You leftists realize that when the second civil war starts, half of you will drown in an avalanche of Buckeyes? Rest easy, midwest, we got this shit on lockdown.
Have you taken the cornpill?
You leftists realize that when the second civil war starts, half of you will drown in an avalanche of Buckeyes? Rest easy, midwest, we got this shit on lockdown.
Have you taken the cornpill?
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You can't bump youself, but fuck it, I don't care.
Lets see where this takes us
Reminder Ohio had the highest percentage of its population serve in the Civil War of any state. We like civil wars.
Hello fellow Ohio anons.
Love my state.
Plus we got wright Pat.
Come get some
President Lincoln had a habit on the eve of a battle of asking how many Ohio men would participate. When someone inquired why, Lincoln remarked, "Because I know that if there are many Ohio soldiers to be engaged, it is probable we will win the battle, for they can be relied upon in such an emergency."
Since when is Ohio there and not in the midwest?
This is some Mandela Effect shit!!!!
There won't be refball to save you when the bombs start to fall.
Ohio-PA alliance?
Flyover cucks lmao
& the aay's tech is at Wright-Pat AFB
Seriously how did Ohio get there? Ohio was next to Utah and both were mostly desert.
Not much to do in Ohio, other then drink and stare at soybeans.
During the first Civil War, Ohio had
>12 generals
>3 generals who would go on to be presidents
>the Secretary of War
>based Sherman
If you cut off Philadelphia sure, if not fuck off.
You faggots stole our motto and will pay. THE PLANE IS OURS. Hail the Carolinian Empire. Crush the Ohioan faggots!
Ohioans act like Mexishits. Anybody that can moves out but you still talk shit about how great it is.
Ohio is the greatest, most industrial, and most intelligent(minus blacks) of the tri state. I spit on the goat fuckers below us. I can't wait until we become the United State of Ohio and banish all of the n'wah
that bretty good desu, Texas Ohio alliance? south west is ours and most of dixie if we want it.
Border of OH, IN, KY reporting in. I'll keep a bed open on the crossroads.
>best bbq
>pork/vinegar based sauce
pick oe
Based corn and shitty post season Hawkeyes. Love my state.
>Columbus fag
How can I save myself anons?
Nuke Houston and we got a deal.
>tfw magazine only holds 5+1
>tfw extended mag only hold 7+1
>tfw hollow points though.
If it were hordes, I'd assume fmj > jhp. fmj keep going after a hit more so the jhp
Missourians love civil wars so much that we had our own.
KY here. We'll be right there with you.
440 reporting, we will fuck shit up. the beaners around here would be the first to lynch some nogs too.
>tfw california
Someone said corn?
Nuke St. Louis and youre in.
get out, dayton and columbus are ground zero
but the oil field bruh, and its not just about the stuff that goes in your car. plastics, polymers, etc. that and if you were going to nuke a texas city you pick austin. our minorities know whats up. Mexicans and asians wont bite the had that keeps the power on and the roads nice
Louisiana here. Best fighters in any state plus muh gun freedoms and muh David duke
Tusc country reporting in
Gas the spics
sportsmans paradise, fuck pelicans tho
6/10. Would fly over again.
Revolution Fight Song: Hang On Sloopy
The second a Mexicohio citizen sets foot on PA soil their head is disintegrated with my .300 memeout bullets
Just a small tactical one, Houston is based as fuck outside of the immediate city. Lived there in 2012. Or just indiscriminately kill everything that moves in Montrose and the Third Ward.
Disgusting Ohio niggers can eat shit. Lake Erie is a shit lake. Fuck buckeyes and fuck John Hicks. I hope he rots in the ground.
Says the state with Detroit
Ashland, Ohio reporting in.
Most of America's Hungarians settled in Ohio. Show some respect, Istvan
>best Carolina
>isn't the Carolina that started the Civil War
fuck off faggot
>the equivalent of a third world country that used to make good cars
Says the state with Cincinnati and Cleveland
I was born in Texas and raised in Ohio, lets fuck some shit up.
Hoosier here
I Am THE Cornpill
Ohio has always been in the midwest. I live in the state next to it.
Born and raised in the Tuscy Raw Ass! I second the spic elimination.
>implying I'm from Ohio
South Carolina only exists to sell North Carolina fireworks
And Flint
Akron here.
>Ohio's face when the former United States of America becomes the Empire of Ohio in the wake of the Second American Civil War
>he has to cross borders to buy fireworks
>he thinks his state is best Carolina
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha only thing NC does better than SC is basketball
The disgusting shit you faggots call chili should be reason enough to gas your entire state.
Trust me guys, Akron is still relevant
god damn it why did our rubber jobs have to leave fuck
the elderly Hungarian couple that live next door to me speak about Obama like the average Sup Forums user except in broken English
First Toledo, then the world!
Cleanse Florida of Haitians and spics but let me stay
And Dearborn
>tfw 20 miles outside Milwaukee, WI, with enough buffer zones between to ensure safety
>tfw my city's nig population is 2%
>tfw if shit hit the fan in my city, Mexicans would side with whites every time
What's the environment like at OSU lads?
Does anyone here actually believe there will be a civil war? Explain yourselves
I'd like to see you try to invade Pennsylvania, you gator-flag niggers.
You need to shut your goddamn Mouth.
We have regular chili too you huge faggot
is there anything sadder than a sports watcher
Not retaking the first capitol are you a cuckold?
Indeed. I once saw a wallet fall off an suv as it went around a corner. Spent 20 mins gathering everything up, including the money because it was very windy. Took it to the police station. Dude was airforce intelligence, had a military ID that specified it. The police at first were like cool, give us your phone #. After they saw that, they wanted my SS#, DoB, address, where I was all day, where I worked. Told me I couldn't leave until they were satisfied they could find me again. Weird change in attitude.
That's almost entirely a Cincinnati thing, not Ohio. This guy knows how it will go down.
Especially with our gun laws, holy fuck.
Regularly meet dudes at the sporting range with AR-15s and hipowers, even though you're not supposed to use hipowers. Not to mention at the sporting range that half the shooters are breaking the gay rules (no more than 10 shots in mag, no semi auto)
Ohio is still considered part of the midwest.
greetings friends
Where can I get the SC version?
NEW Philadelphia is best Philadelphia.
Go Quakers!
central ohio here. in the civil war we're taking michigan first
Philadelphian volunteers needed as stay behind partisans. We'll meet at the Eagle at midnight.
The chair is against the wall.
Same, Frankly don't think we should hang with Cleveland anymore
Holmes County, Ohio reporting in, we got the Amish for backup soldiers/supplies when the war begins
Who /Middletown/ here?
Personally I hope the nigs burn it down so we can rebuild it.
Marion county reporting in
>Utah leftist?
We're gullible neocons here not complete idiot leftards. A quarter of us might have fallen for the McMuffin cuck idiot but half still voted for Trump
Fucking goldstar, /skyline/ will soon show you your place.
>Pricehill chili fag keeping up appearances
Florida shall remain neutral in this war. We are quite happy to secede gain our independence. And if u try to invade you'll have to survive an initial assault of gators sharks snakes disease carrying mosquito hurricanes and Cubans all while fighting in swamps and being swallowed alive by sinkholes.
On board. Ohio will rule them all.
Traitor. Fuck Ohio faggots.
pls just destroy memphis or something I'm a good boy I live in East TN
Not quite/Hamilton/, everything east of the Great Miami is shit.