"Irish are not White" "PotatoNigger"
Why is this a thing on this board? I'm pretty sure Irish people are Whiter than the fucking French. Plus, I'm pretty sure Ireland is one of The Whitest European nation states in 2017. Admit it, Ireland will be the White Mans last stand in Europe. You fucking cucks.
Irish are White
Irish didn't have a solid aristocracy so a lot of their people were shit tier, there was no garbage disposal via war for their lowest citizens. this doesn't matter now as europeans as a whole are uniting, but after europeans win the fact that so many Irish are liberal will have to be addressed.
we know the irish are white, its jewish shills and people being ironic here mostly, i hope
Fuck these divide and conquer tactics.
The Irish, Israelis and Italians are all white.
friends give each other shit. clean the fucking sand out off your vagina.
I don't hate the honest Irish. The only Irishmen I would hate are the ones murdering in Ulster.
fuck that leprechaun
nice try
to be fair he's like 6'4 tho
But Bill is a white American.
Not to mention the fact that even the British Empire during its Height was not able to defeat the Irish Man. Even when the Irish man was across the pond holding a pike naked while the English had Knights in full Armor, He still was not defeated. Admit it.
he's a big guy
Irish are white, thats not disputable
No one said they weren't White, unless they were mentally disturbed.
It's a meme from hundreds of years ago when Irish were excluded from the whites.
Ulster Protestants are the whitest people in Europe. Shitskins rarely try to settle there, and most of those that do are quickly convinced to move on.
Romanian Gypsies who tried to setyle in Ulster have been known to beg British authorities to help them return to Romania for fear the Ulstermen would kill them.
Well there is an element of truth in what they say. Irish people are genetically white of course but there is something not quite right about them. They have a disdain for order and authority, they are a listless people that never quite know how to fulfil their own destiny. They couldn't even leave the UK for more than a few decades before joining up with another union of sorts. The Irish are a renegade race of whites. They are like an Omega wolf that's no longer in the pack. They are a strong, resilient people but wild and without purpose.
Case and point. You think Ireland will be the white mans last stand in Europe? Think again. This place is overrun. Irishmen are being weakened at a rate not seen in other countries, by the time the fight back begins it will be too late. Maybe the west coast will survive longer, some of the islands perhaps but our culture, history and heritage is done for.
Welcome to Ireland. Pic related.
Well according to various hooks and sandniggers on this board it is.
It's an eternal Anglo divide and conquer meme
Jews playing white race divider.
There was a Gaelic aristocracy (see: flight of the earls) and when the Tudors came some were made Lords or whatever in the surrender and regrant. Ireland had a monarchy a thousand years ago. And Irelands history is full of battles and they're generally not leftie, Catholics are conservatives. You're full of shit.
the west british isles had close trading links with the Mediterraneans, red hair is a mixture of genes that cause light hair, and genes carried by indo-iranian peoples who moved into europe in the past 4000 years. Irish are not white, they are a mud race akin to spaghetti niggers.
Blame the eternal anglo for pretending only north/northwest germanic folk were white. Oh, what a coincidence- those are all the protestants! huh!
why would you post Bill o'Reilly, an anti white, anti 2nd amendment cuck, to make your point?
You live in Ireland and you talk down about your own people. You are part of the problem. Lift weights, Stop jacking off, Stop Playing Video games, Stop eating fast food or processed junk food, Learn to shoot and Fight, Speak out politically and you can turn it around. Or at least contribute to the un-cuckening of your nation. Keeping a Nation state pure with an identity does NOT start with the government, it starts with YOU. The man.
They aren't white, degenerate people just like niggers
>Colonial mulattos being the arbiter of white purity.
Top kek.
>give the country over to those who didn't fight for it
Ironic considering 200k Irishmen fought for the Union in the American civil war. America as we know it now wouldn't exist without Irish immigration. Decent film though.
The Most clean and productive people I've met are Irish. They dominate the Police force and Firefighters.
irish are the last bastion of white people
Irish are not white, degenerates.
England occupied Ireland many times.
Man I've seen countless Anglos that look exactly like how the Irishman is drawn there.
it's their behavior. it's not very...white. if you understand what I'm saying. if not, maybe I can give you a quick rundown?
Most Irish are massive drunks who couldnt switch to another crop. Plus with Irish terrorists they deserve to be whipped out.
You are so full of shit pal
They aren't terrorists. They are Men fighting to have a national identity. Which by the way is basically the manifestation of Sup Forums beliefs. Don't be hypocritical.
The problem here is that people on this board use different definitions of whiteness. Some talk about genetics only, but by this definition Southern Europeans, who contributed a lot, are not "white", and people bring up stupid stories about rapebabies, neglecting that those admixtures always existed (see roman pics). Some talk about behaviorally white people, but in this case all assimilated non-whites are whites.
But the classic definition of whiteness is: British Celtio-germanics + Saxons, Protestant (but not Lutheran) descendants of _northern tribes of Israel_ within Scottish Rite mythology.
Killing civilians isn't a way to do that, that's what niggers and sand niggers do. White's don't kill their own kind and if they do it's the people in power that deserve it, not the people.
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>soros bow to the bogs
>rockefellers bow to the bogs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Controls the British crown
>keeps the metric system down
>keeps Atlantis off the maps
>keeps the martians under wraps
>holds back the electric car
>keeps Steve Gutenberg a star
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies.
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
This is the final redpill. There is no endgame. We are stuck in a revolving door, and only the Bogdanovs have the way out. They have, in a way, truly reached nirvana while we are stuck in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
>Irish terrorists
Yes, Americans wouldn't know anything about killing Brits for independence from the crown.
They're white. They're just Celtic and not Germanic/Nordic.
Yes I live in Ireland. I was born here. I grew up here. I am vastly more qualified to talk about this subject than you are. Whatever tales Papa told you about the old country are shit. I have a unique perspective as a person of Anglo-Irish lineage.
I don't need to be schooled on being a good nationalist by an American untermensch. Any good strategist know when the game is up. Its done for Ireland. Game over, time to move on. It kills me inside know this every day. The rot has set in too deep. Irish people don't want to know about it. They will virtue signal themselves to extinction.
>Bill O'Reilly
t. southside Chicagoan born to Irish parents
Yeah, you're right. Americans definitely used car bombs when the revolution was happening and killed British families, not just soldiers. Nice analogy faggot but think better. We used the Irish for hard labor and were racist against them just like slaves, what do you expect retard. Paddy ain't white.
that rundown wasnt very quick, user
Yeah that's what reality smells like. You show me even a sliver of hope for Ireland?
For fucks sake even the nationalist party are for open borders, taking in thousands of refugees and gave their green light of approval to sharia councils being set up in Ireland.
16% irish reporting in, im white, i have brown hair brown eyes tho so idk what my judaism level is
Irish people are the only cool white people. They have a fun culture and they're really good when you have to brawl. Maybe Russians are cool too but I haven't met enough to know. The rest of the white people are gay, boring pussies
We've taken in less than a thousand thus far. Stop acting like things are going to shit because they're really not
How exactly did you calculate 16%?
Basically, who is white or not is decided in UGLE, and not by stormfags, poltards or leftists in the universities. And any attempt to deconstruct "whiteness" should happen as a controllable catastrophe.
Btw, in this system of thinking, Germans are not white, they are Assyrians, except Saxons, because of Saxo-Croburg-Gotha.
Try harder Kike you're too transparent
It's purely because there are a LOT of retarded leftist Irish drunks who post their nonsense after they've had a pint of whisky and are no longer of sound mind.
I genuinely like the Irish, but I swear, that nation sends the worst of it's faggotry to this board.
Living in a pretty rural area of Ireland, my village recently became home to 25 Muslim refugees, my main city where I go to college is overrun by Nigerian apes (2 in every 9 student are of African taint)
Ireland isn't what it was back in 2004
Urban areas like Dublin are 10x as bad. Ireland is on its way, being destroyed from the inside, the outside seems fine to everyone looking through the keyhole, but it's becoming Merkels utopia day by day
Europeans who moved there are. The native people of the area are not.
>Irish are liberal
We're still debating abortion in Ireland and you call us liberal?
Our constitution all prohibits it in all but a small number of cases.
>found the Irish American
Irish people are not white. They are backward, uneducated, trashy, and incompetent. The only good thing about Irish people is that their women can dye their hair blonde and be attractive porn sluts. Their men are redneck and blue collar retards.
>less than a thousand thus far
Less than a thousand Syrians.
Meanwhile, Nigerian economic migrants overrun the place.
"Irish Iberian"
This tries to link Galicia (Spain) to Ireland. Quite the leap considering Ireland's history with Scandinavia and Picts and Celts.
Kind of a desperate leap for Anglophile Eugenicists.
except when they're communists/homosexuals/crippled
t. Natsoc germany
Honestly paddies are annoying because of their inferiority complex being dominated by anglos for centuries.
They're also liberal as fuck, look at Massachusetts. Fuckers went like 90% hillary.
Yeah shove your head in the sand even further, Billy. Pretend like everything is grand sure.
it's just a label, you little fucking crybaby.
learn your place in the pecking order you sub-human faux-caucasoid.
aaand it's all clear now
>0.3% of the population
>overrun the place
theres 2 types of irish
annoying virtue signalers like -ira, tim tebow
solid work ethic responsible- bill oreilly
Dublin is 78% Irish. Can't stand this "it's not so bad bro!" attitude. It's complacency and only makes things worse than acknowledging the problems outright would.
They are the biggest cucks in the country. Supporters of Satan's synagogue, the papacy and defenders of Mexicans and other illegals
Not to mention the liberal brainimwashing that has gone on here, there have been (((anti Trump protests))) in my city along with commies parading around with refugees welcome signs
Our main news source comes from RTE which I can only describe as potato cnn. There's no rival network to really contest its bias so people just eat it up
Irish nationalism is dead, you get funny looks if you openly oppose any part of the globalist agenda even in rural areas and this isn't exaggeration
Hahahahaha, nigga you stupid.
Irish are fellow Iberians why do you think their hair curls like a Mediterranean?
Plus there cute and pudgy they can come to Spain so they don't have to deal with the Aryan eating anglos.
> 0.3%
That's excluding the anchor niggers that got in before the 27th amendment. The whole real motivation behind that referendum was to stop them arriving pregnant and shitting a live fetus onto Irish soil.
America has no history or culture. no identity.
This whole "white" identity was invented exactly so that anglos, germans, irish and all the other low lifes in america could feel like one group.
It's just a ruse by the kikes to cause whites to fight amongst themselves. Don't fall for that shit brothers
Lol dumbass
Wait, go back, what was that?
:] Iberian
I'm 33% Scottish, 33% Irish, 66% German, and 100% American.
Don't understand the math?
... You obviously don't understand Matrices. ...
>look at Massachusetts. Fuckers went like 90% hillary.
alternate hypothesis: the church and how it's ingrained and "enforced" in the culture makes them more susceptible to brainwashing.
See this is where the thick Paddy stereotype comes from.
>0.3% of the population
>overrun the place
You act like it nothing to worry about but every crumbling city and society in Europe started off with 0.1% of the population being X foreigner. Now look where they are. There is nothing being done in Ireland to prevent ourselves from experiencing the same problems as our neighbours in Britain and the continent.
In just 20 years the Muslim population of Ireland increased from 0.1% to 1% of the national population. That's going from less than 2000 to more than 70000 people and its ever increasing.
You act like its going to be a seismic shift but its not, its death by a thousand cuts. Ireland doesn't have the population to resist the demographic change at its present rate. Islam will be the dominant religion in Ireland by 2050. That is statistical fact.
No see
>racemixing is communism
Ironic how America was already "racemixing" as soon as there were multiple races in America and before Communism was even invented. Stupid meme is stupid. Stupid white Americans are stupid.
haha. not an argument. you know i'm right
>thinking Muslim immigration into Europe will continue after Brexit and Trump
Kek the EU already have a big bloody nose and they'll be lucky to still exist in 10 years if they keep on like this. 2017 La Pen, afd, Geert. They're finished.
Maybe. You guys have to red pill yourselves because right now Irish are very liberal.
Saying not an argument is not an argument.
Look at the pic bub, those different "white" ethnicities are clustered very closely together.