Anti-Trump Protesters in Ohio now blocking traffic. How much longer do they plan on doing this shit...

Anti-Trump Protesters in Ohio now blocking traffic. How much longer do they plan on doing this shit. Why don't the police tear gas them?

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Calmly drive up and say you need to go somewhere and ask them to move. If they refuse drive through them and we have a nice youtube video.

tuning in, in the hopes a suburu is in the area

Is this the stream where the cops just put on masks? Someone is getting sprayed osmewhere.

FuckING bear spray them. Faggots causing traffic jams

This. Someone run them over, please. K Thanks

What ever happened to the comfy nigs at nite threads?

Run them over. Fucks shouldn't be blocking roads. They deserve it.

>rent a truck
>run them over
>police can't do shit

>police are gearing up

happening incoming?

this is a board of peace al-achmed

>lose democratic vote
>chimp out

Why are we allowing these people to live again?

vertical video syndrome...
Somebody with a periscope account tell that faggot to turn his phone sideways.

Truck of peace when?

Uh why isn't there anyone to fuck these people up?

>police putting on gas masks


City police won't do anything to liberal protesters

apple cider vinegar deployed

Just drive over them you cucks.

isn't illegal to block the road?
isn't it legal to use the road the way it is intended to?
Truck driver would face no charges when he stops in front of the crowd and his truck is getting attacked after honking, after that he just needs to drive through them.

totally LEGAL in the USA

is casey neistadt there

It's too bad we haven't been having a harsher winter. Some good sub-zero snow storms probably would've kept these people out of the god damn streets.

Sure would be a shame if the sad lefties accidentally started posting a pic of the Boston bomber in hopes to "help" him, its time for another trick.

Ohio state troopers and officers are some of the baddest in the business, these libfags are gonna get rekt.

a second stream

these faggots screaming "fascists"

you fuckers haven't seen fascism, and trust me you dont want it

Where in Ohio is this OP?

they violated the nap
they had it coming


>trying to censor the university of johannesburg ad

How many of these faggots protesting have actually read the executive order instead of having it filtered into their facebook echo chamber?

Figures, there is not a more cucked city in this shit hole of a state

I'm always cranky when someone violates my nap. Run them over, the road must be clear.

crush any who would violate my nap time

acting like assholes and inconveniencing people... do they really think they'll change people's minds?

The cops need to pepper spray the protesters

If digits, let it be heard that KEK wills the protest move north toward 85% white Powell, OH. They need more cultural enrichment.



>The cops need to lead spray the protesters


>drive up to the crowd
>politely ask them to move
>watch as they chimp out
>try to provoke them
>wait until they try to bust open your car
>floor it and don't look back


this guy better be taken down soon



fuk i hope i get to watch this faggots head get broken open !!

He's asking to be shot, pulling all kinds of shit from his bag.


>nazi horn

do these people actually believe anything they say?

stupid niggurs

good. find an alternate route you lazy fucking nigger

masks coming out lol

muslims wouldnt take this shit, trudea has the right idea, let more refugees in


what is the guy on the stream carrying? some stick with a string attached

>>rent a truck
Because the cops would never figure that one out.

Can I get a cenus. Please Sup Forums

What stream is the majority here focused on and is it the one with the most possible chance of a chimpining?

Has anything worthy of note happen tonight?





I hate this faggot.

baiting cops with donut on a string


Because Trump is a fucking grifter. They see it, you don't.

Coincidentally, Cincinnati is now a sanctuary city. Kasich will do nothing since he's also a fucking neo con.

Plz plz enlighten us o wise one on his giftyness, and for my own amusement lets stick to facts

ooo snap neo con comb drops lol

Yeah the guy calling everything nazi and calling a siren a nazi horn is a very switched on guy. How could I be so blind.

That who I think it is?

tell me, why do they wear the masks?

>Why don't the police tear gas them?

Because they never will. We'll be trying to implement our civic nationalism until Trump is out of office. There never will come a point that we will be seeing anything but this. We wont draw the line and then have them where we want them. We wont do shit, just pussyfoot around until they are back in power and we are being cucked again like the good little boys we are. You need someone in Trumps position that has initiative. Someone who is not fearful because they are very serious and understand how fear works in their mind. Trump going back on his ban and saying its only for 90 days indicates a kind of submissive tendency we will see in more and more of in the future. Its us or them, nothing else.. Its either than or nothing but this drawn out horseshit weve gone through which just keeps getting worse and worse as the world is slowly turned into a 3rd world shithole until tyrants exhaust every commodity.

Sup Forums tards remind me of Count Chocula.
>very scary

top kek

They arent about being legal. They arent about love. Theyre about doing what they want like some kind of childish pre-schooler that has everything handed to them.

Black people are violent and have low I.Q.'s

Thank god this shit doesnt happen near me, how do normal people in the cities not run them over?

Normies have families and kids and shit and don't wanna go to jail

Wtf trump clean these disgusting degenerates from the streets


This is America bro, hope for a Hummer or a lifted truck

why do these niggers always have a random drum line?

We're glad you're scared. The majority of the nation is with us.

>how much longer do they plan on doing this shit

until enough of them get ran the fuck over

We need a TRUMP SCHUTZSTAFFEL !!!!!. Shiny black Uniforms,and large beisbol bats

>rent a truck
>police run the plates
>see its a rental
>go to rental store
>ask for paperwork of rented vehicle and a copy of surveillance tape
>they now have your name, address, card info, and picture


Can Trump issue a nation wide order to enforce police to shut down protestors?

guys, this happened 3 minutes from my school. art school fag here, it was a joy seeing them get BTFO. i had to go before i could watch any more. I might return this weekend with my steadicam vest and get some front line action shots if you guys want?

>used to live 15 minutes from that intersection

That's broad and high in downtown c-bus from the looks of it. Glad I moved.

Yes please

Whatever happened to sicking dogs on people?

huh funny

>be in one of my CS classes this afternoon
>we're brainstorming for team names
>blonde business school girl mentions "Obama's Army" like this is relevant at all
>later on talks about how she's going to the anti-Trump demonstration tonight

I guess this is what she was alluding to

Jesus Christ they have fully brainwashed these idiots

When will someone finally open fire on these faggots?

hopefully my gas mask filter will get here in time

run the fuck over*

>C State

No wonder. Bet you're from Reynoldsburg or some other shit place

Go home Nazi

i live in Ohio. Some parts are really nice, some parts bad. Columbus is alright, but its people are shit-tier in my experience. This doesn't really surprise me. Thankfully I live in the woods near a 90% white small town where almost every lawn still has a Trump sign in it.

is this truck dare i say

gun-owning rural and suburban retards don't live in cities


Just run them the fuck over.

CS can also stand for Computer Science.

I go to OSU and didn't hear shit about this.

Groveport-Canal master race faggot

What the fuck