BSA will now allow Transgender Boy Scouts
Oh, good. Can I get thin mints from boy scouts now?
When a scout who was older than me who I highly respected gave back his Eagle rank because they began officially allowing gays I thought he was going too far. Now, Grant, I know which of us was redpilled at the time.
transgendered 'boys' or 'transgendered' boys?
I assume it's applying to Venturing (a co-ed program) as well as Boy Scouts, since they're part of the same program, so both.
This makes me want to give back my Eagle too. I was willing to let it slide on the gay thing, but this is too far.
Like I posted in the other thread, BSA has gone radically downhill. I am glad I got out when I did. The percentage of scouts who make eagle went from 2% to 4% in roughly five years because they lowered their standards. Last year they made it so if you just raise $2000 dollars for anything it counts as an Eagle Project. This shit is ridiculous. We need Sup Forums scouts.
I'm glad I earned my eagle before this shit set in
Maybe if enough people do it they'll change. Back in the 70s they had such a radical drop in membership they had to entirely re-focus the program to what it was originally based around, outdoor skills and wholesome living.
What's wrong with that? Why would they discriminate against people with a mental illness? It's not the military, guys, it's just for fun.
Same. Year after I did it they started implementing a rule change that allowed you to just fundraise ans an Eagle project. That shit's retarded.
Coming soon: anal fisting badges
>camping trip
>"Hey guys, "John" has a vagina"
>fun times ensue
as an eagle scout I do not support this insanity
Tbh I'm surprised they let my project pass, all I did was set up a fire ring and a campsite number post in 10 campsites, and the beneficiary paid for everything. It was stupidly easy, and now I don't feel very proud about it.
fuck this planet
they're going after children. absolutely fucking demonic
slippery slope was never a myth.
my brother's got ripped up by the beneficiary within months of completion.
just tore out everything we worked on.
felt bad, man
they dont call them weblows for nothing
user, the Mormons have all become cuckservatives which has allowed (((them))) to exert more influence over scouting. Look at who's been involved in the top echelons of the organization in the last few years.
Doesn't the BSA have alot of sexual abuse cases and scouts experimenting during the camping and such?
What are they going to do when these girls legit start getting fucked during the all boy camping trips?
boy scouts more like goy scouts
>tfw your Eagle card has Bush's signature and not Obama's
The "boy" will end up raped/molested and will an hero, calling it now
At best, she'll be ostracized by the scouts and their parents. They want actual boys to be friends with, not creepy girls who cut their tits off.
So girls dressed as boys, don't care.
Venturing club's fine,
but Being a transgendered he/xie/hers in boyscouts is just looking for trouble
Boko no Pico
Me Gusta
If 'boys' I'm all for it.
Might as well just merge the boy scouts and the girls scouts into one organization
This shit's getting out of hand
This is disgrace. The Boy scouts of America is organization for ypung boys to become men and learn skills they will use for rest of their life. It is not a place for liberal virtue signaling.
more and more glad i was born in the 80s everyday.
As a former scout, I abandoned them forever when they let in fags, despite KNOWING that fags use scouting to prey on underage victims.
I remember when I did boy scouts. Those were probably some of the best years of my life, especially summer camp.
What a shame that troop comradery will be destroyed because everybody will have to dance around the fact that Sam was born Samantha. I hate what we've become.
Memberships are declining in the millions while other uncucked scout organizations rise.
I envy you. I only just got my Eagle 4 years ago. This shit is insane, and now that I'm in college it's even worse.
I'm so pissed. Please write a letter eagle scouts. I have no problem with tomboys but if they wanna be TOM THE BOY then it's a fucking problem. I'm writing the BSA office a letter tomorrow. Sent breitbart an email telling them to include the BSA offices address for eagle scouts that wanna complain. Fuck I am pissed. This is too far.
>Allow GIRLS to join
I don't have a major issue with this because it doesn't create additional problems. The main problem here is allowing children to act on being transgender in the first place, and allowing them in boy scouts f doesn't change that. Sexual perversion would be an issue if adults were involved, but they aren't.
My point is, don't bitch about this on Twitter, as it will only do harm to the cause.
oh goodie
atheist eagle scout
i give zero fucks. i will teach that kid the first aid merit badge
It's about damn time, but the damage has already been done. The BSA will have to do a lot more to shed their homophobic and transphobic reputation.
Good work weimar
lol give it back then, ya spineless bigot
hold on hold on... are you one of those people in the order of the arrow popularity contest?
So what? This will apply to a handful of people.
You think you had it easy... all I did was paint 6 park benches.
Looking back I wonder what the fuck was the point.
you seem to be under the impression that forcing transgender people to act like something their not isn't going to give them fucking brain damage
>could've been an eagle scout
>instead was one badge and the project away because i became an angsty linkin park teenager
All I did was make wheelchair accessible picnic tables. Like picnic tables without the benches, set a little higher, at a retirement home. Apparently they're still intact and well used almost a decade later. Those fire rings could prevent a forest fire dude. Be proud. If theres a fire ring they'll use it, instead of starting a fire in the middle of some leaves like most noob camper dipshits would do.
i can tell you as an eagle scout i couldn't care less.
maybe you should, you know, stop being a bigot and foster situations where kids get the fuck outdoors and spend some time in the sun while learning valuable life lessons like how to render first aid
don't worry, they still make them pledge and salute the flag just as hitler youth would have.
grow up.
>Sexual perversion would be an issue if adults were involved, but they aren't.
What makes you think they won't keep sliding and let in tranny adults? And then pedophile adults? Welcome to the slippery slope my friend, there's no leveling out.
>atheist eagle scout
Congratulations, you broke point 12 and probably lied to your Eagle board. You are what is wrong with the organization.
the fact that councils are pay to play is a bigger problem, shitlord
you sound triggered
>Saying the pledge and saluting the flag in boy scouts is the same as a heil hitler in the hitler youth.
You reek of Californian
So the boy scouts of america is bigotted eh? Do you really think that people with XY chromosomes can be boys? The GIRL scouts should defo be overhauled. BOY scouts is for BOYs libshit.
as an atheist eagle scout i think you should know i give zero fucks about your opinion.
the organization is supposed to be set up so the scouts make decisions. last i checked no one is giving scouts the ability to vote on this shit.
just get involved and teach them merit badges, whiner.
Fuck off degenerate
the paperwork straight up says you have to believe in god to be a good citizen.
i'm an atheist.
yes i think the organization is bigoted. literally the definition of discrimination
if it has a dick it's fine
none of these high pitch fag hair """""males""""" though
you butthurt, fascist?
>situations where kids get the fuck outdoors and spend some time in the sun while learning valuable life lessons like how to render first aid
And the organization is doing what it did in the 70s, abandoning that for stupid arts and tech shit and membership has been dropping for years. It's not like BSA is any good at teaching outdoors skills anymore anyway.
>the fact that councils are pay to play is a bigger problem, shitlord
>waahhhh dues exist
You can't run an entire council on a volunteer basis. Most parents are shitheads who want to get their kid eagle and get them out and wouldn't dream of doing what is essentially a whole other job to keep an organization they are basically using to live vicariously through their child afloat.
get angry.
if you think flag worship should be -mandatory-, get the fuck out of my country and go to north korea where you belong.
Ah okay then, thanks for the clarification.
words have meaning. how about that.
>everyone who disagrees with me is from volemorditt meme
Fucking pottery right here.
>I was willing to let it slide on the gay thing
You were wrong about that
Gays in Scouts was about blocking out anything heteronormative in society
While coincidentally allowing male pederasts access to victims on overnight trips
Remember gay behavior isn't genetic, it's taught from a young age
As an Eagle Scout, I am deeply upset by this. "Transgender" is just a phrase for mentally ill people who need professional medical help. Young kids labelled "transgender" are victims of domestic abuse from their parents and deserve to be taken from those people and put into the care of a stable, loving family.
>implying boy scouts wasnt already filled with faggots
i'm not talking about dues.
i'm saying the councils have people in them that give the most money. it's immoral
BSA is a fucking paramilitary organization based around faith and citizenship. Based on thinking it should tolerate your special snowflake bullshit tells me you weren't able to get that through your thick skull.
oh look, a bigot.
Ohhh Jew.
How about libshits pretend they don't have meaning when they lose and it's pretty clear you're at the I HATE AMERICA I HATE WHITE MALES level shit that doesn't warrant an actual response. I bet you're actually a fat (((girl))).
>complains about special snowflake
>can't tolerate atheism
you mad bro?
>we can't let you enter our special snowflake club!
>i'm saying the councils have people in them that give the most money. it's immoral
What the fuck are you even saying? Are you mad at the fact donors exist? Are you even remotely familiar with day to day council operations?
It's a private organization, they're allowed to do what they want. Go suck a lemon you cuck
>you mad bro
>you hate white males
>you're liberal
lol so that's a strawman argument
>don't allow people to join a private organization
> That Hijab represents the oppression of our fellow humans, not our freedoms!
*Liberal Crickets*
Trans ""man"" detected
You'll never be a real man, girlie. Get your lopped off tits out of here.
>i'm an atheist.
well they're not wrong, apparently. You're acting like an ass
>>can't tolerate atheism
No one should tolerate atheism. It's the gateway to all further degeneracy.
>>we can't let you enter our special snowflake club!
Yes, because unlike you you miserable heathen, we have principles to uphold and one of those is godliness.
funny, if it was a private organization, and they have a friendly corporations named bechtel that has a boy scout camp, you would think they'd be against bechtel getting corporate subsidies and war profiteering, huh?
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but the truth of the matter is that gender dysphoria is classified as a mental illness and that is essentially the whole "transgender" narrative. Grow up.
>freedom of association
>freedom to discriminate
same thing
>t. globalist cuck
Nobody said anything about flag worship you faggot. Go back to Antifa.
Not surprised they were fucking little boys anyways this just makes it easier on the eyes.
hijab is a personal thing. flags are representation of corrupt governments.
i'm a straight white male
you have not presented an argument
>funny, if it was a private organization, and they have a friendly corporations named bechtel that has a boy scout camp, you would think they'd be against bechtel getting corporate subsidies and war profiteering, huh?
>>freedom of association
>>freedom to discriminate
>same thing
You're not even making any fucking sense now.
Would your last name happen to be Thorpe?
>explaining how words have meaning is being an ass
sure thing.
>hijab is a personal thing
>If you remove your hajib you will be beaten, stoned, or killed
I've never heard of sharia law the post
your principles of bigotry. got it.
>Transgender boys
So that means they are girls transitioning into boys?
Oh sweet, sweet, boipucci
Yeah, the realistic answer is that BSA can't fight the courts on this so they're going to allow it but make life hell for anybody who doesn't fit in to the point where they'll kill themselves over it.
The reality of forcing diversity is that you're just forcing two groups together that don't want anything to do with each other and it'll show when nobody is watching. Even if BSA fully accepted them the kid never stood a chance because it's a tranny before it even hit puberty.