As an outsider looking at the situation it seems totally bizarre. Norway and Denmark look kind of nationalist while in Sweden it almost seems as if that's a crime and they're pursuing all of these insane or culturally self-destructive policies. Not all of them obviously, but just blatantly ignoring the problems posed by mass immigration and refugee asylum seekers for on example, in addition to many others.
What's the reason they're so different from one another?
Because one of their kings died without an heir back when Napoleon was fucking about, and then he chose some French fuck as his heir.
France is the source of all that is evil in the West today, prove me wrong!
Elijah Fisher
>All the aristocrats were in Stockholm, creating an elitist culture >Norway consisted of farmers and fishermen >Sweden hasnt been in a war for 200 years, meaning that they havent played on patriotism and nationalism >Sweden didnt have a confrontation with nazism until now >Sweden used to be quite nationalsocialistic until the murder of Olof Palme >Swedens entire culture is focused on their 2 biggest cities >Little real danger and high living standard have made them comfy and naive
>Norway has always been more conservative >Norway would have easily ended up in the Swedes position if it wasnt for our conservatism and our rural way of thinking >Norway is very patriotic, may have alot to do with the fact that we werent technically a country until 1905
>Danes are just a based people who arent afraid to be honest Hope it clears things up.
Brandon Ward
Makes sense, thanks for the quick rundown user
Nathaniel Fisher
plus our vikings got lit and launched into the high seas and wrecked shit, while their vikings walked to Russia and back and planted an oat
Chase Watson
Stockholm Syndrome
Connor Sanchez
If Im not wrong >Danish vikings went to Britain and France >Norwegian vikings went to Iceland, Greenland and Canada >Swedish Vikings went east towards Russia, Baltics and Ukraine
Russia is "founded" on a Swedish viking. Some vikings even went as far as Constantinople and Morocco.
Nolan Torres
We had Norse vikings here too, mainly in the North whereas the Danes settled in the East. Norse were also active in the Irish Sea and Scotland as well
Jeremiah Perez
The kikes managed to buy more newspapers in Sweden.
Jace Martinez
Jonathan Watson
good for you guys, honestly.
that's pretty cool.
Brandon Ross
Because women and feminists are in charge. Because women develop Stockholm Syndrome. Because women cannot reverse their nature to reach out with good intentions, and have 0 understanding of tribe, loyalty, or honor. These 3 are male concepts.
>Rome was a disaster bro, the shit that happened in Rome was awful. >Eventually Roman women began cheating on their husbands in the hundreds with the gladiators (the alpha chad celebrities of the time) and immigrant men from other parts of the empire and the Roman men became enraged when they saw that and essentially gave up on women completly resorting to prostitutes and other vices. >Then fucking based Augustus came along the only surviving general of a Roman civil war involving two other generals. Augustus saw women as a greater threat to rome than war and implemented marriage reforms including a bachelor tax on unmarried men as well as awards for women who had legitimate children within marriage with their husbands. >But more importantly if you were a husband under Augustus if you discovered your wife to be cheating on you it was completly legal to kill her and if you discovered your daughter to be cheating on her husband you could kill her too. Augustus even banished his own daughter from Rome forever so that even when she died she could never be buried on Roman soil. >And then Rome survived in some form for 1500 years after Augustus died. Rome on the brink of social collapse saved by a man who basically piled up bodies of whores. Without Augustus western civillisation wouldn't exist.
> >"If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance; but since nature has so decreed that we cannot manage comfortably with them, nor live in any way without them, we must plan for our lasting preservation rather than for our temporary pleasure.
Josiah Adams
>Sweden used to be quite nationalsocialistic until the murder of Olof Palme Well this isn't true, Sweden was the most socialist in the 70s. The nationalism in the social democratic party disappeared with Tage Erlander pretty much.
Other than that pretty much sums it up.
Nathan Kelly
When did you guys start with an liberal immigration policiy?
Yeah, woman are fucking not loyal and just overall vastly different to men. Like a woman would fuck a foreign invader to make her husband jealous because he's too busy defending her/making money to see to her every need
Gabriel Williams
Denmark is pretty based Norway is kind of normal for western countries Sweden is ultra cucked
Protip: 80% of Swedish media is owned by one Jewish family.
Leo Bell
what a fucking god.
I didn't now augustus was that redpilled.
Brayden Roberts
Norgs and Danes were the real vikings
Swedes just LARP as them. In reality Swedes were having an Islamic multicultural society sitting around playing drums like a bunch of snow niggers. As such, they are still modern faggots to this day.
Ever notice how almost every Dane is anti-feminism, anti-faggotry, and anti-immigration? That's their brutalistic viking genes.
Matthew Sanchez
Anyone that has been to both countries and know anything about the culture and politics of countries will know the difference.
Caleb Campbell
Norway is unbelievably infested with shit skins. There are no more based white countries outside of Eastern Europe
Jonathan Perez
>Protip: 80% of Swedish media is owned by one Jewish family.
Two families.
Isaac Edwards
Reminder that Finland is the only remotely decent one
Jordan Nguyen
Thomas Cox
at least we have diversity in our jewish media
Jack Perry
Sweden started taking in refugees after the second world war, but we've only had the levels we have today for two decades or so. That also represented a demographic shift in the immigrant population, who used to be well-educated and came to Sweden due to political persecution etc.
Joseph Sanchez
Don''t fool yourself, Denmark is pretty cucked too.
Angel Thomas
The leaf is right. Ireland was once based but is rapidly degenerating. The V4 countries remain the best hope at this point (and maybe Finland)
I really hope you guys manage to get yourself out of this. I read that moderaterna has started talking with SD, but I am afraid that they are to moderate to fix the country.
Luis Nelson
lel, that picture is actually a british school if i recall correctly. Also, that's gronland, the only majority muslim neighbourhood in the country. Sweden has around 50 actual no-go zones that the police and ambulances don't even dare to enter because they will get attacked.
Our immigration minister also says things like "the entire third world can't come here" and boots refugees the fuck out routinely. Pic related is her literally hunting illegal immigrants on our streets.
Landon Evans
If fascism were the animating spirit of our time, they would be the most fascist too. Swedes are big on toeing the party line and pushing it to its limits (to look good). They're the goody goody straight A student that sits in front of the class.
Joshua Rodriguez
It is
Anthony Morgan
It's not and you're a moron who's too poor to travel and see shit for yourself. All of Scandinavian cities are brown af
Gabriel Hall
Liam White
Denmark is 5.6 million people. 10% are immigrants. Don't know how many muslims we have.
Blake Foster
can I get some (You)s please
Dominic Garcia
Okay, but there literally isn't a nice or developed first world western country that isn't noticeably cucked in some aspect. So it'd be best to find a nice industrialized country that wasn't a shithole but also had the lowest level of cuckery among the nice nations. Face it, even with less shitskins and pro-third world faggotry and degeneracy nobody would rather live in Estonia or the Czech Republic than Norway or Denmark.
Carter White
more than us?
Nathaniel Russell
Cameron Cooper
what nations are still based?
which nations are on track to becoming based?
which nations are lost forever?(aka Germany and Sweden)
Cooper Rodriguez
You figured it out, I'm impressed. "Based" monoethnic Eurostates=shitholes no one would voluntarily set their foot in except to bang cheap easy sluts.
David Robinson
Still fucking disgusting, there should be barely any muslims in any European country. Same goes for niggers, couldn't believe how many I saw in Norway. If someone is black in Norway, they should be eyed down because it would be such a rarity.
Jason Hall
Well. You're right, but that's because we have Jutland which is pretty based. Zealand is cucked into hell.
Yes. Your leftists are more frantic and insane but your right-wingers fight back. Almost every right-winger in Denmark is a pussy.
Isaiah Fisher
Political symbolism aside, that rainbow was just begging to be lit on fire
Ian Parker
Absolutely disgusting. Why have we done this to ourselves, WHY??? At least I can hope that some, if not most of those immigrants are in fact white
Eli Peterson
Yeah but just how many people in Ireland aren't Irish? You can nitpick pictures but the number is almost certainly less than 10%, and when you factor in that their largest immigrant group is English/Scottish the number of Muslims/Shitskins is next to nothing proportional to their total population.
Plus they're pretty nationalist and not as on board with the extreme degeneracy, public faggotry, etc. like most other really nice Western/Northern European countries.
Noah Hall
Everyone of our 10% are from the middle-east.
When the day comes that people finally wake up, I just pray that they haven't outbred us.
Jeremiah Williams
Excellent analysis.
Also, we didn't pick sides in WW2. If anything we sided with the Nazis. Of the different choices Sweden could make that was probably the most dishonorable and damaging to our national sprit.
1. Openly siding with the Allies 2. Openly siding with the Nazis 3. Covertly siding with the Allies >4. Covertly siding with the Nazis
I imagine even openly siding with the Nazis would have been better for our mentality.
Gabriel Cruz
white people used to be so fucking savage for thousands of years.
a couple generations later and our men are low on testosterone(literally, look it up) and we're willingly importing the third world so they can fuck our women. what the fuck dude.
Hunter Miller
Niggers congregate in the european capitals. If you went into the countryside they are indeed a rarity that gets eyed down. I agree though, I just had to correct your bullshit, especially when it's coming from a fucking leaf who's country is literally owned and populated entirely by chinks.
Bentley Torres
Also: 10% middle-eastern immigrants takes out 25% of the danish wellfare system.
Cooper Perez
I was looking for a link but I couldn't find it so I just put a picture. Apparently they're beginning for Nigerians. I hope what you're saying is true, I really do.
Being surrounded by shitskins 24/7 really drains the life out of you.
There's some truth to this. A lot of problems started there. But this also means it's more important to get them out so the west can slow it down and subdue it.
Also most immigrants are white indeed, mostly other scandis or poles.
Robert Williams
We have a nat.soc party in Jutland that is increasing in members pretty rapidly. I thought they sounded like semi-retards but ballsy at least. Then I heard the party chairman in open debate with a muslim and he sounded like a total cuck.
Jose Collins
Changes are coming. You can feel it. The last 3 years have completely changed the political climate in Sweden. Things that you couldn't say at all before are now published in newspapers. SD probably won't continue to gain voters at the same rate as before, but when Sweden closed its border to Denmark it was a crucial blow to the immigration policy that both political blocks fully endorsed just a couple of years ago. But SD doesn't need to grow to be in control, they just have to wait for the agreement between the right block and the left block to fall apart, and when it does they will de facto be in charge. What happens then is anyone's guess.
Hudson Wood
>especially when it's coming from a fucking leaf who's country is literally owned and populated entirely by chinks.
This is an insult to me. I WISH it was chinks because of minorities they're probably the best. Instead I live with this:
I went to Norway to escape this bullshit, yet only found more of it. White country side is nothing special, it's still like that in every white country.
Ethan Kelly
>When the day comes that people finally wake up, I just pray that they haven't outbred us.
I was under the impression there were a lotta chinks there, maybe that's just Toronto or whatever.
I get ya though, everytime I go to Oslo I see these gangs of 20 niggers lounging about doing nothing, absolutely disgusting.
Ayden Ortiz
> Dansk Folkeparti's stated goals are to protect the freedom and cultural heritage of the Danish people, including the family, the Monarchy and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark, to enforce a strict rule of law, to work against Denmark becoming a multi-cultural society by limiting immigration and promoting cultural assimilation of admitted immigrants, to maintain a strong welfare system for those in need, and to promote entrepreneurship and economic growth by strengthening education and encouraging people to work, and to protect the environment and natural resources.
Fucking goddamnit this pisses me off that something like this isn't even a possibility in America.
Adrian Ramirez
I often fantasize about traveling to Sweden to start facist propaganda, so I could walk the path of Napoleon and Hitler, you know, the little guy who comes from a smaller surburb country and charms the bigger country into piety.
Cooper Cook
Virtually all of the Chinks in Canada are in British Columbia and specifically in Vancouver, a lot of people call it Hongkouver as a joke.
Michael Morris
As far as the 3 main Canadian cities go, it goes like this:
Mix of pajeets, niggers, chinks and a few mudslimes. White majority last census (2011) but they're probably the plurality now.
Most niggers and mudslimes of any major city but also the most white
Least white but minorites are almost exclusively Asian with a few poos, no niggers or mudslimes
Blake Barnes
also as an outsider looking in, here is my power rankings of scandi/nordic countries ranked in terms of cuckness, from least cucked to most denmark > iceland > finland > norway > POWER GAP > sweden
Jackson Taylor
who is more cucked? Germany or sewden?
Joseph Gray
Iceland is pretty cucked desu, it's just that immigrants don't know about it/want to go there.
Bentley Nelson
The problem with Dansk Folkeparti is that they've been caught in the web of "real politics". Real politics is always bending for huge compremises and since all other parties in parlament are so cucked, they all aim to work against Dansk Folkeparti - even though Dansk Folkeparti is our second biggest party.
Also, our biggest party is The Social Democrats. The Social Democrats lives solely on by baring so much resemblance to the Volkgeist of the danish wellfare state. This is due to them supporting the unions back in the fifties. The only problem is that the Social Democrats is not a workers party anymore, they are a party in the pockets of the jewish bankers who are lying to their voters.
Our Golden prince who was to deliver us from this multicultural hellhole, Morten Messerschmidt, was destroyed by the Social Democrats Gangsstalking. Messerschmidts career lies in ruins now and Dansk Folkeparti is slowly dying.
Ian Allen
I don't think that Finland is technically Nordic. But seriously Iceland is extremely cucked if you actually examine their politics or read some new stories coming out of their, they're probably by far the most Left-leaning country politically in all of Europe outside of maybe Germany or Spain or some others I'm not thinking of right now in terms of not being nationalist, acceptance of degeneracy, pro-Feminism, pro-migrant attitudes, etc. they just don't have many/any shitskins because they're so far away and isolated from everybody else.
Levi Price
i know i never see anything positive come out of iceland, but because they're so far away it's hard to get fugees out there and that means they're still very white. that got them a lot of bonus points, and edged them out over the eternal finn.
Asher Lee
Germany has more issues, more terrorist attacks, more problems caused by immigration. And Germany also has more influence over the EU refugee policy, so they're more responsible for the situation in Europe. But Sweden has more political correctness, and socially and economically we're more cucked.
Isaiah Moore
because you only read american sensationalist media who has no clue about scandinavia and its people
Landon Martin
>I don't think that Finland is technically Nordic. >they're probably by far the most Left-leaning country politically in all of Europe outside of maybe Germany or Spain or some others I'm not thinking of right now in terms of not being nationalist, acceptance of degeneracy, pro-Feminism, pro-migrant attitudes, etc pls no more burger analysis
Kevin Cruz
Swedes weren't vikings
William Walker
> i never see anything positive come out of iceland
I think you may have swallowed the Sup Forums kool-aid too hard, because really at this point it's probably the nicest country on earth in terms of happiness and quality of life. They don't actually have enough shitskins or Muslims/sandniggers to ruin their homogeneous de facto ethnostate and it's extremely wealthy and has a great social services system. There's basically zero crime whatsoever, their society is as close to perfect as exists in the world, it competes with maybe Finland, and is basically a smaller version of what Norway/Sweden/Denmark would be if they had almost zero immigrants, refugees, or non-Western/Northern Europeans.
Isaiah Brooks
Sucks living in the democrat parts of Denmark.
Kobenhavner her.
Levi Clark
Because during WW2, the danes heroically "saved" almost all the Jews in their country by shipping them over to neutral Sweden. They got to get rid of all their Jews, while sabotaging Swedecucks at the same time
Julian Sanchez
Well culturally Finland technically is not Nordic, no? They don't speak a very similar Germanic language and aren't as similar as you genetically, is that not true? I guess it may be splitting hairs but maybe they're Nordic but not Scandinavian.
Julian Anderson
Jack Robinson
fucking braindead americans
Aiden King
Because they are Svenskere? What kind of question is that even.... water is wet and Svenskersvin are pathetic subhuman garbage.
t. dansken aka the "racists" of the north
Joseph Hughes
swedes are more efficient and they are sticklers for rules. a bit like germans. germans and swedes would laugh at danes Laissez faire attitude. so when it comes to cultural marxism they are just that much more effective and strict about it.
Austin Campbell
btw norway is pretty much a non country
Leo Smith
Denmark is pretty cu cked but not all 10% are mudslime scum. We have about 5% sandpeople in Denmark (all are located in or around Copenshit and Aarhus).
Brayden Morris
>They don't speak a very similar Germanic language they do not even speak a Germanic language. However finns are bro tier.