A thread created for you, to answer all your questions....
Other urls found in this thread:
tell me all you know about the Bogpill
Just a quick rundown?
why do they wear the masks
ah yes the BOGpill
as you know BOG in Serbian means God and as you already know we Serbs are a Divine nation and it is this divinity that you call Bogpill
is it true that the guy on the HWNDU stream is the true reincarnation of Jesus?
Quick rundown?
you better ask the pope in person, i dont claim to hold such knowledge.
Earlier I was told by someone posting as "CIA" that I was "a big guy".
What did they mean by this?
Quick rundown on this tho?
I'm from Salon.com. Can you give me a quick rundown of your Nazi organizing against Shia's art? Why were you so intent on dividing us?
Is Third Rome Revanchism a thing among Russians who want to make Russia great again?
Did Richard Spencer personally order the attack in Quebec?
Olivia Nuzzi from the Daily Beast here. What does REEEEEEE mean?
on what my doubly friend
>out of africa is a myth"
>at the bottom
really boon-doggles the noggle-goggles....
Can you help me?
Will i ever get a girlfriend
yes, can we have a light briefing
Can you give us an outline on wha the Bogpill means?
sure, why not
so, if you take the bogpill you became a god? a serbian? a serbian god?
Are you Black or white?
God is a Serb
Who is the altright frog and what is his hitler endgame? Suicide in the bunker?
He's here
Who is this Four Chan?
>Why were you so intent on dividing us?
You mean your clickbait site is not a bastion of integrity and impartiality in journalism who only hire those who hold to the strictest standards of professionalism?
Yes although the shooter was actually jeff, who had finally "woken up", and it was lil' ted who armed him.
Author and creator of a blog that gets over 30 unique views a day, and my tumblr recieves more than 100 notes a day. Here's some questions:
Why are you a nazi?
Why do you hate islam?
Why are you sexist?
Why are you racist?
Why do you support trump?
ты любишь мaмy?
>Can you give me a quick rundown of your Nazi organizing against Shia's art?
Yes, in fact i can. Sup Forums was participating in this art-project, to encourage free-speech.Shia attacked a guy for saying "Pepe-Pepe!" in front of the camera. (SAD!)
Were not Nazis though, dont be fake-news.
No, but someone kept getting away, as always.
WHO is here? the BIDF?
do you have more Serbcore to listen?
What your opinion on Trump?
why is she so perfect Bongbogmummybro?
Different to say at that stage, but Putin will make Russia great again!
Yes, in fact i can.
Not when you ask stupid questions like this.
The Frogs endgame, is something we dont talk about to Normies.
wait im not bogbro
Goldenshowers video when? I already bet on it being released.
He's based and his victory was a big win against political correctness and globalism
you are posting in a Bog thread, you didnt realize this? every thread is a bog thread
You will marry a nice white Christian women in the future.
Hello FourChan
First of all, thank you for hosting this thread. I appreciate that you've made a place for questions as all my threads have been lost and do not receive much attention. Second, I'd like to ask you why you feel the need to hate on Muslims and Canadians?
oh wel okey
That is a noise a frog can made in a video, it is now associated with Pepe. It is holy for us. We give praise to Lord Kek by calling out REEEE
>Yes, in fact i can.
How do I ask a girl out?
You are the same faggot that literally scans every thread just to find any possible excuse to upload your 1TB album of her.
You are autistic beyond belief and this obsession goes well beyond any medication or therapy. I think you should seriously consider killing yourself.
Pic related: how I imagine you look, except more overweight and with a neckbeard.
How does someone from the media get to join the altright frog's frogposting altrightfrog cult? Do we have to display official merchandise? Markings on the skin? Certain colors? Should we wear an altright hitler frog t shirt in #1488 green?
Asking for a friend.
dont mek fun of my autism plz
btw im not fat and i shav
You can come to America. I'll trade you for a Muslim any day.
Sup Forums does not hate. we wish to spread the holy word of lord kek. whites are a minority here on Sup Forums
what did he mean by this
Adam here from the Daily Mail.
Tell me about this Forchang I keep hearing about, who is he and why does he keep hacking people?
gif related, classic joke
>First of all, thank you for hosting this thread.
You are most welcome.
>Second, I'd like to ask you why you feel the need to hate on Muslims and Canadians?
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Canadians have a certain notoriety for "Shitposting" so that led to the "LEAF" Meme. (google it :))
When it comes to muslims, i think, you will just have to stay for a certain time and look for yourself. I personally dont hate anybody, but there are a lot of people i wouldnt like to live with in a neighborhood.
How about you simply ask?
>How does someone from the media get to join the altright frog's frogposting altrightfrog cult?
We dont talk about Pepe with Normies, sorry.
You would have better chances become a freemason then get into this cult, though i wish you luck.
>How about you simply ask?
What was the official cause of death for Oleg Eronvinkin?
Where are the three men accused of planning the death of Razam Kadirov being held? what are their names?
Which city are you posting from?
What is your name, gender and age?
Are you a professional Russian Hacker?
How has Russia acted to benefit Mr. Trump during the american Elections?
Just ask her out, there isnt any special NLP-Phrase for that.
(shame on you, for wasting that get)
Nobody hacked anybody.
Pic shows what really happened.
Why does he wear the mask?
Soon Brother, soon.
If I took off the mask, would you die?
No, but it would be extremly painful...
Sup Forums is a board of peace. Besides, there's plenty of shitposting for the other nationalities and religions here. The board's name is politically incorrect, so anything inappropriate and political comes here. On the whole, the board probably leans against Islamism specifically, but remember this board is mostly political satire. Take very few things seriously here--you simply can't if you hope to learn anything about this place.
Gopnik, redneck, we are one in the same.
It's time to embrace a new era.
you're a big guy
Quick rundown?
I think you need the milkpill first.
CNN here, How will Trump ever recover?
Tell me about poopy, pee pee
>CNN here
It's hard, I'm ugly
When will the MoD admit to shooting down MH-17?
majority of Sup Forums is not rascist and supports racemixing and enjoys interracial porn
Ask the Ukranian MoD.