You will never get to experience the one on the left.
You will never get to experience the one on the left
I live in NYC though
mind blown
Your shitty Jewish ghetto in Brooklyn is not NYC
Just report the thread.
>You will never
>city shithole
>full of normies
>pleasantly unoccupied
>get a chair
I live in Manhattan; I spent all of last year in Paris
they're both the end result of hillary's policies. because nothing changed.
I'll take my snow capped mountains clean air and tight knit community of yokels and retards thanks
so you hate bernie now?
>get a chair
Yeah only rural and suburban retards voted for Bernie.
>rural and suburban people don't matter
Leftists truly are the new nazis.
i love this meme. perfectly ecapsulates how much liberals think like children. they see cities and go "pretty lights and colors oooh!" and completely ignore the horrible ecological, social, and industrial problems caused by cities.
"The mobs of great cities add just so much to support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body" -Thomas Jefferson
I admire your autism. I think we're up to 1700-1800 mentions of "rural and suburban retards" now.
>ecological, social, and industrial problems caused by cities
That's bullshit. City people's environmental footprint is much smaller not only because their population is much more concentrated than rural and suburban retards, but they also release much less CO2 per capita.
Fuck you.
fucking lol
Yah i love my 10 square ft apartment that cost $1million, who would like a country home only idiots like personal space
>home to "people"
Wait.... Trump is going to nuke the cities?
Goddammit thats more winning than I can take.
City people are proven to be more degenerate. Heavily populated cities cause degeneracy. This a fact
NYC is a shit hole. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near that degenerate hell on Earth on anymore.
City people are sensitive, miserable, rude, angry assholes who cannot comprehend enjoying the outside world
This just gave me a great idea thanks OP
Holy shit you are fucking dense. Stop posting retard.
80% of NYC is a total slum though and the other 20% is off limits to the regular population and used for movies/rich housing
>being this stupid
canadian education system everyone
hey leaf, notice how all those farms ARENT in cities? food doesnt walk to your local grocery store
>implying the reason we don't live in the right pic is because we are too stupid and we get nervous and anxious and vote for the wrong guy
First of all, New York had every chance to be like the pic on the right. It had liberal leadership, post-modern intellectuals as businessmen, Wall Street, and everything you want. And it's still shit. Maybe the people at the top live well, but on the ground is a jungle, with guns, Mexicans and Negros killing you in bus station, if you're a woman you can't walk safely and so on.
Second of all, the liberal dream died on 9/11. New Yorkers and other liberal cities with liberal population thought, just like you, OP, that they were on the path to Utopia. They thought the rural Murican rednecks and the rest of the uncivilized world can butcher each other like infantile animals if they choose to, but they, the liberals will progress to the stars. 9/11, whether it was brought upon by third-world terrorists or a dark government of neo-con fiundamentalist conspirators, was a wake-up slap on the face and a reminder that we're all in this together. New York won't be New York until th entire planet becomes New York.
So, in conclusion, OP, after you turn 18, you will realize life doesn't become better, but worse. I know your dad's an ignorant fool and your mom's an insane bitch, but you will be worse off without them.
Op is just trying to earn his daily "A FUCKING LEAF"
typical of such communists to shit on the kulak class, they'll kill you this time around
This is where "rural and suburban retards" live
>NYC is not NYC
huh. Leafposting is going to whole new levels it seems.
This is where the "city" people live
The guy who did this is retarded.
The numbers aren't supposed to add up to 100, each nutrient is measured individually relative to its recommended daily intake.
Enjoy them while they last you fucking faggots.
Cities can absolutely suck my fucking cock
That doesn't matter.
It's more efficient to deliver the food to 100 people who live in one building than to 100 people who live in 100 houses.
capitalists whine and have no testicles
ahhh yes the city
>wake up at 6am
>sit in traffic for 54minutes to get 10miles to work
>work till 5pm
>get out and head into traffic for 1hour15minutes
>sit at home a few minutes and eat
>go out and see a movie
>sit in traffic for 34minutes
>stand in line buying tickets for 49minutes
>pay $44.82 to see shitty movie and get a drink
>leave and sit in traffic for 23 minutes
Crush the urbanite fucking leaf, day of the rake when
Rural and suburban retard confirmed
twKKT Njwa tiy rgubjm gyg?
I learned my lesson after bush. And am preparing for the next recession.
like i give a fucking shit about newyawk you fucking faggot
fuck nyc i wish 9/11 was every year
fuck trudeau and fuck brown people
troll confirmed, nobody is this stupid.
oh wait, nu-males, right. eesh. remember when it was abnormal for a white man to be so stupid he couldnt understand basic supply chains?
I'll take the right thank you very much.
These cities may look "oh so shiny, ooh muh diversity!" But I don't like being in them. I live 2 hours from San Francisco, I won't go there.
Hell no I don't want a San Francisco quality of life, paying $2000 a month for a shitty apartment with shitty Pajeet neighbors cooking their curry. I don't want to work 50+ hours a week paying half my paycheck to rent and living paycheck tp paycheck. I don't want to spend my money on shitty fast food.
I'd rather live in the run-down house on the right, have my space, have some land to grow crops on, have some room for my dog and cat to run around. Oh, and its cheaper than the left too.
Lived 21 years of my life in a major US city
After that moved to small town
Literally nothing on planet earth could get me to move back to a large city. Every single one is a rotting shithole
How fun getting stabbed, raped and living in your studio apartment
Ill deal with having to mow my lawn every once and a while
>he doesn't enjoy rape
fucking pleb
Nu-York City is cancer, though.
t. live there
Agreed. Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. City people all voted for Hillary.
But I live in 10001 though
Can anyone give me a legit non meme reason to live in a city?
Am I really supposed to be enamored with cool bars and stupid shit like that?
>implying it is not the other way around
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
cities suck. Give me the burbs.
More opportunity to make the big bucks, that's about it.
I honestly can't stand cities that have a population of over about 500k, just way too much shit going and way too many fucking people everywhere.
Shut the fuck up Leaf, you didn't vote for shit.
whoa I can see my old apartment in this pic!
I would have loved to vote for Shit but he wasn't on the ballot.
>i wish 9/11 was every year
Good post.
Ya but shits so expensive. Hearing city people brag about how much money they make is listening to someone from Zimbabwe brag about being a millionaire. Like who cares you cant buy shit with that amount of money.
I mean I get that every 19yo kid thinks theyre going to be super rich and live in a penthouse. But youre not. Youre just gunna live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 5 people until youre 30. Then youre gunna get stabbed during a mugging and bleed out during the 28 min it takes for the police to respond.
I enjoyed being in Taipei and in a few European cities.
Cities suck here because there's too many niggers in pretty much all of them and I say that as an Asian. Most Asians prefer CA suburb chill living.
No thanks I don't want to be living with rat infested shitskins
What? I thought he won...
This. Hey you city fags, I'm going to walk outside and here nothing but the wind in the trees and my dogs barking at the coyotes. Enjoy your human hamster cage.
Depths, you mean.