Nigger here AMA
Nigger here AMA
have you ever tripped on a psychedelic drugs?
batata ou mandioca?
How did it feel to get your national pride destroyed in a soccer game?
never did illegal drugs
felt bad man
Why are Brazilians so hostile towards other Brazilians on the Internet? Or towards those who live abroad?
Southern white brazilian masterrace here. AMA
Can you please kill that nigger?
because northeastern brazilian niggers are shit and so are rio de janeiro niggers and they hate each other but south is white and based and they hate the other niggers
Picture of hand with timestamp then.
>Why are Brazilians so hostile towards other Brazilians on the Internet?
Because I use Internet exactly to runaway from "people" of my cursed country.
>Why are Brazilians so hostile towards other Brazilians on the Internet?
Because we are a bunch of people from a bunch of a different origins all mixed up. We have no empathy for one another, because we don't share a root. We are what USA will be in some decades if Trump doesn't change anything.
>Or towards those who live abroad?
They are jealous of first world countries. They have to imagine you are a bunch of spoiled rich faggots so they can cope with their feelings of being inferior. They pretend having bunda and carnival somehow compensates the lack of freedom, wide spread violence, corruption and poverty.
Trump supporter here
Is this ok
What does Brazilian pussy taste like? I always imagined it to have a spicy flavor.
The same as a regular cat.
This thread is pathetic, gas yourselves.
What part of Brazil are you from?
> Also
Are you full African or mixed?
south, no african blood at all
Just like your life.
Por q tem tanto liberal nessa merda hoje ? Perdi alguma coisa nos últimos dias ?
Then why did you say "Nigger here AMA".
Are you a fucking liar?
>The same as a regular cat.
Hmmm. I have tried Asian pussy and it tastes like beef jerky. Some anons say that Indian pussy is a very strong curry flavor. I have to assume that Brazilian pussy tastes like spicy bananas.
because i'm brazilian
wtf that ain't black you cracka nigga gtfo
You guys are nearly as white as us though
> Btw I am not white
Do you have AIDS?
There has been a bunch of libtards on Sup Forums for some months now. And stop speaking spanish just to feel you are a special snowflake.
Am I a nigger?
Anyone else here just don't care about Brazil anymore? I'm only interested on international politcs. I lost all hope in this country. I hate my ancestors that came here.
Brazil has a fairly average AIDS percentage, USA has the highest one in the Americas.
having had three half-mex girlfriends I can absolutely confirm their skin is spicy tasting. it's fucking weird. I thought it was normal until I got with a white girl.
>Anyone else here just don't care about Brazil anymore? I'm only interested on international politcs. I lost all hope in this country. I hate my ancestors that came here.
You have hot trannies, so thats pretty nice.
USA will become Brazil 2.0 in two decades.
Burgers in a few decades will be like Brazilians, will not share anything with each other. It's the root of insane Brazilian corruption, educated people hate the common people. Commies love the average Brazilian hue just because they think they can use the hue in a revolution or at least in degeneracy, but the result is the same, a fake country of divided loosers.
>losing hope when things are finally looking up
You should only give up when Lula gets elected in 2018.
>INBquatro: Did you just assume my gender?
>having had three half-mex girlfriends I can absolutely confirm their skin is spicy tasting. it's fucking weird. I thought it was normal until I got with a white girl.
Thats pretty hot. I love the Mexi ladies. I also had a Puerto Rican princess, but there was no difference in her pussy than a white girls that I could tell.
I am going to vote for Bolsonaro in 2018. I don't feel the Novo party will ever get anywhere, they seem to be a bunch of autistics.
Speaking of niggers, I knew this mixed race girl from Brazil (half white half black) and she was redpilled as fuck and liked Trump and Bolsanaro (right wing Brazilian candidate in Brazil)
I think Brazil is pretty cool. I wanted to visit when I was younger then I watched City of God. you guys need a good ol civil war to establish new borders and we would have your backs
What did you think of rouge one?
weird to see girls from here being right wing
didn't watch
Same desu, i now love in a bubble of Sup Forums shitposting, i keep forgeting words in portuguese and haven't seen any news from this cou try in months, i had derealization last time i left my house, i even stoped posting on /luso/ because i keep forgeting how to read some portuguese words.
Am i going insane?
Actually our corruption is mostly because of the centralist government that has way too much power, go full libertarian mode and this would start looking like a real country soon enough like it happened with pretty much any successful country in history.
Proud white Brazilian from the South here.
Fuck niggers.
have you ever fucked someone's wife while he watched?
You look like an Iberian, not white.
baby steps my friend
first we must purge the left
that's why we need bolsonaro 2018
you look like a faggot.
Women in general are not very redpilled.
And I got another question.
What are black people like in Brazil? Are they as bad as ones in the U.S. (with few exceptions) or better?
Fuck off attention whore
>full libertarian mode
Yes, because giving rights to blacks, homossexuals and women has done us well, right?
they're possibly the worst type of black people in the whole world
see: brazil's crime rate
South is pretty good, Santa Catarina especially. Never go to Rio, its a tourist trap desu.
Civil war would be too intense, we just need to separate the south and build our own wall
White Brazilians are awesome. I met one during my sophmore year of high school. He was really intelligent and chill.
It's about the economic liberty, I don't give a fuck about the niggers.
Do they constantly demand welfare and don't do shit? Also, do you guys have exceptions (e.g. Thomas Sowell here in the U.S.)
Why are your people not ashamed to live in dirty, trash laden shacks?
they have welfare and still rob, kill, etc
there are some based blacks though
Yes please, more walls
We are overall more violent, because we are all pretty much mixed. But inside our standards of violence, I'd say blacks are less violent than blacks are in the USA inside yours standards of violence, exactly because our blacks have more white traits (because, again, we are more mixed). But, in an "absolute sense", blacks of Brazil are more violent. You know?
Nice trips lad.
Is Southern Brazil worth visiting? If so, what should I do there?
They are as niggerish as you would expect.
because brazilians don't respect each other, its part of the google culture
Ooga booga ooga boogagagago goo goo gabagabogoo?
You can't separate without civil war, I wish people would forget this secession meme and join forces to elect some decent president that believes in capitalism and gives autonomy to each state, basically what the USA has.
>What are black people like in Brazil? Are they as bad as ones in the U.S. (with few exceptions) or better?
They are more mixed. After the destruction of many whites in the process, we have something like half Obamas and half Michael Browns. With many mullato's, some few achieving human's levels, leftists have more excuses to talk about equality and gibs. But pic related is the average result.
Me too. Many times when I talk to somebody I think in english and there isn't a good translation.
>Do they constantly demand welfare and don't do shit?
Yes, they demand welfare and don't do shit.
>Also, do you guys have exceptions (e.g. Thomas Sowell here in the U.S.)
No one that really stands out. But people talk about how affirmative action is like telling blacks are dumber, although it's considered racist to oppose it.
Is Brazil racially segregated as a country?
No. We seggregate people way more based on social classes than on races. Although blacks tend to be poor and whites tend to be rich. It's often really difficult to know if a person is closest to being white or to being black, because we are too mixed. Actually seggregating would be a very very difficult task, if not impossible.
Ok. How come the South is mostly white while the North is all mixed?
>Is Brazil racially segregated as a country?
No. It's impossible. Too many of them and segregation can't be done in a democracy. All the "people" have the same rights.
Leftists are in charge and they are pursuing to destroy whites, they are truly psycho racists and are importing blacks from others countries.
because most poortuguese settlements were in the north and the european migrations were toward the south
> Having more Lebanese than Lebanon
Explain this Brazilians
Brazil was (was) the land of opportunity.
Our president is also Lebanese while Lebanon didn't even have one.
Makes you think.
por que tu não pica a mula da terrinha?
There are very big Lebanese communities here and they breed a lot
Pretty much all of the ones I met are chill
we have a big heart, and lebanese girls are the fucking best.
Lebanese are the most based Middle Eastern group imo.
Praise kek!
E como que eu vou emigrar? Virar ilegal? Não quero virar um esteriótipo de brasileiro emigrante.
Tell me, what does american cock taste like?
I'm sorry to say this, but our women wouldn't look twice at you. Mind you, being a foreigner can be very helpful to get qts here, but you also need the "exotic" factor. You look like everyone. Go for the tan surfer look, bitches love a good tan on a guy.
Because the south was seggregated some time ago and not everyone is degenerate, although most are.
It's the enormous state which has been supporting degeneracy nonstop since the 1990s.
Do you have refugees arriving in your land?
Why don't you speak english when we play video games online
We always fucking lose
The North is either inhospitable jungle, semi-arid lands or it was fully populated at the time of the european migrations.
Chinga tu madre negro