when reality finally hits you.
It's like you were made to forget somehow (probably by camping out in Trump Generals over the past 2 years) that Trump is the most unpopular president upon his swearing in since the invention of polling.
He's literally just fulfilling his campaign promises.
Who's going to off him exactly?
These guys? Don't make me laugh.
>a President that actually does what he says he's gonna do
Goddammit globalists
lmao ahmed thinks he has a point
go ahead, muhammad, tell us more
Did I miss him lying under oath or something?
They only disliked him before because they thought he would lose and they didn't want to go down with him, now that he's won they're sucking up to him like the bootlickers politicians usually are. Only a few senile farts like McCain and Graham hold a grudge against him for winning.
There's a case to be made that he has a financial conflict of interest in foreign countries and is still directly tied to them because he failed to properly divest.
If enough people get pissed and raise a big enough stink to their congressmen, they could potentially turn on him and call him on it regardless of party affiliation.
Remember, these dudes want to get re-elected first and foremost.
no bro antifags have guns! see the pic related. disregard these facts:
>still manage to look like a frail beta while holding a rifle
>obviously orbiting the skinnyfat bitch in the rapeme leggings who is only doing this to post about it on kikebook
>the obese /noguns/ mega-beta standing off to the side, wondering why he's really there if both the pudgy bitch and frail """""men""""" ignore him
He has been in government for less than a month. I wonder what is going to happen until the end of this year.
He's trying to fulfill his campaign promises. Don't be a dumbass
>I wonder what is going to happen until the end of this year.
he'll have run out of campaign promises to keep
>invention of polling
>of polling
Wow, really makes you think.
>he failed to properly divest.
How specifically? What do you know that no other lawyer or Democrat operative has seen or investigated?
wew lad
>promises not to have conflict of interest business-wise
>has conflict of interest business-wise
You must've not followed his entire candidacy too closely or are new here... it's not merely a meme, it's tactical strategy on Trump's part. There's a method to his madness, but keep being a dullard and underestimating him -- it's worked so well.
He regularly has been known to toss out distraction bursts into the media to keep the lemmings distracted and chasing false stories & controversies while getting other things done in the background. And he speaks in roundabout ways as to communicate with different audiences at once.
Trump has, throughout his entire career and candidacy, set expectations low as to make people underestimate him and it allows Trump to surprise people more easily.
Public perceptions play a much larger role in elections than ever did my realpolitik understanding of what really was going on. And here's what I know: the Republicans have fallen ass backwards to put in power the quintessential boogieman to energize the left. Given that the next time they have a shot they will very likely not be represented by the incompetently corrupted Hillary Clinton, the pendulum swing against my ideology which Trump doesn't even well represent may be of an epic scale.
you cant impeach someone for hurting your feelings libtard. you have to go back to rebbit.
>Lose political capital
I don't think you know what timeline you are in, bud.
ahahha haahhahahahha ah aa h a hahah ahhah ahaha hahahahahaha aha aaa ha haha hahahahaha
*looks away from the mic to inhale*
>enforce the law as written
>impeachable offense
Pick one.
>Wow, really makes you think.
Yes, that your an you're pals are modern incarnation no-nothing idiots.
He has over 50% approval with whites which is all that matters. As long as he holds that number above 45%, he won't get impeached
If MSM polling was legit Hillary would be president. Let that sink in. Now what do you think of the current state of US polling.
Holy shit, Drumpft BTFO! How will he ever recover? Is this the beginning of the end?
Republicans would love President Pence. They will have better changes at the midterms without Trump if the left continues to get fired up like now.
>the quintessential boogieman to energize the left
The "left" and media MADE him a boogieman, user. Do you know what an "energized left" looks like at all? Its Feminazis and retards marching and passive aggressively asking for unity and anti-bigotry while calling everyone a nazi fascist bigot racist, etc.
know-nothings like the idiots who thought Trump would lose?
Oh but that's right Trump won.
what could he possibly get impeached for?
conflict of interest with saudis
He was supposed to hand control of his businesses over to a blind trust to ensure he wasn't profiting or losing money based on political decisions. He handed it over to immediate family members instead.
He also signed an executive order banning immigration from seven middle eastern countries. Coincidentally not the ones that have previously been connected to terror, and even more interestingly not the ones he has business ties to.
There's a case to be made he's already made decisions on behalf of the country that benefit him financially at the expense of the American people. They just have to get pissed enough to call him on it.
"MSM" polling was correct. She won by 3,000,000,000 votes, user. See?
goddamn some ppl are stooopid
>There's a case to be made he's already made decisions on behalf of the country that benefit him financially at the expense of the American people.
Like? Name 2. You could argue they benefit him and anyone like him. Not JUST him.
All House seats are up and they are the ones that initiate impeachment proceedings.
The Senate is the one that convicts/removes from office, and there's no way that flips or that they would remove him from office even if it did (because the precedent of removing a PotUS is maybe as dangerous as anything Trump is doing, future dismantling of democracy itself excluded)
Accepting money from foreign countries via his businesses. It's unconstitutional.
If Trump loses support among his own party they will find some technicality to take him down. Trust me, I saw that happening last year.
Never, EVER use polling as an argument again, you filthy leftshit communist numale cuck.
Does it go downhill from here?
You have no proof those are necessarily "bribes/gifts" and violate the emulates clause. Next.
They only have these things because of gerrymandering. Democrats won more votes for Congress yet have less seats. Democracy!
>fulfilling his promises rapid fire within a week
lol he's already secured his re-election
The scientific polling the MSM was peddling wasn't analyzing the winner of the gross popular vote, but projecting the states and electoral votes that the candidate needed to win. In some Hillary was supposed to get in excess of 360EV even upwards of 400.
>Trump will never run
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after Colorado
>Dahnald, hand over the delegates...
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump will never predict BREXIT
>Trump will never pivot to the GE
>Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never get 270
>Trump will never win the recount
>Dahnald, hand over the electors...
>Trump will never be POTUS
>Trump will never block TTP
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never eliminate voter fraud
>Trump will never make Mexico pay for the wall
>Trump will never block risky or illegal shitskins
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never abolish Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never MAGA
>Trump will never MEGA
>Trump will never become world champion of golf.
>Trump will never eradicate cancer
>Trump will never discover time travel
>Trump will never colonize Mars
>Trump will never colonize the Milky Way
>Trump will never deport the xenos
>Trump will never defeat the Gauna invasion
>Trump will never become Emperor of the Universe
>Trump will never ascend to a higher plane of existence
>Trump will never live until he's over 9000
>we are the know nothings
I got over $800 in winnings from election night for having the foresight never to trust polling.
Do you hate winning user?
He's literally done nothing wrong and based it off OBAMA'S plans which the MSM are ignoring.
It's all legal. If the faggot left actually read the order, it's nowhere near as bad as the (((media))) are making out. A temporary 3 month ban for more vetting.
Is that supposed to undo or de-legitimize it all of a sudden?
Democrats gerrymander too.
fuck off ctr
>Those leggings
>Make (((Racists))) Afraid Again
>Wear masks
The irony. It's not the right that hiding their faces. Only paid opposition and bully boys hide their faces.
I would say right is an improvement over the left picture
>libs actually think impeaching is a good plan
how to start a civil war
>If MSM polling was legit Hillary would be president. Let that sink in.
Or Trump may be president on the strength of his electoral college margins, while still not a plurality pick, in that he didn't amass the same level of national political support even Clinton received (only, not in the necessary proportions in the states she needed).
>Now what do you think of the current state of US polling.
I rightly attribute to it its significance, not in its predictive power but in its ability to more or less accurately snapshot current opinion. Fools mock a science to avoid the proper lessons, that they may stay comfortable in their ignorance.
Is that the one in which nothing of significance is occurring other than the expected transition from one administration's policies to another's--badly implemented--for which his partisan support base keep themselves edging as if this is something completely new in politics??
This is from a 2001 Slate article
literally 16 years ago Liberals would have said Trumps immigration policy was constitutional
Now magically, they've decided what Trump is doing is unconstitutional
Actually no, they've decided that their imaginary version of what Trump is doing is unconstitutional
>given what he's done to the party
hmmmm lets see:
won presidency
won congress
won supreme court
won senate
During the elections I was pretty sure he was all ot air but it seems he is genuinely insane.
Interesting times ahead, brothers.
He was a remainer, don't give him any mind
proof? I remember there being proof of Hillary doing that
give him a month he'll probably sexually assault someone again.
A good test to see if you're reading a publication with any journalistic merit is if they're in hysterics about President Trump being "impeached" or not.
Any site that has intellectual aspirations isn't even running stupid shit like that for clicks. National Review loathes Trump but they aren't going to push lies like how being a fat sack of shit blocking the street is going to make Republicans exit any of all three branches of government that they control. They at least have some respect for their readership, OP.
>(only, not in the necessary proportions in the states she needed).
Because enough Americans in enough states knew she fucking sucked. Blacks didnt even turn out for her like she predicted.
Democrats could've beaten Trump if they chose someone actually charismatic and likable and didnt warmonger against russia and cartoon frogs.
a large portion of his own party already hated him from the start. he still got elected.
can you expand on that?
Not hurting feelings
He's just retarded but then again so is pol
>know-nothings like the idiots who thought Trump would lose?
know nothings who witness the sun rising as a surprising turn of events.
Republicans OUGHT to have won the 2016 election. The economy was stagnant with the longest stretch in history of subpar growth, with wrong direction polling going in the same downward direction for each year of Obama's presidency, defended by Hillary Clinton as nominee who more than 60% of the country said they couldn't trust.
That the election was as close as it was (electorally speaking, since obviously Clinton outpaced Trump in the popular vote in spite of her unpopularity) just goes to show how poorly the Republicans chose.
This is the "winning" you want to celebrate as especially meaningful? Bad choice of waifu.
>Cucks actually think Trump isn't intentionally trying to get impeached
>1 post by OP
Don't feed the shills. CTR is back and they are sliding this board. Sage.
>If Trump loses support among his own party
How? Because of what agenda/policy? That'll only happen due to a Bill Clinton-level scandal or something.
>"they will find some technicality to take him down"
No the fuck they wont. ESPECIALLY not a technicality. They wont do it just to get Pence either. He's too partisan/rightwing for Democrats to want to work with on a social level (Yes, even compared to Trump)
it's a bullshit liberal talking point that claims that Trump did not include Saudi Arabia in the ban because of his financial interests in the country
Ignoring that both Bush and Obama have always been friendly with SA and that we literally can't piss off Saudi Arabia for a billion reasons
>Trump will never defeat the Gauna invasion
Goddamn user, I laughed hard and it is late here.
pee pee
poo poo
I hear the non-retards are putting their powerful intellects to use again lying around doorways and roads like sacks of inert matter and believing this will overturn control of the supreme court, presidency, congress and house of representatives.
>Trump didnt actually want to win
>He won? W-Well he's just TRYING to get impeached then. Yeah, that explains it.
What is this forced meme? What stage of greif is this?
Only kek wish can impeach him.
>Impeachment, as Justice Joseph Story wrote in his Commentaries on the Constitution in 1833, applies to offenses of "a political character":
>Not but that crimes of a strictly legal character fall within the scope of the power; but that it has a more enlarged operation, and reaches, what are aptly termed political offenses, growing out of personal misconduct or gross neglect, or usurpation, or habitual disregard of the public interests, various in their character, and so indefinable in their actual involutions, that it is almost impossible to provide systematically for them by positive law They must be examined upon very broad and comprehensive principles of public policy and duty. They must be judged of by the habits and rules and principles of diplomacy, or departmental operations and arrangements, of parliamentary practice, of executive customs and negotiations of foreign as well as domestic political movements; and in short, by a great variety of circumstances, as well those which aggravate as those which extenuate or justify the offensive acts which do not properly belong to the judicial character in the ordinary administration of justice, and are far removed from the reach of municipal jurisprudence.83
>habitual disregard of the public interest
tl;dr If they want to the house can call to impeach him on the grounds that his ban on Muslim immigration was detrimental to Americans and our business interests as a country (it's hard to conduct business when your CEO or employees can't enter the country) and directly helped him personally by protecting the immigration rights for countries from the same region with stronger ties to terror (Jordan's never attacked us but the Saudi's sure have) where he conducts business.
uh huh. keep making shit up, shill
>>Trump will never block risky or illegal shitskins
you need to move this into the accomplished pile user
Trump did everything he could to try and lose but no matter what he did, he kept getting more and more popular.
The man doesn't have any political experience and doesn't make wise decisions.
if he doesn't ban the saudis he's out of here
yeah. all news agencies inherently against Trump. you should be sorry.
Stop using that word, you don't even understand what it means or how it happens.
Just like a liberal, using terminology that is far too advanced for your feeble minds to grasp. I'd like to impeach you from existing for being this stupid, if only it were possible to do telepathically.
"popular" is not he best word for dump. Look at his approval ratings. Look at how hillary beat him by 3 million votes.
they could have done that to Obama and others.
shut up. time for you do be quiet.
Please, fuck off back to whatever deluded shithole board you came from. You're going to get 8 years of Trump when he brings in nationwide voter ID and a very good chance of a an endless Assad-dynasty type situation if he exposes deep state criminality.